# 案例0004针对form表单
class Task(models.Model):
_name = "project.task"
_description = "对于项目中的阶段步骤用many2one字段来展示:一般步骤上selection型字段展示"
def _get_default_stage_id(self):
""" Gives default stage_id 该任务获取默认的阶段"""
project_id = self.env.context.get('default_project_id')
if not project_id:
return False
return self.stage_find(project_id, [('fold', '=', False)])
def _read_group_stage_ids(self, stages, domain, order):
"""group_expand 更改字段分组行为"""
search_domain = [('id', 'in', stages.ids)]
if 'default_project_id' in self.env.context:
search_domain = ['|', ('project_ids', '=', self.env.context['default_project_id'])] + search_domain
stage_ids = stages._search(search_domain, order=order, access_rights_uid=SUPERUSER_ID)
return stages.browse(stage_ids)
stage_id = fields.Many2one('project.task.type', string='Stage', ondelete='restrict', track_visibility='onchange',
index=True,default=_get_default_stage_id, group_expand='_read_group_stage_ids',domain="[('project_ids', '=', project_id)]", copy=False)
def stage_find(self, section_id, domain=[], order='sequence'):
""" Override of the base.stage method
Parameter of the stage search taken from the lead:
- section_id: if set, stages must belong to this section or
be a default stage; if not set, stages must be default
# collect all section_ids :搜索所有的阶段的值
section_ids = []
if section_id:
search_domain = []
if section_ids:
search_domain = [('|')] * (len(section_ids) - 1)
for section_id in section_ids:
search_domain.append(('project_ids', '=', section_id))
search_domain += list(domain)
# perform search, return the first found
return self.env['project.task.type'].search(search_domain, order=order, limit=1).id
前端用挂件来展示:widget = "statusbar" 阶段可编辑属性值:options = "{'clickable': '1'}"
#xml中展示:< field name = "stage_id" widget = "statusbar" options = "{'clickable': '1', 'fold_field': 'fold'}" / >
#xml中继承视图中添加button: <xpath expr="//header" position="inside">
# <button name="btn_next_stage" string="next step" type="action" class="oe_highlight oe_read_only"/>
# <button name="btn_last_stage" string="last step" type="action" class="oe_highlight oe_read_only"/>
# </xpath>