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  • 714 电话聊天狂人 (25分)

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <cstring>
    using namespace std;
    int  max_ = 0;//每当count增加时,就判断此时增加后的count是不是最大,max_存储当前最大值
    int  f = 0;//标志有什么并列的狂人
    int N;
    int  samecount = 0;//并列狂人数
    char result[20];//狂人的电话号
    typedef unsigned long long  Index;
    Index Hash(const char* key, long  long tablesize)//《数据结构与算法分析-C语言描述》中的Hash函数
        unsigned long long hashval = 0;
        while (*(key + 4) != 0)  //为什么6改为3 and 4就可以AC????
            hashval = (hashval << 5) + *key++;//*(key++)
        return hashval % tablesize;
    struct num_node
        char num[100];
        int count;
        struct num_node* next;
    typedef struct num_node* node_ptr;
    node_ptr* createtable(int size)
        node_ptr* H = new node_ptr[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            H[i] = new struct num_node;
            H[i]->count = 0;
            if (H[i] != NULL)
                H[i]->next = NULL;
        return H;
    void insert(char* str, node_ptr* H)
        int flag = 0;//标志表中是否已存在此号码
        int hashval = Hash(str, 2 * N);
        node_ptr s = H[hashval];
        while (s->next != NULL)//头结点没有用来存储数据
            s = s->next;
            if (!strcmp(str, s->num))
                flag = 1;
                if (s->count > max_)//每当count变化时判断count是不是当前最大
                    strcpy(result, s->num);
                    max_ = s->count;
        if (flag == 0)
            node_ptr temp = new num_node;
            temp->next = NULL;
            strcpy(temp->num, str);
            temp->count = 1;
            if (temp->count > max_)
                strcpy(result, temp->num);
                max_ = temp->count;
            s->next = temp;
    void judge(node_ptr* H)
        for (int i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++)
            node_ptr s = H[i];
            while (s->next != NULL)
                s = s->next;
                if (max_ == s->count and strcmp(result, s->num) != 0)
                    f = 1;
                    if (strcmp(s->num, result) < 0)
                        strcpy(result, s->num);
    int main()
        cin >> N;
        node_ptr* H = createtable(2 * N);
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
            char str1[20];
            cin >> str1;
            insert(str1, H);
            char str2[20];
            cin >> str2;
            insert(str2, H);
        if (f == 0)
            cout << result << " " << max_;
        else if (f == 1)
            cout << result << " " << max_ << " " << samecount;
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/2020R/p/PTA.html
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