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    Math Symbols Supported by HTML

    CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
    ∀ ∀ for all
    ∂ ∂ part
    ∃ ∃ exists
    ∅ ∅ empty
    ∇ ∇ nabla
    ∈ ∈ isin
    ∉ ∉ notin
    ∋ ∋ ni
    ∏ ∏ prod
    ∑ ∑ sum
    − − minus
    ∗ ∗ lowast
    √ √ square root
    ∝ ∝ proportional to
    ∞ ∞ infinity
    ∠ ∠ angle
    ∧ ∧ and
    ∨ ∨ or
    ∩ ∩ cap
    ∪ ∪ cup
    ∫ ∫ integral
    ∴ ∴ therefore
    ∼ ∼ similar to
    ≅ ≅ congruent to
    ≈ ≈ almost equal
    ≠ ≠ not equal
    ≡ ≡ equivalent
    ≤ ≤ less or equal
    ≥ ≥ greater or equal
    ⊂ ⊂ subset of
    ⊃ ⊃ superset of
    ⊄ ⊄ not subset of
    ⊆ ⊆ subset or equal
    ⊇ ⊇ superset or equal
    ⊕ ⊕ circled plus
    ⊗ ⊗ circled times
    ⊥ ⊥ perpendicular
    ⋅ ⋅ dot operator

    Greek Letters Supported by HTML

    CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
    Α Α Α Alpha
    Β Β Β Beta
    Γ Γ Γ Gamma
    Δ Δ Δ Delta
    Ε Ε Ε Epsilon
    Ζ Ζ Ζ Zeta
    Η Η Η Eta
    Θ Θ Θ Theta
    Ι Ι Ι Iota
    Κ Κ Κ Kappa
    Λ Λ Λ Lambda
    Μ Μ Μ Mu
    Ν Ν Ν Nu
    Ξ Ξ Ξ Xi
    Ο Ο Ο Omicron
    Π Π Π Pi
    Ρ Ρ Ρ Rho
      undefined   Sigmaf
    Σ Σ Σ Sigma
    Τ Τ Τ Tau
    Υ Υ Υ Upsilon
    Φ Φ Φ Phi
    Χ Χ Χ Chi
    Ψ Ψ Ψ Psi
    Ω Ω Ω Omega
    α α α alpha
    β β β beta
    γ γ γ gamma
    δ δ δ delta
    ε ε ε epsilon
    ζ ζ ζ zeta
    η η η eta
    θ θ θ theta
    ι ι ι iota
    κ κ κ kappa
    λ λ λ lambda
    μ μ μ mu
    ν ν ν nu
    ξ ξ ξ xi
    ο ο ο omicron
    π π π pi
    ρ ρ ρ rho
    ς ς ς sigmaf
    σ σ σ sigma
    τ τ τ tau
    υ υ υ upsilon
    φ φ φ phi
    χ χ χ chi
    ψ ψ ψ psi
    ω ω ω omega
    ϑ ϑ ϑ theta symbol
    ϒ ϒ ϒ upsilon symbol
    ϖ ϖ ϖ pi symbol

    Other Entities Supported by HTML

    CharacterEntity NumberEntity NameDescription
    Œ Œ Œ capital ligature OE
    œ œ œ small ligature oe
    Š Š Š capital S with caron
    š š š small S with caron
    Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ capital Y with diaeres
    ƒ ƒ ƒ f with hook
    ˆ ˆ ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent
    ˜ ˜ ˜ small tilde
        en space
        em space
        thin space
    ‌ ‌ zero width non-joiner
    ‍ ‍ zero width joiner
    ‎ ‎ left-to-right mark
    ‏ ‏ right-to-left mark
    – – en dash
    — — em dash
    ‘ ‘ left single quotation mark
    ’ ’ right single quotation mark
    ‚ ‚ single low-9 quotation mark
    “ “ left double quotation mark
    ” ” right double quotation mark
    „ „ double low-9 quotation mark
    † † dagger
    ‡ ‡ double dagger
    • • bullet
    … … horizontal ellipsis
    ‰ ‰ per mille 
    ′ ′ minutes
    ″ ″ seconds
    ‹ ‹ single left angle quotation
    › › single right angle quotation
    ‾ ‾ overline
    € € euro
    ™ or ™ ™ trademark
    ← ← left arrow
    ↑ ↑ up arrow
    → → right arrow
    ↓ ↓ down arrow
    ↔ ↔ left right arrow
    ↵ ↵ carriage return arrow
    ⌈ ⌈ left ceiling
    ⌉ ⌉ right ceiling
    ⌊ ⌊ left floor
    ⌋ ⌋ right floor
    ◊ ◊ lozenge
    ♠ ♠ spade
    ♣ ♣ club
    ♥ ♥ heart
    ♦ ♦ diamond
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