<span class="tool-measureArea" id="area"><span>测面</span></span><span class="tool-measuredistance" id="distance"><span>测距</span></span>
<span class="tool-clear" id="clear"><span>清除</span></span>
import Measurement from "@arcgis/core/widgets/Measurement";
// 添加距离、面积、清除功能*************************************************************************** // Set the activeView to the 2D MapView let activeView = mapView; // Create new instance of the Measurement widget const measurement = new Measurement(); // Set-up event handlers for buttons and click events const distanceButton = document.getElementById("distance"); const areaButton = document.getElementById("area"); const clearButton = document.getElementById("clear"); distanceButton.addEventListener("click", function () { distanceMeasurement(); }); areaButton.addEventListener("click", function () { areaMeasurement(); }); clearButton.addEventListener("click", function () { clearMeasurements(); }); // Call the loadView() function for the initial view loadView(); // The loadView() function to define the view for the widgets and div function loadView() { activeView.set({ container: "map", }); // Add the appropriate measurement UI to the bottom-right when activated // activeView.ui.add(measurement, "bottom-right"); // Add the legend to the bottom left // activeView.ui.add(legend, "bottom-left"); // Set the views for the widgets measurement.view = activeView; } // Call the appropriate DistanceMeasurement2D or DirectLineMeasurement3D 距离测量工具 function distanceMeasurement() { const type = activeView.type; measurement.activeTool = "distance"; distanceButton.classList.add("active"); areaButton.classList.remove("active"); } // Call the appropriate AreaMeasurement2D or AreaMeasurement3D 面积测量工具 function areaMeasurement() { measurement.activeTool = "area"; distanceButton.classList.remove("active"); areaButton.classList.add("active"); } // Clears all measurements 清除所有测量结果 function clearMeasurements() {