/* Functions for handling thread-specific data. */ //用于处理线程特定数据的函数。 /* Create a key value identifying a location in the thread-specific //identifying 识别 data area. Each thread maintains a distinct thread-specific data //maintains 维护 distinct 不同的 area. DESTR_FUNCTION, if non-NULL, is called with the value associated to that key when the key is destroyed. //associated to 关联 即__destr_function如果不是null,则被关联到key销毁的时刻 DESTR_FUNCTION is not called if the value associated is NULL when the key is destroyed. */ extern int pthread_key_create (pthread_key_t *__key, void (*__destr_function) (void *)) __THROW __nonnull ((1)); /* Destroy KEY. */ extern int pthread_key_delete (pthread_key_t __key) __THROW; /* Return current value of the thread-specific data slot identified by KEY. */ //slot 槽 这个理解好,把线程局部存储设施比喻为槽。 extern void *pthread_getspecific (pthread_key_t __key) __THROW; //注意这个返回值,使用时记得把void* 转换成指定的类型 /* Store POINTER in the thread-specific data slot identified by KEY. */ //往槽里存储数据 extern int pthread_setspecific (pthread_key_t __key, const void *__pointer) __THROW ;
#include <pthread.h> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std; static pthread_key_t pkt; //FILE* log_handle; void destroy(void *arg) { // sleep(10); fclose((FILE*)arg); // <1> } void write_log(const char* log) { FILE* log_handle = reinterpret_cast<FILE*> (pthread_getspecific(pkt)); //从槽中拿值 fprintf(log_handle, "%s ", log); } void* work(void *arg) { FILE *log_handle; char file_name[128] = ""; sprintf(file_name, "/home/ttsj/log/Thread%d.log", static_cast<int>(pthread_self())); cout << file_name << endl; log_handle = fopen(file_name, "w"); pthread_setspecific(pkt, reinterpret_cast<void*> (log_handle)); //向线程私有存储槽中存入值 write_log("Thread starting."); //work here... } int main() { vector<pthread_t> savepid; pthread_key_create(&pkt, destroy); //<2> int i; for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { savepid.push_back(i); } for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pthread_create(&savepid[i], NULL, work, NULL); //拉5个线程 } for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { cout << "join" << i << endl; pthread_join(savepid[i], NULL); } pthread_key_delete(pkt); sleep(10); return 0; }
#include <pthread.h> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <boost/checked_delete.hpp>
template <typename T> class ThreadLocal { public: typedef ThreadLocal<T>* pThreadLocal; //指向模板的指针,应该用typedef定义一个别名来使用 private: pthread_key_t pkey; private: static void destroy(void *x) { T *obj = static_cast <T*> (x); boost::checked_delete(obj); //保证可以调用对象的析构函数 } public: ThreadLocal() //这些操作都放进构造和析构,自动执行 { pthread_key_create(&pkey, destroy); } ~ThreadLocal() { pthread_key_delete(pkey); } T& value() //始终保证槽内只有一个T类型对象 { T* pThreadData = static_cast <T*> (pthread_getspecific(pkey)); if(pThreadData == NULL) { T* newData = new T(); pthread_setspecific(pkey, newData); pThreadData = newData; } return *pThreadData; } }; class base { private: int count = 4; public: void show() { count++; std::cout << count << std::endl; } }; void* work(void* args) { ThreadLocal<base>::pThreadLocal p = static_cast<ThreadLocal<base>::pThreadLocal>(args); //p指向线程局部存储设施 base &pb = p->value(); //如果槽内没有对象,则构造一个对象。始终保证槽内存在一个对象。 pb.show(); //使用槽内的对象 } int main() { std::vector<pthread_t> vec(2); ThreadLocal<base>::pThreadLocal p = new ThreadLocal<base>; //先构造一个ThreadLocal对象,此对象封装了线程局部存储设施。 for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) pthread_create(&vec[i], NULL, work, static_cast<void*>(p)); //拉两个线程,并把上述对象传递过去 for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) pthread_join(vec[i], NULL); delete p; }
输出结果为 5和5 。可见两个线程未互相影响,base对象是存放在各自线程局部存储槽内的
__thread string str; //error,不能调用对象的构造函数
__thread string *pStr = new string; //error,初始化必须用编译期常量
POD 类型(纯旧数据):C++ 中的此类非正式数据类型类别是指作为标量(参见基础类型部分)的类型或 POD 类。 POD 类没有不是 POD 的静态数据成员,没有用户定义的构造函数、用户定义的析构函数或用户定义的赋值运算符。 此外,POD 类无虚函数、基类、私有的或受保护的非静态数据成员。 POD 类型通常用于外部数据交换,例如与用 C 语言编写的模块(仅具有 POD 类型)进行的数据交换。
for(int i =0; i < 5; ++i) pthread_join(pid[i],NULL)
//curr.h class prev; class curr { public: void Delete(prev* p) { delete p; //此处删除,无法调用prev的析构函数,即prev没有被真正销毁。因为curr不知道prev的详细定义。编译器会给出警告,但不会报错。造成内存泄露 } }; // prev.h class prev { public: ~prev() { cout << "delete prev" << endl; }; int main() { curr obj; obj.Delete(new obj); }
这里应该可以使用boost的checked_delete(T *p) 进行检查。对不完全类的删除,都应该用这个去删除。当然最好直接用智能指针。贴一下cheched_delete的boost源码:
template<class T> inline void checked_delete(T * x) { // intentionally complex - simplification causes regressions typedef char type_must_be_complete[ sizeof(T)? 1: -1 ]; //如果是不完全类型,则[]内是-1,[-1]是不允许的 (void) sizeof(type_must_be_complete); delete x; } template<class T> inline void checked_array_delete(T * x) { typedef char type_must_be_complete[ sizeof(T)? 1: -1 ]; (void) sizeof(type_must_be_complete); delete [] x; } template<class T> struct checked_deleter { typedef void result_type; typedef T * argument_type; void operator()(T * x) const { // boost:: disables ADL boost::checked_delete(x); } }; template<class T> struct checked_array_deleter { typedef void result_type; typedef T * argument_type; void operator()(T * x) const { boost::checked_array_delete(x); } };
#include <boost/checked_delete.hpp> void Delete(prev *p) { boost::checked_delete(p); }