mike11gis融合了河流数值模拟和地理信息系统(GIS)的技术。它是作为一个在著名的和已建立的ArcView GIS中完全集成的接口开发的。
The MIKE 11 GIS is developed by DHI in ArcView as an interface for the general hydraulic modelling system MIKE 11. The system is used for schematisation of the flood plains, as a basis for the model simulations, and for the post-processing of results to produce flood maps etc.
MIKE 11GIS由DHI在ArcView中开发,作为通用液压建模系统MIKE 11的接口。该系统用于洪泛平原的规划,作为模型模拟的基础,并用于结果的后处理以生成洪水图等。
MIKE 11 GIS is a pre- and post-processing module for MIKE 11. As an extension to ESRI ArcMAP 10.1 version and requires that ArcGIS is pre-installed. It assist setting up network, cross sectional and boundary files for MIKE 11 models, and can be used to present time series results and flood maps from MIKE 11 simulations. It also includes non point and point pollutant load estimation tools for MIKE 11 WQ simulations. A comprehensive time series data management capability is included.
mike11gis是mike11的预处理和后处理模块。作为ESRI ArcMap10.1版本的扩展,需要预先安装ArcGIS。它有助于为mike11模型建立网络、横截面和边界文件,并可用于显示mike11模拟的时间序列结果和洪水图。它还包括用于mike11wq模拟的非点和点污染物负荷估计工具。包括全面的时间序列数据管理功能。
Fixed issues 2012 Service Pack 3:
Please note that the service packs are accumulative, i.e. corrections and fixes released with a previous service pack are included in the newest service pack as well.
- In rare cases the license system consumes a large amount of memory
- Branch connections problem in MIKE 11 Network file. If a network file was imported to MIKE 11 GIS and the network after editions was exported back into a network file, the branch connections in the exported file could be wrongly defined in some cases.

http://doc.xuehai.net/b34b8b3faecd6729ce44c839c-2.html http://doc.xuehai.net/b5cb2ff9233058500970cd5b8.html
Simulation Editor
The simulation editor is the main editor in MIKE 11 and the corresponding file should always be the first file that is created when initiating a new project.
simulation editor是MIKE 11中的主编辑器,相应的文件应该始终是启动新项目时创建的第一个文件。
The editor has 5 tabs:
The following abbreviations of module names are used:
HD: Hydrodynamic流体力学
AD: Advection-Dispersion平流弥散
ST: Sediment Transport泥沙输移
ECO Lab: (Including Water Quality modelling etc.)生态实验室:(包括水质模型等)
RR: Rainfall-Runoff降雨径流
FF: Flood Forecast洪水预报
DA: Data assimilation数据同化
Ice: River Ice modelling河冰模型
Some of the model that can be selected are dependent on other modules in a simulation and it is therefore required to have more modules selected. This rule for model-dependency is implemented such that once a model is selected there will be an automatic selection of eventual dependent models (e.g. Selection of FF-model selects HD-model also, Selection of ECOLab selects AD-model also etc.).
The RR module can be selected to run together with the HD model or on its own, in which case the runoff result file can be specified as input into a subsequent run of the HD module.
When selecting a hydrodynamic model an additional tick box entitled Encroachment becomes active. When selecting the latter all other tick boxes become inactive since the encroachment module is only designed to function in conjunction with the hydrodynamic module. Further when carrying out an encroachment simulation please ensure that the simulation mode is set to Quasi steady. If the latter is not the case the program will issue a warning and terminate.
Water Quality modelling takes place through the ECO Lab model entry where a variety of Water Quality models can be selected from so-called ECO Lab templates.
The River Ice Model as listed above is the result of a development project and the module is not yet completed and publicly available as a standard module. Please consult DHI for the current state if you have interest in modelling river ice formation etc.
Simulation Mode
The HD calculations are based on hydrodynamic flow conditions.
Quasi steady
At every time step the calculations are based on steady flow conditions.
If a quasi two dimensional steady state solver with vegetation is installeda total of four possible settings are available:
- QSS default: The classic MIKE 11 steady state solver is used.
- QSS with vegetation: The quasi two dimensional steady state solver with vegetation is used for the simulation.
- QSS with energy equation: A submodule of the quasi two dimensional steady state solver with vegetation. The energy equation is used for obtaining the water level in the network.
- QSS with Ida's method: A submodule of the quasi two dimensional steady state solver with vegetation. An approximate solution of the governing equation (Ida's method) is used for obtaining the water level in the network.
Based on the model selection from the Models Property Page a number of file name fields becomes active, and the user is required to specify a range of input file names.
This button opens a file selection box.此按钮打开文件选择框。
This button opens the relevant editor if a valid filming of the given file-type has been specified in the filming field.
Note that files required for the simulation are indicated by the active fields on the page. Two exceptions exists though; the fields for the result files.
It is important to notice, that files specified in the Models
page are all input files for a simulation, so the result-file name fields are
Not to be interpreted as being result file names for the simulation. Instead,
these result-files indicate an input to the simulation as described below.
A hydrodynamic result file (HD Results) is required if:
- a stand alone Advection-Dispersion/Sediment transport simulation is to be carried out where hydrodynamic conditions/results are read from results of a previous HD-simulation,
- if lateral sources from a previous MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 coupled model run are to be included in a hydrodynamic simulation (lateral inflow from a MIKE SHE simulation requires an additional activation of the parameter; `LATERAL_INFLOW_FROM_RESULT_FILE' in the MIKE11.ini file).
A Rainfall Runoff result file (RR Results) is only required if the hydrodynamic and rainfall models are executed separated from each other.

Simulation Period
Time step type
Time stepping type is specified as either: Fixed time step, Tabulated time step or Adaptive time step. In case of fixed time step, the time step is specified in the time step edit field as a number and the unit is given in the unit selection list.
In case the time stepping type is specified as `Tabulated', the time steps are specified by activating the settings button and selecting a time series from a time series file (dsf0) with Item-type defined as `TimeStep' in the dialog presented in Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2•Dialog for specification of the tabulated time step time series file.
The settings for time step adaptation is similarly specified in a menu activated by the Settings button. The menu is presented as Figure 1.3.
Figure 1.3•Time step settings for adaptive time stepping.
Defines the limits for the adaptation of the time step.
Change ratio
The time step is successively lowered with change ratio until the criteria specified in this menu are met. The starting value for the adaptation within the time step is change ratio times the previous time step.
The time step adaptation model offers seven creatures which may each be enabled or disabled and given threshold values.
- |resid(BC)/BC| is a measure for the largest acceptable error introduced at the boundaries. Mike 11 interpolates the boundary values between t and t+Dt using linear interpolation. In case the boundary values has a resolution finer than Dt this may introduce unfavourable behaviour where details are neglected. The term resid(BC) describes the residual between the actual value in the time series boundary condition (BC) file and the value found using linear interpolation between t and t+Dt. The term BC refers to the actual value in the time series boundary condition file.
- |delQ| is a measure for the largest acceptable discharge change anywhere in the grid within a time step. The criteria helps to lower the time step when sudden changes appears in the discharge. The changes may be either physical changes due to a sudden increase in inflow for instance or mathematical changes due to numerical instability. In either case a decrease in time step may well be desirable.
- |delQ/Q| is a measure for the largest acceptable relative discharge change anywhere in the grid within a timestep.The criteria helps to lower the time step when sudden changes appears in the discharge. The changes may be either physical changes due to a sudden increase in inflow for instance or mathematical changes due to numerical instability. In either case a decrease in time step may well be desirable. The criteria is well suited for dam break studies where it can be used for refining the time step in the period after the break.
- |delh| is measure for the largest acceptable water level change anywhere in the grid. As for the |delQ| and |delQ/Q| criteria this criteria helps lowering the time step when large changed appears in the water level due to either physical changes or mathematical instabilities.
- |delh/h| is measure for the largest relative acceptable water level change anywhere in the grid. As for the |delQ|, |delQ/Q| and |delh| criteria this criteria helps lowering the time step when large changed appears in the water level due to either physical changes or mathematical instabilities.
- |Courant| (HD) specifies the maximal allowed courant number within the grid and time step.
The courant number, defined above, expresses the length in terms of grid cells that information travels within a time step. The HD Courant number refers to the momentum equation and Dx is hence in this context the distance between two h-points.
Mike 11 applies a 6-point Abbott scheme for solving the equation which does not have the typical Courant number below one demand. Good results are obtained up to Courant numbers as high as 10-20.
- |Courant| (AD) specifies the maximal allowed courant number for the
advection dispersion calculation.
The AD Courant number, defined above, is a measure for the length in terms of grid cells that the species are convected within a time step. The applied computational scheme is stable for AD Courant numbers less than 1. The AD solver includes both h- and Q- points as species grid points, hence the Dx is half the distance between two h-points when calculating the AD Courant number.
The criteria is well suited for ensuring stability of AD calculations by lowering the time step when the flow velocity increases and increasing the time step when the flow velocity decreases.
The date and time for the start and end of the simulation period. The standard windows date time format is used.
The `Apply Default' button can be used to extract the possible simulation
start-time and end-time. Once the button is activated a search of time-intervals
in the time series files active for the actual simulation takes place and the
earliest possible start-date and latest possible end-date is automatically
transferred to the Period date-fields. If no dates are proposed from activating
the button the most likely reason will be that there are no overlapping time
series in the setup.
ST Time Step Multiplier
The ST module will typically not operate using the same time step as the HD model. The ST Time Step Multiplier hence specifies the time step for the Sediment Transport simulations as a multiple of the HD time step.
RR Time Step Multiplier
The RR module generally requires a time step different from the HD model when running a coupled simulation of HD and RR. The RR Time Step multiplier therefore defines the time step for the RR-model as a multiplum of the HD time step.