#!/usr/bin/env python # *_* coding=utf-8 *_* """ desc: 文件方法 ############################# file.read() #read([size]) -> read at most size bytes, returned as a string. file.readline() readline([size]) -> next line from the file, as a string. file.readlines() readlines([size]) -> list of strings, each a line from the file. Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of the lines so read. The optional size argument, if given, is an approximate bound on the total number of bytes in the lines returned. file.xreadlines() xreadlines() -> returns self. file.write() write(str) -> None. Write string str to file. file.writelines() writelines(sequence_of_strings) -> None. Write the strings to the file. Note that newlines are not added. The sequence can be any iterable object producing strings. This is equivalent to calling write() for each string. file.truncate() truncate([size]) -> None. Truncate the file to at most size bytes. Size defaults to the current file position, as returned by tell(). file.seek() seek(offset [,whence])方法改变当前文件的位置。Offset变量表示要移动的字节数。From变量指定开始移动字节的参考位置。 如果from被设为0,这意味着将文件的开头作为移动字节的参考位置。如果设为1,则使用当前的位置作为参考位置。如果它被设为2,那么该文件的末尾将作为参考位置。 file.flush() file.tell() current file position, an integer (may be a long integer). file.next() file.close() ############不常用的方法############# file.closed file.mode file.name file.isatty() # true or false. True if the file is connected to a tty device. file.readinto() #不用用这个 file.encoding # 不常用 file.errors # 不常用 file.newline # 不常用 file.softspace file.fileno() fileno() -> integer "file descriptor". This is needed for lower-level file interfaces, such os.read(). ############################### version: 1.0 """ fo= open("e:/temp.txt",'r') print "文件名: ", fo.name print "是否已关闭 : ", fo.closed print "访问模式 : ", fo.mode print "末尾是否强制加空格 : ", fo.softspace