mkinitrd -o initrd.img- /lib/modules/
./configure --with-ksource=/usr/src/linux && make && make install
LocalDomain:/usr/src/linux# sh /var/rules
Setuping local settings...
Reconfiguring kernel parameters...
Loading kernel modules ...
FATAL: Module ipt_conntrack not found.
FATAL: Module ipt_connlimit not found.
Flushing Tables ...
iptables v1.4.1.1: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
iptables v1.4.1.1: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
iptables v1.4.1.1: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
iptables v1.4.1.1: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
iptables v1.4.1.1: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)
Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
/var/rules: line 134: /etc/init.d/monitorix: No such file or directory