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  • 使用PCA方法创建OBB(oriented boundingbox)包围盒

      碰撞检测问题在虚拟现实、计算机辅助设计与制造、游戏及机器人等领域有着广泛的应用,甚至成为关键技术。而包围盒算法是进行碰撞干涉初步检测的重要方法之一。包围盒算法是一种求解离散点集最优包围空间的方法。基本思想是用体积稍大且特性简单的几何体(称为包围盒)来近似地代替复杂的几何对象。为物体添加包围体的目的是快速的进行碰撞检测或者进行精确的碰撞检测之前进行过滤(即当包围体碰撞,才进行精确碰撞检测和处理)。包围体类型包括球体、轴对齐包围盒(AABB/Axis-aligned bounding box)、有向包围盒(OBB/Oriented bounding box)以及凸壳/凸包(Convex Hull)等。



    import numpy as np
    from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
    def get_obb_from_points(points, calcconvexhull=True):
        """ given a set of points, calculate the oriented bounding box. 
        points: numpy array of point coordinates with shape (n,2)
                where n is the number of points
        calcconvexhull: boolean, calculate the convex hull of the 
                points before calculating the bounding box. You typically
                want to do that unless you know you are passing in a convex
                point set
            tuple of corners, centre
        if calcconvexhull:
            _ch = ConvexHull(points)
            points = _ch.points[_ch.vertices]
        cov_points = np.cov(points,y = None,rowvar = 0,bias = 1)
        v, vect = np.linalg.eig(cov_points)
        tvect = np.transpose(vect)
        # use the inverse of the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
        # rotate the points so they align with the x and y axes
        points_rotated = np.dot(points,np.linalg.inv(tvect))
        # get the minimum and maximum x and y 
        mina = np.min(points_rotated,axis=0)
        maxa = np.max(points_rotated,axis=0)
        diff = (maxa - mina)*0.5
        # the center is just half way between the min and max xy
        center = mina + diff
        # get the corners by subtracting and adding half the bounding boxes height and width to the center
        corners = np.array([center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]]])
        # use the the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
        # rotate the corners and the center back
        corners = np.dot(corners,tvect)
        center = np.dot(center,tvect)
        return corners, center


    import numpy as np
    from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
    def get_obb_from_points(points, calcconvexhull=True):
        """ given a set of points, calculate the oriented bounding box. 
        points: numpy array of point coordinates with shape (n,2)
                where n is the number of points
        calcconvexhull: boolean, calculate the convex hull of the 
                points before calculating the bounding box. You typically
                want to do that unless you know you are passing in a convex
                point set
            tuple of corners, centre
        if calcconvexhull:
            _ch = ConvexHull(points)
            points = _ch.points[_ch.vertices]
        cov_points = np.cov(points,y = None,rowvar = 0,bias = 1)
        v, vect = np.linalg.eig(cov_points)
        tvect = np.transpose(vect)
        # use the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
        # rotate the points so they align with the x and y axes
        points_rotated = np.dot(tvect, points.T)
        # get the minimum and maximum x and y 
        mina = np.min(points_rotated, axis=1)
        maxa = np.max(points_rotated, axis=1)
        diff = (maxa - mina)*0.5
        # the center is just half way between the min and max xy
        center = mina + diff
        # get the corners by subtracting and adding half the bounding boxes height and width to the center
        corners = np.array([center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]]])
        # use the inverse of the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix 
        # and rotate the corners and the center back
        corners = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(tvect), corners.T)
        center = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(tvect), center)
        return corners, center
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       代码中使用numpy.cov函数计算协方差矩阵,计算出协方差矩阵的特征向量后对原始数据进行变换,并在新的方向上计算最大最小边界。注意可以对所有原始数据进行PCA主成分分析,也可以使用scipy.spatial package提取数据的凸包(ConvexHull)上的点进行计算,参考OBB generation via Principal Component Analysis

       使用上面的方法计算平面上的点集np.array([(3.7, 1.7), (4.1, 3.8), (4.7, 2.9), (5.2, 2.8), (6.0,4.0), (6.3, 3.6), (9.7, 6.3), (10.0, 4.9), (11.0, 3.6), (12.5, 6.4)])的OBB包围盒,如下图所示,其中黄色虚线为点集的凸包:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
    def get_obb_from_points(points, calcconvexhull=True):
        """ given a set of points, calculate the oriented bounding box. 
        points: numpy array of point coordinates with shape (n,2)
                where n is the number of points
        calcconvexhull: boolean, calculate the convex hull of the 
                points before calculating the bounding box. You typically
                want to do that unless you know you are passing in a convex
                point set
            tuple of corners, centre
        if calcconvexhull:
            _ch = ConvexHull(points)
            points = _ch.points[_ch.vertices]
        cov_points = np.cov(points,y = None,rowvar = 0,bias = 1)
        v, vect = np.linalg.eig(cov_points)
        tvect = np.transpose(vect)
        # use the inverse of the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
        # rotate the points so they align with the x and y axes
        points_rotated = np.dot(points,np.linalg.inv(tvect))
        # get the minimum and maximum x and y 
        mina = np.min(points_rotated,axis=0)
        maxa = np.max(points_rotated,axis=0)
        diff = (maxa - mina)*0.5
        # the center is just half way between the min and max xy
        center = mina + diff
        # get the corners by subtracting and adding half the bounding boxes height and width to the center
        corners = np.array([center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],-diff[1]],center+[diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],diff[1]],center+[-diff[0],-diff[1]]])
        # use the the eigenvectors as a rotation matrix and
        # rotate the corners and the center back
        corners = np.dot(corners,tvect)
        center = np.dot(center,tvect)
        return corners, center
    a  = np.array([(3.7, 1.7), (4.1, 3.8), (4.7, 2.9), (5.2, 2.8), (6.0,4.0), (6.3, 3.6), (9.7, 6.3), (10.0, 4.9), (11.0, 3.6), (12.5, 6.4)])
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,12))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    corners, center = get_obb_from_points(a)
    hull = ConvexHull(a)
    for simplex in hull.simplices:
        plt.plot(a[simplex, 0], a[simplex, 1], 'y--')
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    np_obb   pyobb






    OBB generation via Principal Component Analysis


    Create the Oriented Bounding-box (OBB) with Python and NumPy

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/21207-iHome/p/15620604.html
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