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  • MySQL(增删改查补充)

                create table tb12(
                    id int auto_increment primary key,
                    name varchar(32),
                    age int
                )engine=innodb default charset=utf8;
                insert into tb11(name,age) values('alex',12);
                insert into tb11(name,age) values('alex',12),('root',18);     #同时增加多条
                insert into tb12(name,age) select name,age from tb11;         #将tb11表整个插入tb12
                delete from tb12;
                delete from tb12 where id !=2  
                delete from tb12 where id =2  
                delete from tb12 where id > 2  
                delete from tb12 where id >=2  
                delete from tb12 where id >=2 or name='alex'
                update tb12 set name='alex' where id>12 and name='xx'      #条件
                update tb12 set name='alex',age=19 where id>12 and name='xx'
                select * from tb12;
                select id,name from tb12;
                select id,name from tb12 where id > 10 or name ='xxx';
                select id,name as cname from tb12 where id > 10 or name ='xxx';    #将name取别名显示
                select name,age,11 from tb12;  #第三列全为11
                    select * from tb12 where id != 1
                    select * from tb12 where id in (1,5,12);  # 1 or 5 or 12
                    select * from tb12 where id not in (1,5,12);
                    select * from tb12 where id in (select id from tb11)  #范围克重另一张表中选择
                    select * from tb12 where id between 5 and 12;  #闭区间
                    select * from tb12 where name like "a%" #以a开头的        %a以a结尾的
                    select * from tb12 where name like "a_" #a后边只有一个位置
                        select * from tb12 limit 10;    #分页显示
                        select * from tb12 limit 0,10;
                        select * from tb12 limit 10,10;
                        select * from tb12 limit 20,10;   #起始位置,和显示数量    从20个开始,往后显示10个                    
                        select * from tb12 limit 10 offset 20;

                        select * from tb12 order by id desc; 大到小
                        select * from tb12 order by id asc;  小到大
                         select * from tb12 order by age desc,id desc;
                        取后10条数据    id从大到小排后取前十个
                        select * from tb12 order by id desc limit 10;

                    左右连表: join
                    上下连表: union
                            # 自动去重
                            select id,name from tb1
                            select num,sname from tb2
                            # 不去重
                            select sid,sname from student
                            UNION ALL
                            select sid,sname from student

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/112358nizhipeng/p/9949765.html
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