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  • ThinkPHP分页查询功能实现


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/pretty/Public/Home/dist/css/paging.css"/>


    <input type="text" id="projectName" name="projectName" value="{$projectName}"/>
    <input type="button" value="项目查询" id="btnSearch" name="btnSearch"/>

    <div align="center" id="Page">

    <script type="text/javascript">
    $('#btnSearch').click(function() {
    var url = "{:U('/Home/Project/index')}";
    url = url.substring(0, url.length - 5);
    url = url + "/projectName/"+$('#projectName').val()+".html";
    location.href = url;



    public function index() {

    $userinfo = session("userinfo");
    $SHOP_ID = $userinfo[0]["shopid"];
    $COMPANY_ID = $userinfo[0]['companyid'];
    $USER_ID = $userinfo[0]['id'];
    $typeid = I("typeid");
    $projectName = I("projectName");
    $model = D("Home/ProjectType");

    if (!$typeid) {
    $typeMap['companyId'] = array('eq', $COMPANY_ID);
    $type = $model -> where($typeMap) -> find();
    $typeid = $type["id"];

    $map['companyId'] = array('eq', $COMPANY_ID);
    $typeList = $model -> where($map) -> select();
    $this -> assign('typeList', $typeList);

    $infoModel = D("Home/ProjectInfo");
    $infoMap['companyId'] = array('eq', $COMPANY_ID);
    $infoMap['typeId'] = array('eq', $typeid);

    if (empty($projectName) == FALSE) {
    $where['proName'] = array('LIKE', '%' . $projectName . '%');
    $where['projectNo'] = array('LIKE', '%' . $projectName . '%');
    $where['_logic'] = 'OR';
    $infoMap['_complex'] = $where;
    // $sql = $infoModel -> getLastSql();

    $totalRows = $infoModel -> where($infoMap) -> count();

    $page = getpage($totalRows, $listRows);
    $list = $infoModel -> field(true) -> where($infoMap) -> order('id') -> limit($page -> firstRow . ',' . $page -> listRows) -> select();
    $this -> assign('projectName', $projectName);//传值
    $this -> assign('infoList', $list);// 赋值数据集
    $show = $page -> show();// 分页显示输出

    $this -> assign('page', $show);// 赋值分页输出

    $this -> assign('typeid', $typeid);

    $this -> assign('navActive', "index");

    $this -> display();


    function.php   公共方法分页显示调用

    function getpage($count, $listRows) {
    $p = new ThinkPage($count, $listRows=2);
    $p->setConfig('header', '<li class="rows">共<b>%TOTAL_ROW%</b>条记录&nbsp;第<b>%NOW_PAGE%</b>页/共<b>%TOTAL_PAGE%</b>页</li>');
    $p->setConfig('first', '首页');
    $p->setConfig('prev', '上一页');
    $p->setConfig('next', '下一页');
    $p->setConfig('last', '末页');
    $p->setConfig('theme', '%FIRST%%UP_PAGE%%LINK_PAGE%%DOWN_PAGE%%END%%HEADER%');
    $p->lastSuffix = false;//最后一页不显示为总页数
    return $p;


    分页类 Page.class.php

    namespace Think;

    class Page{
    public $firstRow; // 起始行数
    public $listRows; // 列表每页显示行数
    public $parameter; // 分页跳转时要带的参数
    public $totalRows; // 总行数
    public $totalPages; // 分页总页面数
    public $rollPage = 11;// 分页栏每页显示的页数
    public $lastSuffix = true; // 最后一页是否显示总页数

    private $p = 'p'; //分页参数名
    private $url = ''; //当前链接URL
    private $nowPage = 1;

    // 分页显示定制
    private $config = array(
    'header' => '<span class="rows">共 %TOTAL_ROW% 条记录</span>',
    'prev' => '<<',
    'next' => '>>',
    'first' => '1...',
    'last' => '...%TOTAL_PAGE%',
    'theme' => '%FIRST% %UP_PAGE% %LINK_PAGE% %DOWN_PAGE% %END%',

    * 架构函数
    * @param array $totalRows 总的记录数
    * @param array $listRows 每页显示记录数
    * @param array $parameter 分页跳转的参数
    public function __construct($totalRows, $listRows, $parameter = array()) {
    C('VAR_PAGE') && $this->p = C('VAR_PAGE'); //设置分页参数名称
    /* 基础设置 */
    $this->totalRows = $totalRows; //设置总记录数
    $this->listRows = $listRows; //设置每页显示行数
    $this->parameter = empty($parameter) ? $_GET : $parameter;
    $this->nowPage = empty($_GET[$this->p]) ? 1 : intval($_GET[$this->p]);
    $this->firstRow = $this->listRows * ($this->nowPage - 1);

    * 定制分页链接设置
    * @param string $name 设置名称
    * @param string $value 设置值
    public function setConfig($name,$value) {
    if(isset($this->config[$name])) {
    $this->config[$name] = $value;

    * 生成链接URL
    * @param integer $page 页码
    * @return string
    private function url($page){
    return str_replace(urlencode('[PAGE]'), $page, $this->url);

    * 组装分页链接
    * @return string
    public function show() {
    if(0 == $this->totalRows) return '';

    /* 生成URL */
    $this->parameter[$this->p] = '[PAGE]';
    $this->url = U(ACTION_NAME, $this->parameter);
    /* 计算分页信息 */
    $this->totalPages = ceil($this->totalRows / $this->listRows); //总页数
    if(!empty($this->totalPages) && $this->nowPage > $this->totalPages) {
    $this->nowPage = $this->totalPages;

    /* 计算分页零时变量 */
    $now_cool_page = $this->rollPage/2;
    $now_cool_page_ceil = ceil($now_cool_page);
    $this->lastSuffix && $this->config['last'] = $this->totalPages;

    $up_row = $this->nowPage - 1;
    $up_page = $up_row > 0 ? '<a class="prev" href="' . $this->url($up_row) . '">' . $this->config['prev'] . '</a>' : '';

    $down_row = $this->nowPage + 1;
    $down_page = ($down_row <= $this->totalPages) ? '<a class="next" href="' . $this->url($down_row) . '">' . $this->config['next'] . '</a>' : '';

    $the_first = '';
    if($this->totalPages > $this->rollPage && ($this->nowPage - $now_cool_page) >= 1){
    $the_first = '<a class="first" href="' . $this->url(1) . '">' . $this->config['first'] . '</a>';

    $the_end = '';
    if($this->totalPages > $this->rollPage && ($this->nowPage + $now_cool_page) < $this->totalPages){
    $the_end = '<a class="end" href="' . $this->url($this->totalPages) . '">' . $this->config['last'] . '</a>';

    $link_page = "";
    for($i = 1; $i <= $this->rollPage; $i++){
    if(($this->nowPage - $now_cool_page) <= 0 ){
    $page = $i;
    }elseif(($this->nowPage + $now_cool_page - 1) >= $this->totalPages){
    $page = $this->totalPages - $this->rollPage + $i;
    $page = $this->nowPage - $now_cool_page_ceil + $i;
    if($page > 0 && $page != $this->nowPage){

    if($page <= $this->totalPages){
    $link_page .= '<a class="num" href="' . $this->url($page) . '">' . $page . '</a>';
    if($page > 0 && $this->totalPages != 1){
    $link_page .= '<span class="current">' . $page . '</span>';

    $page_str = str_replace(
    array('%HEADER%', '%NOW_PAGE%', '%UP_PAGE%', '%DOWN_PAGE%', '%FIRST%', '%LINK_PAGE%', '%END%', '%TOTAL_ROW%', '%TOTAL_PAGE%'),
    array($this->config['header'], $this->nowPage, $up_page, $down_page, $the_first, $link_page, $the_end, $this->totalRows, $this->totalPages),
    return "<div>{$page_str}</div>";

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/1234cjq/p/5613895.html
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