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  • 第1章 函数模板:1.6 但是,我们不应该…?

    1.6 But, Shouldn’t We …?

    1.6 但是,难道我们不应该…?

    Probably, even these simple function template examples might raise further questions. Three questions are probably so common that we should discuss them here briefly.


    1.6.1 Pass by Value or by Reference?

    1.6.1 按值 传递还是按引用传递?

    You might wonder, why we in general declare the functions to pass the arguments by value instead of using references. In general, passing by reference is recommended for types other than cheap simple types (such as fundamental types or std::string_view), because no unnecessary copies are created.


    However, for a couple of reasons, passing by value in general is often better:


        • The syntax is simple.


        • Compilers optimize better.


        • Move semantics often makes copies cheap.


        • And sometimes there is no copy or move at all.


    In addition, for templates, specific aspects come into play:


        • A template might be used for both simple and complex types, so choosing the approach for complex types might be counter-productive for simple types.


        • As a caller you can often still decide to pass arguments by reference, using std::ref() and std::cref() (see Section 7.3 on page 112).


        • Although passing string literals or raw arrays always can become a problem, passing them by reference often is considered to become the bigger problem. All this will be discussed in detail in Chapter 7. For the moment inside the book we will usually pass arguments by value unless some functionality is only possible when using references


    1.6.2 Why Not inline?

    1.6.2 为什么不使用inline呢?

    In general, function templates don’t have to be declared with inline. Unlike ordinary noninline functions, we can define noninline function templates in a header file and include this header file in multiple translation units.


    The only exception to this rule are full specializations of templates for specific types, so that the resulting code is no longer generic (all template parameters are defined). See Section 9.2 on page 140 for more details.


    From a strict language definition perspective, inline only means that adefinition of a function can appear multiple times in a program. However, it is also meant as a hint to the compiler that calls to that function should be “expanded inline”: Doing so can produce more efficient code for certain cases, but it can also make the code less efficient for many other cases. Nowadays, compilers usually are better at deciding this without the hint implied by the inline keyword. However, compilers still account for the presence of inline in that decision.


    1.6.3 Why Not constexpr?

    1.6.3 为什么不使用constexpr?

    Since C++11, you can use constexpr to provide the ability to use code to compute some values at compile time. For a lot of templates this makes sense.


    For example, to be able to use the maximum function at compile time, you have to declare it as follows:


    template<typename T1, typename T2>
    constexpr auto max(T1 a, T2 b)
        return b < a ? a : b;

    With this, you can use the maximum function template in places with compile-time context, such as when declaring the size of a raw array:


    int a[::max(sizeof(char),1000u)];

    or the size of a std::array<>:  


    std::array<std::string, ::max(sizeof(char),1000u)> arr;

    Note that we pass 1000 as unsigned int to avoid warnings about comparing a signed with an unsigned value inside the template.

    请注意,我们将1000作为unsigned int传入,以避免在模板中比较有符号值和无符号值时出现警告。

    Section 8.2 on page 125 will discuss other examples of using constexpr. However, to keep our focus on the fundamentals, we usually will skip constexpr when discussing other template features.


    1.7 Summary

    1.7 小结

        • Function templates define a family of functions for different template arguments.


        • When you pass arguments to function parameters depending on template parameters, function templates deduce the template parameters to be instantiated for the corresponding parameter types.


        • You can explicitly qualify the leading template parameters.


        • You can define default arguments for template parameters. These may refer to previous template parameters and be followed by parameters not having default arguments.


        • You can overload function templates.


        • When overloading function templates with other function templates, you should ensure that only one of them matches for any call.


        • When you overload function templates, limit your changes to specifying template parameters explicitly.


        • Ensure the compiler sees all overloaded versions of function templates before you call them.


    1 Note that the max() template according to [Stepanov Notes] intentionally returns “b < a ? a : b” instead of “a < b ? b : a” to ensure that the function behaves correctly even if the two values are equivalent but not equal.

    1 注意,根据Stepanov的注解,max()模板特地返回”b<a?a:b”而不是”a<b?b:a”,是为了确保即使两个值等价但不相等时,函数也能正确运行。

    2 Before C++17, type T also had to be copyable to be able to pass in arguments, but since C++17 you can pass temporaries (rvalues, see Appendix B) even if neither a copy nor a move constructor is valid.

    2 在C++17之前,为了能够传递参数,T类型必须是可拷贝的。但从C++17开始,即使拷贝和移动构造函数都是无效的,也可以传递临时对象(右值,见附录B)

    3 For example, if one argument type is defined in namespace std (such as std::string), according to the lookup rules of C++, both the global and the max() template in std are found (see Appendix C).

    3 例如,如果使用命名空间std中定义的一个参数类型(如std::string),根据C++查找规则,将同时在全局和std命名空间中找到max()函数模板(见附录C)

    4 A “one-entity-fits-all” alternative is conceivable but not used in practice (it would be less efficient at run time). All language rules are based on the principle that different entities are generated for different template arguments.

    4 可以构想一个“1个实体适应所有”的替代方案,但在实践中并没有这样做(在运行期效率会降低)。所有语言规则均基于以下原则:为不同模板参数生成不同实体。

    5 The terms instance and instantiate are used in a different context in object oriented programming—namely, for a concrete object of a class. However, because this book is about templates, we use this term for the “use” of templates unless otherwise specified.

    5 术语“实例”和“实例化”用于面向对象编程的不同语境中——即类的具体对象。但是,由于本书是关于模板的,除非另有说明,我们将使用这个术语来表示“使用”模板。

    6 For example, The Visual C++ compiler in some versions (such as Visual Studio 2013 and 2015) allow undeclared names that don’t depend on template parameters and even some syntax flaws (such as a missing semicolon).

    6 例如,某些版本的Visual C++编译器(如Visual Studio 2013和2015)允许使用不依赖于模板参数的未声明名称,甚至不依赖某些语法缺陷(如缺少分号)。

    7 Deduction can be seen as part of overload resolution—a process that is not based on selection of return types either. The sole exception is the return type of conversion operator members.

    7 推导可以被看成是重载解析的一部分。重载解析是一个不依赖于返回类型的选择过程,唯一例外的是类型转换运算符的返回类型。

    8 In C++, the return type also cannot be deduced from the context in which the caller uses the call.

    8 在C++中,返回类型也不能从调用者使用的调用语境中推导出来。

    9 Prior to C++11, default template arguments were only permitted in class templates, due to a historical glitch in the development of function templates.

    9 在C++11之前,默认模板参数中允许在类模板中使用,因为函数模板在开发中存在历史缺陷。

    10 Again, in C++11 you had to use typename std::decay<…>::type instead of std::decay_t<…> (see Section 2.8 on page 40).

    10 同样,在C++11中你必须使用typename std::decay<…>::type来替代std::decay_t<…>(见第40页2.8节)

    11 In general, a conforming compiler isn’t even permitted to reject this code.

    11 一般遵循标准的编译器不应当拒绝这些代码。

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