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  • LeetCode OJ:Search in Rotated Sorted Array(翻转排序数组的查找)

    Suppose a sorted array is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand.

    (i.e., 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 might become 4 5 6 7 0 1 2).

    You are given a target value to search. If found in the array return its index, otherwise return -1.

    You may assume no duplicate exists in the array.

    相当于将数组的后面一部折叠到数组的前面去了,本质上也是二分法,这里其实也是有规律可循的:首先要得到转折点,也就是其左边右边都比其大的那一点。给一个start以及一个end,如果nums[mid] > nums[start],那么说明从start到mid也一定是递增的,很容的知道pivot一定在mid+1到end之间,那么递归的去查找就可以了。nums[mid] < nums[start]可以同样的去分析,代码如下所示:

     1 class Solution {
     2 public:
     3     int search(vector<int>& nums, int target) {
     4         int pivot = getPivot(nums, 0, nums.size() - 1);
     5         int pos = bSearch(nums, 0, pivot - 1, target);
     6         if(pos != -1)
     7             return pos;
     8         return bSearch(nums, pivot, nums.size() - 1, target);
     9     }
    11     int getPivot(vector<int>&nums, int start, int end){
    12         if(start > end)
    13             return -1;
    14         int mid = start + (end - start)/2;
    15         if(nums[start] <= nums[mid]){
    16             int pos = getPivot(nums, mid + 1, end);
    17             if(pos == -1) return start;
    18             else
    19                 if(nums[pos] < nums[start])
    20                     return pos;
    21                 else
    22                     return start;
    23         }else{
    24             int pos = getPivot(nums, start, mid);
    25             if(pos == -1)
    26                 return mid;
    27             if(nums[pos] < nums[end])
    28                 return pos;
    29             else
    30                 return mid;
    31         }
    32     }
    34     int bSearch(vector<int>&nums, int start, int end, int target){
    35        int mid;
    36        while(start <= end){
    37            mid = (start+end)/2;
    38            if(nums[mid] > target){
    39                end = mid - 1;
    40            }else if(nums[mid] < target){
    41                start = mid + 1;
    42            }else{
    43                return mid;
    44            }
    45        } 
    46        return -1; //返回-1,表明在这一部分没有找到,可以在下一部分查找
    47     }
    48 };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/-wang-cheng/p/5106656.html
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