
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> struct Node{ int data; struct Node* next; }; typedef struct Node* Stack; int IsEmpty(Stack S); Stack CreateStack(); void MakeEmpty(Stack S); void Push(Stack S); int Top(Stack S); void Pop(Stack S); int TopAndPop(Stack S); int IsEmpty(Stack S) { return S->next==NULL; } void MakeEmpty(Stack S) { if(S==NULL) printf("Must use create first!!! "); while(S!=NULL) { Pop(S); } } Stack CreateStack() { Stack S=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(S==NULL) printf("Out of Space!!! "); S->next=NULL; if(!IsEmpty(S)) Pop(S); return S; } void Push(int x,Stack S) { Stack tp=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(tp==NULL) printf("Out of Space!!! "); tp->data=x; tp->next=S->next; S->next=tp; } void Pop(Stack S) { Stack tp=S->next; S->next=tp->next; free(tp); } int Top(Stack S) { return S->next->data; } int main(void) { int n,i,x; Stack S=CreateStack(),p; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&x); Push(x,S); } while(!IsEmpty(S)) { printf("%d ",Top(S)); Pop(S); } return 0; }

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> const int maxn = 1200; const int EmptyTOS = -1; struct Node{ int TopOfStack,Capcity; int *array; }; typedef struct Node* Stack; int IsEmpty(Stack S); int IsFull(Stack S); Stack CreateStack(int size); void MakeEmpty(Stack S); int Top(Stack S); void Push(int x,Stack S); void Pop(Stack S); void MakeEmpty(Stack S) { S->TopOfStack=EmptyTOS; } int IsEmpty(Stack S) { return S->TopOfStack==EmptyTOS; } int IsFull(Stack S) { return S->TopOfStack==S->Capcity-1; } Stack CreateStack(int size) { Stack S; if(size>maxn) { printf("Stack is too small"); return NULL; } S=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(S==NULL) printf("Out of Space!!!"); S->array=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*size); if(S->array==NULL) printf("Out of Space!!! "); S->Capcity=size; MakeEmpty(S); return S; } void Push(int x,Stack S) { if(IsFull(S)) printf("the stack is full"); S->array[++S->TopOfStack]=x; } int Top(Stack S) { if(!IsEmpty(S)) return S->array[S->TopOfStack]; } void Pop(Stack S) { if(IsEmpty(S)) printf("the stack if empty"); else S->TopOfStack--; } int main(void) { int n,i,x; scanf("%d",&n); Stack S=CreateStack(n); while(n--) { scanf("%d",&x); Push(x,S); } while(!IsEmpty(S)) { printf("%d ",Top(S)); Pop(S); } return 0; }

#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> using namespace std; struct Node{ char data; struct Node* next; }; typedef struct Node* Stack; int IsEmpty(Stack S) { return S->next==NULL; } void Push(char x,Stack S) { Stack tp=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); tp->data=x; tp->next=S->next; S->next=tp; } void Pop(Stack S) { if(IsEmpty(S)) printf("stack is empty"); Stack tp=S->next; S->next=tp->next; free(tp); } char Top(Stack S) { return S->next->data; } void MakeEmpty(Stack S) { if(!IsEmpty(S)) { Pop(S); } } Stack CreateStack() { Stack S; S=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(S==NULL) printf("Out of Space!!!"); S->next=NULL; MakeEmpty(S); return S; } int main(void) { int n,i,fg=0,len; char str[120],ch; Stack S=CreateStack(); gets(str); len=strlen(str); for(i=0;i<len;i++) { if(!IsEmpty(S)) ch=Top(S); if(str[i]=='(') Push(str[i],S); else if(str[i]==')') { if(ch==')') Pop(S); } else if(str[i]=='{') Push(str[i],S); else if(str[i]=='}') { if(ch=='{') Pop(S); } else if(str[i]=='[') Push(str[i],S); else if(str[i]==']') { if(ch=='[') Pop(S); } if(fg) break; } if(fg) printf("No "); else printf("Yes "); return 0; }
要求:如果表达式中带有'+' , '-' , '*' ,' /' , '(' , ')',这六种符号和0--9的实数,将他们的中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式。

#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; struct Node{ char x; struct Node* next; }; typedef struct Node* Stack; int IsEmpty(Stack S) { return S->next==NULL; } void Pop(Stack S) { if(!IsEmpty(S)) { Stack tp=S->next; S->next=tp->next; free(tp); } } void Push(char ch,Stack S) { Stack tp=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); tp->x=ch; tp->next=S->next; S->next=tp; } char Top(Stack S) { if(S->next==NULL) { printf("Stack Empty"); } else return S->next->x; } Stack CreateStack() { Stack S; S=(Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if(S==NULL) { printf("Out of Space!!! "); } S->next=NULL; return S; } int main(void) { Stack S=CreateStack(); double x,sum=0; char ch; while(cin>>ch&&ch!='#') { if(ch>='0'&&ch<='9') cout<<ch; else if(ch=='(') Push(ch,S); else if(ch==')') { while(!IsEmpty(S)&&Top(S)!='(') { cout<<Top(S); Pop(S); } Pop(S); } else if(ch=='-'||ch=='+') { while(!IsEmpty(S)&&Top(S)!='(') { cout<<Top(S); Pop(S); } Push(ch,S); } else if(ch=='*'||ch=='/') { while(!IsEmpty(S)&&Top(S)!='+'&&Top(S)!='-'&&Top(S)!='(') { cout<<Top(S); Pop(S); } Push(ch,S); } } while(!IsEmpty(S)) { cout<<Top(S); Pop(S); } return 0; }