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  • 数据结构--经典排序算法


    using namespace std;
    class paixu
    	void bubbleSort0(int* pData, int length)//1,冒泡排序
    		int temp;
    		for (int i = 0; i != length; ++i)
    			for (int j = 0; j != length; ++j)
    				if (pData[i] < pData[j])
    					temp = pData[i];
    					pData[i] = pData[j];
    					pData[j] = temp;
    	void selectionSort(int* pData, int length)//2,选择排序
    		int minIndex, temp;
    		for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)
    			minIndex = i;
    			for (int j = i + 1; j < length; j++) 
    				if (pData[j] <pData[minIndex]) // 寻找最小的数
    					minIndex = j;                 // 将最小数的索引保存
    			temp = pData[i];
    			pData[i] = pData[minIndex];
    			pData[minIndex] = temp;
    	void insertionSort(int* pData, int length)//3,插入排序
    		int preIndex, current;
    		for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) 
    			preIndex = i - 1;
    			current = pData[i];
    			while (preIndex >= 0 && pData[preIndex] > current) 
    				pData[preIndex + 1] = pData[preIndex];
    			pData[preIndex + 1] = current;
    	void shellSort(int* pData, int length) //4,希尔排序
    		for (int gap =floor(length / 2); gap > 0; gap = floor(gap / 2))
    			for (int i = gap; i < length; i++) {
    				int j = i;
    				int current = pData[i];
    				while (j - gap >= 0 && current < pData[j - gap]) 
    					pData[j] = pData[j - gap];
    					j = j - gap;
    				pData[j] = current;
    	int len;
    	void heapSort(int* pData, int length)//5,堆排序(Heap Sort)
    		buildMaxHeap(pData, length);
    		for (int i = length - 1; i > 0; i--)
    			swap(pData, 0, i);
    			heapify(pData, 0);
    	void merge_sort(int *data, int start, int end, int *result)//6,归并排序
    		if (1 == end - start)//如果区间中只有两个元素,则对这两个元素进行排序
    			if (data[start] > data[end])
    				int temp = data[start];
    				data[start] = data[end];
    				data[end] = temp;
    		else if (0 == end - start)//如果只有一个元素,则不用排序
    			merge_sort(data, start, (end - start + 1) / 2 + start, result);
    			merge_sort(data, (end - start + 1) / 2 + start + 1, end, result);
    			merge(data, start, end, result);
    			for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i)
    				data[i] = result[i];
    	void QuickSort(int a[], int start, int end)//7,快速排序
    		if (start > end)
    		int i = start;
    		int j = end;
    		int k = a[i];
    		while (i < j)
    			while (i < j && a[j] > k)//先从后面开始找小于k的值
    			a[i] = a[j];//找到小于k的值,替换a[i]
    			while (i < j && a[i] < k)//从前面找大于k的值
    			a[j] = a[i];//找到大于k的值,刚才a[j]的值已经赋刚才的a[i];a[j]的值用现在找到的大于k的值填充
    		a[j] = k;//最后i = j; 把k的值赋给a[i];
    		QuickSort(a, i + 1, end);
    		QuickSort(a, start, i - 1);
    	void buildMaxHeap(int* pData, int length)
    	{   // 建立大顶堆
    		len = length;
    		for (int i = floor(len / 2); i >= 0; i--) 
    			heapify(pData, i);
    	void heapify(int* pData, int i)
    	{     // 堆调整
    		int left = 2 * i + 1,
    			right = 2 * i + 2,
    			largest = i;
    		if (left < len && pData[left] >pData[largest]) 
    			largest = left;
    		if (right < len && pData[right] > pData[largest]) 
    			largest = right;
    		if (largest != i)
    			swap(pData, i, largest);
    			heapify(pData, largest);
    	void swap(int*pData, int i, int j) 
    		int temp = pData[i];
    		pData[i] = pData[j];
    		pData[j] = temp;
    	void merge(int *data, int start, int end, int*result)
    		int left_length = (end - start + 1) / 2 + 1;//左部分区间的数据元素的个数
    		int left_index = start;
    		int right_index = start + left_length;
    		int result_index = start;
    		while (left_index < start + left_length && right_index < end + 1)
    			if (data[left_index] <= data[right_index])
    				result[result_index++] = data[left_index++];
    				result[result_index++] = data[right_index++];
    		while (left_index < start + left_length)
    			result[result_index++] = data[left_index++];
    		while (right_index < end + 1)
    			result[result_index++] = data[right_index++];
    int main()
    	int Sqlist[] = { 0, 4, 2, 1, 3 };
    	int length = sizeof(Sqlist) / sizeof(int);
    	int start = 0;
    	int end = length - 1;
    	int result[5];
    	//paixu().bubbleSort0(Sqlist, length);
    	//paixu().selectionSort(Sqlist, length);
    	//paixu().insertionSort(Sqlist, length);
    	//paixu().shellSort(Sqlist, length);
    	//paixu().heapSort(Sqlist, length);
    	//paixu().merge_sort(Sqlist, start,end,result);
    	paixu().QuickSort(Sqlist, start, end);
    	for (int i = 0; i != length; ++i)
    		cout << Sqlist[i] << " ";
    	cout << endl;
    	return 0;


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