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  • 广度优先搜索


    using namespace std;
    #define Inf 65535
    #define NotAVerter -1
    typedef struct EdgeNode *position;
    typedef struct Led_table* Table;
    struct EdgeNode     //边表结点 
    	int adjvex;    // 邻接点域,存储该顶点对应的下标 
    	int weight;     // 对应边的权值,在无权图中可以不使用
    	int color;    //此标志表示对应的节点是否已经搜索到,0为白色,1为灰色,2为黑色
    	int dis;     //此数据记录从源点到该节点的最短距离
    	int precursor;  //此数据记录该节点在广度优先树种的前驱节点
    	position next; // 链域,指向下一个邻接点
    struct Led_table       // 邻接表结构 
    	int data;                //邻接表的大小
    	position *firstedge;       //边表头指针,可以理解为数组
    Table Creat_Lable(int MaxElements)    //MaxElements参数为希望创建的节点数
    	Table table1 = static_cast<Table> (malloc(sizeof(struct Led_table)));
    	table1->data = MaxElements;
    	if (table1 == NULL)
    		cout << "out of space!!!";
    	table1->firstedge = static_cast<position*>(malloc(sizeof(position)*(table1->data)));
    	if (table1->firstedge == NULL)
    		cout << "out of space!!!";
    	for (int i = 0; i <= table1->data - 1; ++i)
    		table1->firstedge[i] = static_cast<position>(malloc(sizeof(EdgeNode)));   //申请一个节点
    		if (table1->firstedge[i] == NULL)
    			cout << "out of space!!!";
    		table1->firstedge[i]->adjvex = 0;   //表头这个参数没有意义
    		table1->firstedge[i]->weight = 0;   //表头这个参数没有意义
    		table1->firstedge[i]->color = 0;    
    		table1->firstedge[i]->dis = Inf;     
    		table1->firstedge[i]->precursor = NotAVerter;   
    		table1->firstedge[i]->next = NULL;
    	return table1;
    void Insert(Table table1, int v, int w, int weig)   //表示存在一条边为<v,w>
    	position p = static_cast<position>(malloc(sizeof(EdgeNode)));   //申请一个节点
    	if (p == NULL)
    		cout << "out of space!!!";
    	p->adjvex = w;
    	p->weight = weig;    //对于无权图来说,该域可以设置为1
    	p->color = 0;    //对于普通节点来说无意义
    	p->dis = Inf;    //对于普通节点来说无意义
    	p->precursor = NotAVerter;  //对于普通节点来说无意义
    	p->next = table1->firstedge[v]->next;
    	table1->firstedge[v]->next = p;
    	position q = static_cast<position>(malloc(sizeof(EdgeNode)));   //申请一个节点
    	if (q == NULL)
    		cout << "out of space!!!";
    	q->adjvex = v;
    	q->weight = weig;    //对于无权图来说,该域可以设置为1
    	q->color = 0;    //对于普通节点来说无意义
    	q->dis = Inf;    //对于普通节点来说无意义
    	q->precursor = NotAVerter;  //对于普通节点来说无意义
    	q->next = table1->firstedge[w]->next;
    	table1->firstedge[w]->next = q;
    void init_yuandian(Table table1,int s)  //把s设置为图的源点
    	table1->firstedge[s]->adjvex = 0;   
    	table1->firstedge[s]->weight = 0;   
    	table1->firstedge[s]->color = 1;    //设置为灰色
    	table1->firstedge[s]->dis = 0;
    	table1->firstedge[s]->precursor = NotAVerter;
    //	table1->firstedge[s]->next = NULL;
    void guangduyouxian(Table table_1, int s)
    	queue<int> Q;
    	while (!Q.empty())
    		int u = Q.front();   //返回第一个元素
    		Q.pop();   //删除第一个元素
    		position p = table_1->firstedge[u]->next;
    		while (p != NULL)
    			if (table_1->firstedge[p->adjvex]->color == 0)
    				table_1->firstedge[p->adjvex]->color = 1;
    				table_1->firstedge[p->adjvex]->dis = table_1->firstedge[u]->dis + 1;
    				table_1->firstedge[p->adjvex]->precursor = u;
    			p = p->next;
    		table_1->firstedge[u]->color = 2;
    int main()
    	Table table_1 = Creat_Lable(8);    //创建一个大小为8的邻接表
    	Insert(table_1, 1, 2, 1); 
    	Insert(table_1, 2, 0, 1); 
    	Insert(table_1, 0, 3, 1);
    	Insert(table_1, 3, 5, 1); Insert(table_1, 3, 4, 1); 
    	Insert(table_1, 4, 5, 1); Insert(table_1, 4, 6, 1); Insert(table_1, 4, 7, 1);
    	Insert(table_1, 5, 6, 1); Insert(table_1, 5, 7, 1);
    	init_yuandian(table_1, 0);  //把0设置为图的源点
    	guangduyouxian(table_1, 0);
    	cout << table_1->firstedge[7]->dis << endl;
    	return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/1242118789lr/p/7587393.html
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