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    using namespace std;
    const int N = 200010;
    const double eps = 1e-8;
    struct query {
        int x, opt;
    } q[N];
    struct data {
        double x, y; int cut;
    } a[N];
    int m, Q, len;
    double ans[N];
    double ans1, n;
    namespace splaytree
        int root;
        int child[N][2], fa[N];
        void zig(int x)
            int y = fa[x]; 
            fa[x] = fa[y]; child[fa[x]][child[fa[x]][1] == y] = x;
            child[y][0] = child[x][1]; fa[child[x][1]] = y;
            fa[y] = x; child[x][1] = y;
        void zag(int x)
            int y = fa[x]; 
            fa[x] = fa[y]; child[fa[x]][child[fa[x]][1] == y] = x;
            child[y][1] = child[x][0]; fa[child[x][0]] = y;
            fa[y] = x; child[x][0] = y;
        void splay(int x, int t)
            while(fa[x] != t)
                int y = fa[x], z = fa[y];
                if(z == t) 
                    child[y][0] == x ? zig(x) : zag(x); break;
    //            child[y][0] == x ? zig(x) : zag(x);
    //            child[z][0] == x ? zig(x) : zag(x);
                else if(y == child[z][0] && x == child[y][0]) { zig(y); zig(x); }
                  else if(y == child[z][1] && x == child[y][1]) { zag(y); zag(x); }
                   else if(y == child[z][0] && x == child[y][1]) { zag(x); zig(x); }
                else if(y == child[z][1] && x == child[y][0]) { zig(x); zag(x); }
            if(!t) root = x;
        void add(data t, int k)
            if(!root) { root = k; return; }
            int now = root;
                if(!child[now][t.x > a[now].x]) 
                    fa[k] = now; child[now][t.x > a[now].x] = k;
                    splay(k, 0); return;
                now = child[now][t.x > a[now].x];
        void del(int x)
            splay(x, 0);
            if(child[x][0] * child[x][1] == 0) 
                root = child[x][0] + child[x][1];
                fa[root] = fa[x] = child[x][0] = child[x][1] = 0; return; 
            int now = child[x][1]; 
            while(child[now][0]) now = child[now][0];
            fa[child[x][0]] = now; child[now][0] = child[x][0]; 
            root = child[x][1]; fa[root] = fa[x] = child[x][0] = child[x][1] = 0;
            splay(now, 0);
        int Pre(int x)
            splay(x, 0);
            x = child[x][0];
            if(!x) return 0;
            while(child[x][1]) x = child[x][1];
            return x;
        int Next(int x)
            splay(x, 0); 
            x = child[x][1];
            if(!x) return 0;
            while(child[x][0]) x = child[x][0]; 
            return x;
        double slope(int x, int y)
            return (a[y].y - a[x].y) / (a[y].x - a[x].x);
        double sqr(double x)
            return x * x;
        double dis(int x, int y) 
            if(!x || !y) return 0;
            return sqrt(sqr(a[x].x - a[y].x) + sqr(a[x].y - a[y].y));
        void insert(data t, int x)
            add(t, x); 
            int pre = Pre(x), nxt = Next(x); 
            ans1 += dis(x, pre) + dis(x, nxt) - dis(nxt, pre);
            if(!pre || !nxt) return;
            splay(pre, x); splay(nxt, x);
            if(slope(pre, x) - slope(x, nxt) <= eps) { ans1 -= dis(x, pre) + dis(x, nxt) - dis(pre, nxt); del(x); return; }
            int ppre = Pre(pre), nnxt = Next(nxt);
            while(ppre && slope(x, pre) - slope(pre, ppre) >= eps)  
                ans1 -= dis(pre, x) + dis(pre, ppre) - dis(x, ppre);
                del(pre); pre = ppre; ppre = Pre(pre); 
            while(nnxt && slope(x, nxt) - slope(nxt, nnxt) <= eps)  
                ans1 -= dis(nxt, x) + dis(nxt, nnxt) - dis(x, nnxt);
                del(nxt); nxt = nnxt; nnxt = Next(nxt); 
    } using namespace splaytree;
    int main()
    //    freopen("defense1.in", "r", stdin);
    //    freopen("defense.out", "w", stdout);
        scanf("%lf%lf%lf%d", &n, &a[2].x, &a[2].y, &m); m += 3;
        a[3].x = n; a[3].y = 0;
        for(int i = 4; i <= m; ++i) scanf("%lf%lf", &a[i].x, &a[i].y);
        scanf("%d", &Q);
        for(int i = 1; i <= Q; ++i) 
            scanf("%d", &q[i].opt);
            if(q[i].opt == 1) 
                scanf("%d", &q[i].x);
                a[q[i].x + 3].cut = 1;
        len = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) if(!a[i].cut) insert(a[i], i);
        for(int i = Q; i; --i) 
            if(q[i].opt == 1) insert(a[q[i].x + 3], q[i].x + 3);
            else if(q[i].opt == 2) ans[++len] = ans1;
        for(int i = len; i; --i) printf("%.2f
    ", ans[i]);    
    //    fclose(stdin); fclose(stdout);
        return 0;
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/19992147orz/p/6884333.html
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