#coding:utf-8 import werobot import pymongo class Gongzhonghao(): def __init__(self,token,APP_ID,ENCODING_AES_KEY,APP_SECRET): self.robot = werobot.WeRoBot(token = token) self.robot.config['HOST'] = '' self.robot.config['PORT'] = 80 self.robot.config['APP_ID'] = APP_ID self.robot.config['ENCODING_AES_KEY'] = ENCODING_AES_KEY self.robot.config['APP_SECRET'] = APP_SECRET def _getNews_Count(self): """ 获取公众号图文消息总数 :return: Int """ mediacount = self.robot.client.get_media_count() news_count = mediacount['news_count'] return news_count def getNews(self): """ 获取公众号所有的图文内容 :return: Json """ i = 0 items = [] news_count = self._getNews_Count() while i < news_count: tempj = self.robot.client.get_media_list('news', i, 20) items = tempj['item'] + items i = i + 20 j = { 'total_count': news_count, 'items': items } return j def echo(self): """ 用于公众号后台初次配置的验证 :return: null """ self.robot.run() if __name__ == '__main__': g = Gongzhonghao('1', '2', '3','4') j = g.getNews() client = pymongo.MongoClient('ip', 27017) db = client.gongzhonghao xxx= db.xxx xxx.insert(j)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import os import urllib.parse from html.parser import HTMLParser import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from pymongo import MongoClient class ContentHtmlParser(HTMLParser): """ 过滤html标签 """ def __init__(self): HTMLParser.__init__(self) self.text = "" def handle_data(self, data): self.text += data def get_text(self): return self.text mongo_client = MongoClient("ip", 27017) mongo_db = mongo_client["gongzhonghao"] def get_words(): words = [] with open("words.txt", encoding="utf-8") as words_file: for lines in words_file.readlines(): if len(lines.strip()) == 0: continue if lines.find("、") != -1: for p in lines.split("、"): words.append(p.replace(" ", "")) else: words.append(lines.replace(" ", "")) return words def get_articles(clt): articles = [] collection = mongo_db[clt] doc = collection.find_one() items = doc["items"] for it in items: content = it["content"]["news_item"][0] articles.append(content) return articles def download(dir, file_name, url): if not os.path.exists(dir): os.mkdir(dir) try: resp = requests.get(url) path = dir + "\" + file_name if os.path.exists(path): return with open(path, "wb") as f: f.write(resp.content) except : print(url) def find_images(content): imgs = [] c = urllib.parse.unquote(content) img_labels = BeautifulSoup(c, "html.parser").find_all("img") for img in img_labels: src = img.get("data-src") imgs.append(src) return imgs def get_suffix(url): try: suffix = url[url.rindex("=") + 1:] if suffix == "jpeg" or suffix == "other": return ".jpg" return "." + suffix except: return ".jpg" def filter_content(content): parser = ContentHtmlParser() parser.feed(content) return parser.get_text() def check_jinyongci(content): fc = filter_content(content) words = get_words() invalids = [] for w in words: if fc.find(w) != -1: invalids.append(w) return invalids def save_jinyongci(clt, title, invalids): if len(invalids) == 0: return file = clt + "\invalid.txt" with open(file, "a+",encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("标题:" + title) f.write(" 敏感词:") for iv in invalids: f.write(iv) f.write("、") f.write(" ") if __name__ == "__main__": clt = "xxx" if not os.path.exists(clt): os.mkdir(clt) articles = get_articles(clt) print(clt + ": 共" + str(len(articles)) + "个") for i in range(0, len(articles)): print("正在处理第 " + str(i) + " 个") title = articles[i]["title"] thumb_url = articles[i]["thumb_url"] content = articles[i]["content"] # 下载封面 # path = os.path.join(clt, title) fname = str(i) + "_" + title.replace("|", "").replace("<", "").replace(">", "") download(clt, fname + get_suffix(thumb_url), thumb_url) # 找出文章中的图片 imgs = find_images(content) index = 0 for img in imgs: download(clt, fname + "_" + str(index) + get_suffix(img), img) index = index + 1 # 找出文章中的敏感词 invalids = check_jinyongci(content) print(invalids,'----',title) save_jinyongci(clt, title, invalids)
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