vi rvm-installer.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash shopt -s extglob set -o errtrace set -o errexit rvm_install_initialize() { DEFAULT_SOURCES=(github.com/rvm/rvm bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm) BASH_MIN_VERSION="3.2.25" if [[ -n "${BASH_VERSION:-}" && "$(printf "%b" "${BASH_VERSION:-} ${BASH_MIN_VERSION} " | LC_ALL=C sort -t"." -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n | head -n1)" != "${BASH_MIN_VERSION}" ]] then echo "BASH ${BASH_MIN_VERSION} required (you have $BASH_VERSION)" exit 1 fi export HOME PS4 export rvm_trace_flag rvm_debug_flag rvm_user_install_flag rvm_ignore_rvmrc rvm_prefix rvm_path PS4="+ ${BASH_SOURCE##${rvm_path:-}} : ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}()} ${LINENO} > " } log() { printf "%b " "$*"; } debug(){ [[ ${rvm_debug_flag:-0} -eq 0 ]] || printf "%b " "Running($#): $*"; } fail() { log " ERROR: $* " ; exit 1 ; } rvm_install_commands_setup() { which which >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail "Could not find 'which' command, make sure it's available first before continuing installation." if [[ -z "${rvm_tar_command:-}" ]] && builtin command -v gtar >/dev/null then rvm_tar_command=gtar elif ${rvm_tar_command:-tar} --help 2>&1 | GREP_OPTIONS="" grep -- --strip-components >/dev/null then rvm_tar_command="${rvm_tar_command:-tar}" else case "$(uname)" in (OpenBSD) log "Trying to install GNU version of tar, might require sudo password" if (( UID )) then sudo pkg_add -z gtar-1 else pkg_add -z gtar-1 fi rvm_tar_command=gtar ;; (Darwin|FreeBSD|DragonFly) # it's not possible to autodetect on OSX, the help/man does not mention all flags rvm_tar_command=tar ;; (SunOS) case "$(uname -r)" in (5.10) log "Trying to install GNU version of tar, might require sudo password" if (( UID )) then if which sudo >/dev/null 2>&1 then sudo_10=sudo elif which /opt/csw/bin/sudo >/dev/null 2>&1 then sudo_10=/opt/csw/bin/sudo else fail "sudo is required but not found. You may install sudo from OpenCSW repository (http://opencsw.org/about)" fi pkginfo -q CSWpkgutil || $sudo_10 pkgadd -a $rvm_path/config/solaris/noask -d http://get.opencsw.org/now CSWpkgutil sudo /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -iy CSWgtar -t http://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw/unstable else pkginfo -q CSWpkgutil || pkgadd -a $rvm_path/config/solaris/noask -d http://get.opencsw.org/now CSWpkgutil /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -iy CSWgtar -t http://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw/unstable fi rvm_tar_command=/opt/csw/bin/gtar ;; (*) rvm_tar_command=tar ;; esac esac builtin command -v ${rvm_tar_command:-gtar} >/dev/null || fail "Could not find GNU compatible version of 'tar' command, make sure it's available first before continuing installation." fi if [[ " ${rvm_tar_options:-} " != *" --no-same-owner "* ]] && $rvm_tar_command --help 2>&1 | GREP_OPTIONS="" grep -- --no-same-owner >/dev/null then rvm_tar_options="${rvm_tar_options:-}${rvm_tar_options:+ }--no-same-owner" fi } usage() { printf "%b" " Usage rvm-installer [options] [action] Options [[--]version] <version> The version or tag to install. Valid values are: latest - The latest tagged version. latest-minor - The latest minor version of the current major version. latest-<x> - The latest minor version of version x. latest-<x>.<y> - The latest patch version of version x.y. <x>.<y>.<z> - Major version x, minor version y and patch z. [--]branch <branch> The name of the branch from which RVM is installed. This option can be used with the following formats for <branch>: <account>/ If account is wayneeseguin or mpapis, installs from one of the following: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/archive/master.tar.gz https://bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm/get/master.tar.gz Otherwise, installs from: https://github.com/<account>/rvm/archive/master.tar.gz <account>/<branch> If account is wayneeseguin or mpapis, installs from one of the following: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/archive/<branch>.tar.gz https://bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm/get/<branch>.tar.gz Otherwise, installs from: https://github.com/<account>/rvm/archive/<branch>.tar.gz [/]<branch> Installs the branch from one of the following: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/archive/<branch>.tar.gz https://bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm/get/<branch>.tar.gz [--]source <source> Defines the repository from which RVM is retrieved and installed in the format: <domain>/<account>/<repo> Where: <domain> - Is bitbucket.org, github.com or a github enterprise site serving an RVM repository. <account> - Is the user account in which the RVM repository resides. <repo> - Is the name of the RVM repository. Note that when using the [--]source option, one should only use the [/]branch format with the [--]branch option. Failure to do so will result in undefined behavior. --trace Provides debug logging for the installation script. Actions master - Installs RVM from the master branch at rvm/rvm on github or mpapis/rvm on bitbucket.org. stable - Installs RVM from the stable branch a rvm/rvm on github or mpapis/rvm on bitbucket.org. help - Displays this output. " } ## duplication marker 32fosjfjsznkjneuera48jae __rvm_curl_output_control() { if (( ${rvm_quiet_curl_flag:-0} == 1 )) then __flags+=( "--silent" "--show-error" ) elif [[ " $*" == *" -s"* || " $*" == *" --silent"* ]] then # make sure --show-error is used with --silent [[ " $*" == *" -S"* || " $*" == *" -sS"* || " $*" == *" --show-error"* ]] || { __flags+=( "--show-error" ) } fi } ## duplication marker 32fosjfjsznkjneuera48jae # -S is automatically added to -s __rvm_curl() ( __rvm_which curl >/dev/null || { rvm_error "RVM requires 'curl'. Install 'curl' first and try again." return 200 } typeset -a __flags __flags=( --fail --location --max-redirs 10 ) [[ "$*" == *"--max-time"* ]] || [[ "$*" == *"--connect-timeout"* ]] || __flags+=( --connect-timeout 30 --retry-delay 2 --retry 3 ) if [[ -n "${rvm_proxy:-}" ]] then __flags+=( --proxy "${rvm_proxy:-}" ) fi __rvm_curl_output_control unset curl __rvm_debug_command curl "${__flags[@]}" "$@" || return $? ) rvm_error() { printf "ERROR: %b " "$*"; } __rvm_which(){ which "$@" || return $?; true; } __rvm_debug_command() { debug "Running($#): $*" "$@" || return $? true } rvm_is_a_shell_function() { [[ -t 0 && -t 1 ]] || return $? return ${rvm_is_not_a_shell_function:-0} } # Searches the tags for the highest available version matching a given pattern. # fetch_version (github.com/rvm/rvm bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm) 1.10. -> 1.10.3 # fetch_version (github.com/rvm/rvm bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm) 1.10. -> 1.10.3 # fetch_version (github.com/rvm/rvm bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm) 1. -> 1.11.0 # fetch_version (github.com/rvm/rvm bitbucket.org/mpapis/rvm) "" -> 2.0.1 fetch_version() { typeset _account _domain _pattern _repo _sources _values _version _sources=(${!1}) _pattern=$2 for _source in "${_sources[@]}" do IFS='/' read -r _domain _account _repo <<< "${_source}" _version="$( fetch_versions ${_domain} ${_account} ${_repo} | GREP_OPTIONS="" grep "^${_pattern:-}" | tail -n 1 )" if [[ -n ${_version} ]] then echo "${_version}" return 0 fi done } # Returns a sorted list of all version tags from a repository fetch_versions() { typeset _account _domain _repo _url _domain=$1 _account=$2 _repo=$3 case ${_domain} in (bitbucket.org) _url=https://${_domain}/api/1.0/repositories/${_account}/${_repo}/branches-tags ;; (github.com) _url=https://api.${_domain}/repos/${_account}/${_repo}/tags ;; (*) _url=https://${_domain}/api/v3/repos/${_account}/${_repo}/tags ;; esac __rvm_curl -s ${_url} | awk -v RS=',' -v FS='"' '$2=="name"{print $4}' | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n -k 5,5n } install_release() { typeset _source _sources _url _version _verify_pgp _sources=(${!1}) _version=$2 debug "Downloading RVM version ${_version}" for _source in "${_sources[@]}" do case ${_source} in (bitbucket.org*) _url="https://${_source}/get/${_version}.tar.gz" _verify_pgp="https://${_source}/downloads/${_version}.tar.gz.asc" ;; (*) _url="https://${_source}/archive/${_version}.tar.gz" _verify_pgp="https://${_source}/releases/download/${_version}/${_version}.tar.gz.asc" ;; esac get_and_unpack "${_url}" "rvm-${_version}.tgz" "$_verify_pgp" && return done return $? } install_head() { typeset _branch _source _sources _url _sources=(${!1}) _branch=$2 debug "Selected RVM branch ${_branch}" for _source in "${_sources[@]}" do case ${_source} in (bitbucket.org*) _url=https://${_source}/get/${_branch}.tar.gz ;; (*) _url=https://${_source}/archive/${_branch}.tar.gz ;; esac get_and_unpack "${_url}" "rvm-${_branch////_}.tgz" && return done return $? } # duplication marker dfkjdjngdfjngjcszncv # Drop in cd which _doesn't_ respect cdpath __rvm_cd() { typeset old_cdpath ret ret=0 old_cdpath="${CDPATH}" CDPATH="." chpwd_functions="" builtin cd "$@" || ret=$? CDPATH="${old_cdpath}" return $ret } get_package() { typeset _url _file _url="$1" _file="$2" log "Downloading ${_url}" __rvm_curl -sS ${_url} -o ${rvm_archives_path}/${_file} || { _return=$? case $_return in # duplication marker lfdgzkngdkjvnfjknkjvcnbjkncvjxbn (60) log " Could not download '${_url}', you can read more about it here: https://rvm.io/support/fixing-broken-ssl-certificates/ To continue in insecure mode run 'echo insecure >> ~/.curlrc'. " ;; # duplication marker lfdgzkngdkjvnfjknkjvcnbjkncvjxbn (77) log " It looks like you have old certificates, you can read more about it here: https://rvm.io/support/fixing-broken-ssl-certificates/ " ;; # duplication marker lfdgzkngdkjvnfjknkjvcnbjkncvjxbn (141) log " Curl returned 141 - it is result of a segfault which means it's Curls fault. Try again and if it crashes more than a couple of times you either need to reinstall Curl or consult with your distribution manual and contact support. " ;; (*) log " Could not download '${_url}'. curl returned status '$_return'. " ;; esac return $_return } } # duplication marker flnglfdjkngjndkfjhsbdjgfghdsgfklgg rvm_install_gpg_setup() { export rvm_gpg_command { rvm_gpg_command="$( which gpg2 2>/dev/null )" && [[ ${rvm_gpg_command} != "/cygdrive/"* ]] } || rvm_gpg_command="$( which gpg 2>/dev/null )" || rvm_gpg_command="" debug "Detected GPG program: '$rvm_gpg_command'" [[ -n "$rvm_gpg_command" ]] || return $? } # duplication marker rdjgndfnghdfnhgfdhbghdbfhgbfdhbn verify_package_pgp() { if "${rvm_gpg_command}" --verify "$2" "$1" then log "GPG verified '$1'" else typeset _ret=$? log " Warning, RVM 1.26.0 introduces signed releases and automated check of signatures when GPG software found. Assuming you trust Michal Papis import the mpapis public key (downloading the signatures). GPG signature verification failed for '$1' - '$3'! try downloading the signatures: ${SUDO_USER:+sudo }${rvm_gpg_command##*/} --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 or if it fails: command curl -sSL https://rvm.io/mpapis.asc | ${SUDO_USER:+sudo }${rvm_gpg_command##*/} --import - the key can be compared with: https://rvm.io/mpapis.asc https://keybase.io/mpapis " exit $_ret fi } verify_pgp() { [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] || { debug "No PGP url given, skipping." return 0 } get_package "$1" "$2.asc" || { debug "PGP url given but does not exist: '$1'" return 0 } rvm_install_gpg_setup || { log "Found PGP signature at: '$1', but no GPG software exists to validate it, skipping." return 0 } verify_package_pgp "${rvm_archives_path}/$2" "${rvm_archives_path}/$2.asc" "$1" } get_and_unpack() { typeset _url _file _patern _return _verify_pgp _url="$1" _file="$2" _verify_pgp="$3" get_package "$_url" "$_file" || return $? verify_pgp "$_verify_pgp" "$_file" || return $? [[ -d "${rvm_src_path}/rvm" ]] || mkdir -p "${rvm_src_path}/rvm" __rvm_cd "${rvm_src_path}/rvm" || { _return=$? log "Could not change directory '${rvm_src_path}/rvm'." return $_return } rm -rf ${rvm_src_path}/rvm/* __rvm_debug_command $rvm_tar_command xzf ${rvm_archives_path}/${_file} ${rvm_tar_options:-} --strip-components 1 || { _return=$? log "Could not extract RVM sources." return $_return } } rvm_install_default_settings() { # Tracing, if asked for. if [[ "$*" == *--trace* ]] || (( ${rvm_trace_flag:-0} > 0 )) then set -o xtrace rvm_trace_flag=1 fi # Variable initialization, remove trailing slashes if they exist on HOME true ${rvm_trace_flag:=0} ${rvm_debug_flag:=0} ${rvm_ignore_rvmrc:=0} HOME="${HOME%%+(/)}" if (( rvm_ignore_rvmrc == 0 )) then for rvmrc in /etc/rvmrc "$HOME/.rvmrc" do if [[ -s "$rvmrc" ]] then if GREP_OPTIONS="" grep '^s*rvm .*$' "$rvmrc" >/dev/null 2>&1 then printf "%b" " Error: $rvmrc is for rvm settings only. rvm CLI may NOT be called from within $rvmrc. Skipping the loading of $rvmrc " exit 1 else source "$rvmrc" fi fi done fi if [[ -z "${rvm_path:-}" ]] then if (( UID == 0 )) then rvm_user_install_flag=0 rvm_prefix="/usr/local" rvm_path="${rvm_prefix}/rvm" else rvm_user_install_flag=1 rvm_prefix="$HOME" rvm_path="${rvm_prefix}/.rvm" fi fi if [[ -z "${rvm_prefix}" ]] then rvm_prefix=$( dirname $rvm_path ) fi # duplication marker kkdfkgnjfndgjkndfjkgnkfjdgn [[ -n "${rvm_user_install_flag:-}" ]] || case "$rvm_path" in (/usr/local/rvm) rvm_user_install_flag=0 ;; ($HOME/*|/${USER// /_}*) rvm_user_install_flag=1 ;; (*) rvm_user_install_flag=0 ;; esac } rvm_install_parse_params() { install_rubies=() install_gems=() flags=( ./scripts/install ) forwarded_flags=() while (( $# > 0 )) do token="$1" shift case "$token" in (--trace) set -o xtrace rvm_trace_flag=1 flags=( -x "${flags[@]}" "$token" ) forwarded_flags+=( "$token" ) ;; (--debug|--quiet-curl) flags+=( "$token" ) forwarded_flags+=( "$token" ) token=${token#--} token=${token//-/_} export "rvm_${token}_flag"=1 printf "%b" "Turning on ${token/_/ } mode. " ;; (--path) if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] then rvm_path="$1" shift else fail "--path must be followed by a path." fi ;; (--branch|branch) # Install RVM from a given branch if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] then case "$1" in (/*) branch=${1#/} ;; (*/) branch=master if [[ "${1%/}" -ne wayneeseguin ]] && [[ "${1%/}" -ne mpapis ]] then sources=(github.com/${1%/}/rvm) fi ;; (*/*) branch=${1#*/} if [[ "${1%%/*}" -ne wayneeseguin ]] && [[ "${1%%/*}" -ne mpapis ]] then sources=(github.com/${1%%/*}/rvm) fi ;; (*) branch="$1" ;; esac shift else fail "--branch must be followed by a branchname." fi ;; (--source|source) if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] then if [[ "$1" = */*/* ]] then sources=($1) shift else fail "--source must be in the format <domain>/<account>/<repo>." fi else fail "--source must be followed by a source." fi ;; (--user-install|--ignore-dotfiles) token=${token#--} token=${token//-/_} export "rvm_${token}_flag"=1 printf "%b" "Turning on ${token/_/ } mode. " ;; (--auto-dotfiles) flags+=( "$token" ) export "rvm_auto_dotfiles_flag"=1 printf "%b" "Turning on auto dotfiles mode. " ;; (--auto) export "rvm_auto_dotfiles_flag"=1 printf "%b" "Warning, --auto is deprecated in favor of --auto-dotfiles. " ;; (--verify-downloads) if [[ -n "${1:-}" ]] then export rvm_verify_downloads_flag="$1" forwarded_flags+=( "$token" "$1" ) shift else fail "--verify-downloads must be followed by level(0|1|2)." fi ;; (--autolibs=*) flags+=( "$token" ) export rvm_autolibs_flag="${token#--autolibs=}" forwarded_flags+=( "$token" ) ;; (--without-gems=*|--with-gems=*|--with-default-gems=*) flags+=( "$token" ) value="${token#*=}" token="${token%%=*}" token="${token#--}" token="${token//-/_}" export "rvm_${token}"="${value}" printf "%b" "Installing RVM ${token/_/ }: ${value}. " ;; (--version|version) version="$1" shift ;; (head|master) version="head" branch="master" ;; (stable) version="latest" ;; (latest|latest-*|+([[:digit:]]).+([[:digit:]]).+([[:digit:]])) version="$token" ;; (--ruby) install_rubies+=( ruby ) ;; (--ruby=*) token=${token#--ruby=} install_rubies+=( ${token//,/ } ) ;; (--rails) install_gems+=( rails ) ;; (--gems=*) token=${token#--gems=} install_gems+=( ${token//,/ } ) ;; (--add-to-rvm-group) export rvm_add_users_to_rvm_group="$1" shift ;; (help|usage) usage exit 0 ;; (*) usage exit 1 ;; esac done if (( ${#install_gems[@]} > 0 && ${#install_rubies[@]} == 0 )) then install_rubies=( ruby ) fi true "${version:=head}" true "${branch:=master}" if [[ -z "${sources[@]}" ]] then sources=("${DEFAULT_SOURCES[@]}") fi rvm_src_path="$rvm_path/src" rvm_archives_path="$rvm_path/archives" rvm_releases_url="https://rvm.io/releases" } rvm_install_validate_rvm_path() { case "$rvm_path" in (*[[:space:]]*) printf "%b" " It looks you are one of the happy *space* users(in home dir name), RVM is not yet fully ready for it, use this trick to fix it: sudo mkdir -p /${USER// /_}.rvm sudo chown -R "$USER:" /${USER// /_}.rvm echo "export rvm_path=/${USER// /_}.rvm" >> "$HOME/.rvmrc" and start installing again. " exit 2 ;; (/usr/share/ruby-rvm) printf "%b" " It looks you are one of the happy Ubuntu users, RVM packaged by Ubuntu is old and broken, follow this link for details how to fix: http://stackoverflow.com/a/9056395/497756 " [[ "${rvm_uses_broken_ubuntu_path:-no}" == "yes" ]] || exit 3 ;; esac if [[ "$rvm_path" != "/"* ]] then fail "The rvm install path must be fully qualified. Tried $rvm_path" fi } rvm_install_select_and_get_version() { typeset _version_release for dir in "$rvm_src_path" "$rvm_archives_path" do [[ -d "$dir" ]] || mkdir -p "$dir" done _version_release="${version}" case "${version}" in (head) _version_release="${branch}" install_head sources[@] ${branch:-master} || exit $? ;; (latest) install_release sources[@] $(fetch_version sources[@]) || exit $? ;; (latest-minor) version="$(cat "$rvm_path/VERSION")" install_release sources[@] $(fetch_version sources[@] ${version%.*}) || exit $? ;; (latest-*) install_release sources[@] $(fetch_version sources[@] ${version#latest-}) || exit $? ;; (+([[:digit:]]).+([[:digit:]]).+([[:digit:]])) # x.y.z install_release sources[@] ${version} || exit $? ;; (*) fail "Something went wrong, unrecognized version '$version'" ;; esac echo "${_version_release}" > "$rvm_path/RELEASE" } rvm_install_main() { [[ -f ./scripts/install ]] || { log "'./scripts/install' can not be found for installation, something went wrong, it usally means your 'tar' is broken, please report it here: https://github.com/rvm/rvm/issues" return 127 } # required flag - path to install flags+=( --path "$rvm_path" ) command bash "${flags[@]}" } rvm_install_ruby_and_gems() ( if (( ${#install_rubies[@]} > 0 )) then source ${rvm_scripts_path:-${rvm_path}/scripts}/rvm source ${rvm_scripts_path:-${rvm_path}/scripts}/version __rvm_version for _ruby in ${install_rubies[@]} do command rvm "${forwarded_flags[@]}" install ${_ruby} -j 2 done # set the first one as default, skip rest for _ruby in ${install_rubies[@]} do rvm "${forwarded_flags[@]}" alias create default ${_ruby} break done for _gem in ${install_gems[@]} do rvm "${forwarded_flags[@]}" all do gem install ${_gem} done printf "%b" " * To start using RVM you need to run \`source $rvm_path/scripts/rvm\` in all your open shell windows, in rare cases you need to reopen all shell windows. " if [[ "${install_gems[*]}" == *"rails"* ]] then printf "%b" " * To start using rails you need to run \`rails new <project_dir>\`. " fi fi ) rvm_install() { rvm_install_initialize rvm_install_commands_setup rvm_install_default_settings rvm_install_parse_params "$@" rvm_install_validate_rvm_path rvm_install_select_and_get_version rvm_install_main rvm_install_ruby_and_gems } rvm_install "$@"
chmod +x rvm-installer.sh ./rvm-installer.sh
source /etc/profile.d/rvm.sh
RubyGems(简称 gems)是一个用于对 Ruby组件进行打包的 Ruby 打包系统。 它提供一个分发 Ruby 程序和库的标准格式,还提供一个管理程序包安装的工具。
yum install rubygems
tar –zxvf rubygems-2.4.6.tgz
cd rubygems-2.4.6
ruby setup.rb
Rake的意思是Ruby Make,一个用ruby开发的代码构建工具。
gem install rake

tar -zxvf rake-0.8.7.tgz cd ake-0.8.7 ruby install.rb