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  • TMS320VC5509使用nof flash AM29LV400

    1. 硬件接口如下,其中nor flash的使用方法,写的时候和NAND FLASH是一样的,读的时候和DRAM是一样的

    2. 看下擦除指令和编程指令

    3. 代码如下

    #include <csl.h>
    #include <csl_pll.h>
    #include <csl_emif.h>
    #include <csl_chip.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <csl_gpio.h>
    //#define AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN   (*((unsigned int *)0x200000))
    #define AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN   ((unsigned int *)0x200000)
    #define DATA_BUF_LEN 20
    PLL_Config  myConfig      = {
      0,    //IAI: the PLL locks using the same process that was underway
                    //before the idle mode was entered
      1,    //IOB: If the PLL indicates a break in the phase lock,
                    //it switches to its bypass mode and restarts the PLL phase-locking
      6,    //PLL multiply value; multiply 12 times
      12             //Divide by 2 PLL divide value; it can be either PLL divide value
                    //(when PLL is enabled), or Bypass-mode divide value
                    //(PLL in bypass mode, if PLL multiply value is set to 1)
    EMIF_Config emiffig = {
      0x221,     //EGCR  : the MEMFREQ = 00,the clock for the memory is equal to cpu frequence
                  //          the WPE = 0 ,forbiden the writing posting when we debug the EMIF
                  //        the MEMCEN = 1,the memory clock is reflected on the CLKMEM pin
                  //        the NOHOLD = 1,HOLD requests are not recognized by the EMIF
      0xFFFF,    //EMI_RST: any write to this register resets the EMIF state machine
      0x3FFF,    //CE0_1:  CE0 space control register 1
                  //        MTYPE = 011,Synchronous DRAM(SDRAM),16-bit data bus width
      0xFFFF,   //CE0_2:  CE0 space control register 2
      0x00FF,   //CE0_3:  CE0 space control register 3
                  //        TIMEOUT = 0xFF;
      0x1FFF,    //CE1_1:  CE0 space control register 1
                //        Asynchronous, 16Bit
      0xFFFF,    //CE1_2:  CE0 space control register 2
      0x00FF,    //CE1_3:  CE0 space control register 3
      0x1FFF,    //CE2_1:  CE0 space control register 1
                //        Asynchronous, 16Bit
      0xFFFF,    //CE2_2:  CE0 space control register 2
      0x00FF,    //CE2_3:  CE0 space control register 3
      0x1FFF,    //CE3_1:  CE0 space control register 1
      0xFFFF,    //CE3_2:  CE0 space control register 2
      0x00FF,    //CE3_3:  CE0 space control register 3
      0x2911,   //SDC1:   SDRAM control register 1
                  //          TRC = 8
                  //        SDSIZE = 0;SDWID = 0
                  //        RFEN = 1
                  //        TRCD = 2
                  //        TRP  = 2
      0x0410,    //SDPER : SDRAM period register
                  //          7ns *4096
      0x07FF,    //SDINIT: SDRAM initialization register
                  //        any write to this register to init the all CE spaces,
                  //        do it after hardware reset or power up the C55x device
      0x0131    //SDC2:      SDRAM control register 2
                  //        SDACC = 0;
                  //        TMRD = 01;
                  //        TRAS = 0101;
                  //        TACTV2ACTV = 0001;
    void  delay(unsigned int d_time)
        unsigned int loop = 0;
        loop = 1000;
    Uint16    ChipErase(void)
        Uint16    i,Data;
        Uint32    TimeOut;
        *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x555) = 0xAA;
        *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x2AA) = 0x55;
        *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x555) = 0x80;
        *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x555) = 0xAA;
        *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x2AA) = 0x55;
        *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x555) = 0x10;
        i = 0;
        TimeOut = 0;
            Data = *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN +  0x1FF);
            if    (Data == 0xFFFF)    i++;
            else    i=0;
            if ( ++TimeOut>0x1000000)    return (0);
        for    (i=0;i<0x400;i++)
            Data = *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + i);
            if (Data !=0xFFFF)    return (0);
        return  (1);
    Uint16    FlashWrite(Uint32    RomStart, Uint16*   buf_start,  Uint16    Length)
        Uint32    i,TimeOut;
        Uint16    Data1,Data2,j;
        for    (i=0;i<Length;i++)
                *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x555)= 0xAA;
                *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x2AA)= 0x55;
                *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + 0x555) = 0xA0;
                *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + RomStart + i) = *(buf_start++);
                TimeOut = 0;
                    Data1 = *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + RomStart + i);
                    Data2 = *(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + RomStart + i);
                    if    (Data1 == Data2)    j++;
                    else    j=0;
                    if ( ++TimeOut>0x1000000)    return (0);
        return  (1);
    void    FlashRead(Uint32    RomStart, Uint16*   buf_start,    Uint16    Length)
                Uint32    i;
                for    (i=0;i<Length;i++)
                        *(buf_start++) =  (*((volatile    unsigned  int  *)(AM29_FLASH_ADDR_BEGIN + RomStart + i)));
        Uint16 data_buf[DATA_BUF_LEN] = {0};
        unsigned int i = 0;
        Uint16 write_buf[DATA_BUF_LEN] = {0x0001,0x0002,0x0003,0x0004,0x0005,0x0006,0x0007,0x0008,0x0009,0x0000,
        unsigned int test_data = 0;
        FlashWrite(0, write_buf,  DATA_BUF_LEN);
        FlashRead(0, data_buf,  DATA_BUF_LEN);
            if(write_buf[i] != data_buf[i])
                printf("test data error:%d",i);
        if(i == DATA_BUF_LEN)
            printf("test data ok");
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/429512065qhq/p/10719804.html
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