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  • 第6章 移动语义和enable_if:6.2 特殊成员函数模板

    6.2 Special Member Function Templates

    6.2 特殊成员函数模板

    Member function templates can also be used as special member functions, including as a constructor, which, however, might lead to surprising behavior.


    Consider the following example:


    #include <utility>
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    class Person
        std::string name;
        // constructor for passed initial name:
        explicit Person(std::string const& n) : name(n) {
            std::cout << "copying string-CONSTR for '" << name << "'
        explicit Person(std::string&& n) : name(std::move(n)) {
            std::cout << "moving string-CONSTR for '" << name << "'
        // copy and move constructor:
        Person(Person const& p) : name(p.name) {
            std::cout << "COPY-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'
        Person(Person&& p)  noexcept : name(std::move(p.name)) {
            std::cout << "MOVE-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'
    int main() {
        std::string s = "sname";
        Person p1(s); //用string对象初始化 => 调用Person(const string&)
        Person p2("tmp"); //用字符串字面量初始化 => 调用移动构造函数:Person(string&& n)
        //Person p3(p1); //拷贝Person对象 => 调用Person(const Person&)
        Person p4(std::move(p1)); //移动Person对象 => 调用移动构造函数Person(Person&&)

    Here, we have a class Person with a string member name for which we provide initializing constructors. To support move semantics, we overload the constructor taking a std::string:


    • We provide a version for string object the caller still needs, for which name is initialized by a copy of the passed argument:


    Person(std::string const& n) : name(n) {
         std::cout << "copying string-CONSTR for ’" << name << "";

    • We provide a version for movable string object, for which we call std::move() to “steal” the value from:


    Person(std::string&& n) : name(std::move(n)) {
        std::cout << "moving string-CONSTR for ’" << name << "";

    As expected, the first is called for passed string objects that are in use (lvalues), while the latter is called for movable objects (rvalues):


    std::string s = "sname";
    Person p1(s); // init with string object => calls copying string-CONSTR
    Person p2("tmp"); // init with string literal => calls moving string-CONSTR

    Besides these constructors, the example has specific implementations for the copy and move constructor to see when a Person as a whole is copied/moved:


    Person p3(p1); // copy Person => calls COPY-CONSTR
    Person p4(std::move(p1)); // move Person => calls MOVE-CONSTR

    Now let’s replace the two string constructors with one generic constructor perfect forwarding the passed argument to the member name:


    #include <utility>
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    class Person
        std::string name;
        // generic constructor for passed initial name:
        template<typename STR>
        explicit Person(STR&& n) : name(std::forward<STR>(n)) {
            std::cout << "TMPL-CONSTR for '" << name << "'
        // copy and move constructor:
        Person(Person const& p) : name(p.name) {
            std::cout << "COPY-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'
        Person(Person&& p) noexcept : name(std::move(p.name)) {
            std::cout << "MOVE-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'

    Construction with passed string works fine, as expected:


    std::string s = "sname";
    Person p1(s); //通过string对象转发 => 调用完美转发构造函数
    Person p2("tmp"); //通过字符串字面量初始化=> 调用完美转发构造函数

    Note how the construction of p2 does not create a temporary string in this case: The parameter STR is deduced to be of type char const[4]. Applying std::forward<STR> to the pointer parameter of the constructor has not much of an effect, and the name member is thus constructed from a null-terminated string.

    注意,现在构造p2时并不会创建一个临时的std::string对象。模板参数STR的类型被推导为char const[4]。但是将std::forward<STR>用于构造函数的指针参数并没有太大的意义,因此name成员将由一个以null结尾的字符串构造的。

    But when we attempt to call the copy constructor, we get an error:


    Person p3(p1); // ERROR

    while initializing a new Person by a movable object still works fine:


    Person p4(std::move(p1)); // OK: move Person => calls MOVECONST

    Note that also copying a constant Person works fine:


    Person const p2c("ctmp"); //通过字符串字面量来初始化const对象
    Person p3c(p2c); // OK: 拷贝const对象 =>调用Person(const Person&)

    The problem is that, according to the overload resolution rules of C++ (see Section 16.2.4 on page 333), for a nonconstant lvalue Person p the member template

    问题出在:根据C++重载解析规则(见第333页的16.2.4节),对于非const的左值Person p,成员模板

    template<typename STR>
    Person(STR&& n)

    is a better match than the (usually predefined) copy constructor:


    Person (Person const& p)

    STR is just substituted with Person&, while for the copy constructor a conversion to const is necessary.


    You might think about solving this by also providing a nonconstant copy constructor:


    Person (Person& p);

    However, that is only a partial solution because for objects of a derived class, the member template is still a better match. What you really want is to disable the member template for the case that the passed argument is a Person or an expression that can be converted to a Person. This can be done by using std::enable_if<>, which is introduced in the next section.



    #include <utility>
    #include <string>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <type_traits>
    class Person
        std::string name;
        // generic constructor for passed initial name:
        template<typename STR>
        Person(STR&& n) : name(std::forward<STR>(n)) {
            std::cout << "TMPL-CONSTR for '" << name << "'
        // copy and move constructor:
        Person(Person const& p) : name(p.name) {
            std::cout << "COPY-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'
        Person(Person&& p) noexcept : name(std::move(p.name)) {
            std::cout << "MOVE-CONSTR Person '" << name << "'
    class SpecialPerson : public Person
        using Person::Person; //继承构造函数
        //Person(const SpecialPerson&),在这个构造函数中string类型的name成员用子类SpecialPerson
        //SpecialPerson(const SpecialPerson& sp) : Person(sp) {}  
        //SpecialPerson(SpecialPerson&& sp) noexcept: Person(std::move(sp)) {}
    int main() {
        std::string s = "sname";
        Person p1(s); //用string对象初始化 => 调用Person(const string&)
        //1. 完美构造函数产生更精确的匹配:
        //Person p2(p1); //error,完美转发构造函数会产生更加精确的匹配Person(Person&),但是在
        //2. Person子类的拷贝构造和移动构造:
        //SpecialPerson sp("spname");
        //SpecialPerson sp1(sp);
        //SpecialPerson sp2(std::move(sp));
        //template<typename STR, typename = std::enable_if_t < !std::is_base_of_v<Person, std::decay_t<STR>>>>
        //Person(STR && n) : name(std::forward<STR>(n)) {
        //    std::cout << "TMPL-CONSTR for '" << name << "'
        return 0;
  • 相关阅读:
    当VS.NET 无法调试时,不妨尝试一下下面的办法
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/5iedu/p/12774380.html
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