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  • pyQt 流布局的一个例子


    from PyQt5.QtCore import QPoint, QRect, QSize, Qt
    from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QLayout, QPushButton, QSizePolicy, QWidget, QGridLayout)
    class Window(QWidget):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Window, self).__init__()
            self.resize(400, 300)
            flowLayout = FlowLayout()
            for i in range(10):
                layout = QGridLayout()
                widget = QWidget()
            self.setWindowTitle("Flow Layout")
    class FlowLayout(QLayout):
        def __init__(self, parent=None, margin=0, spacing=-1):
            super(FlowLayout, self).__init__(parent)
            if parent is not None:
                self.setContentsMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin)
            self.itemList = []
        def __del__(self):
            item = self.takeAt(0)
            while item:
                item = self.takeAt(0)
        def addItem(self, item):
        def count(self):
            return len(self.itemList)
        def itemAt(self, index):
            if index >= 0 and index < len(self.itemList):
                return self.itemList[index]
            return None
        def takeAt(self, index):
            if index >= 0 and index < len(self.itemList):
                return self.itemList.pop(index)
            return None
        def expandingDirections(self):
            return Qt.Orientations(Qt.Orientation(0))
        def hasHeightForWidth(self):
            return True
        def heightForWidth(self, width):
            height = self.doLayout(QRect(0, 0, width, 0), True)
            return height
        def setGeometry(self, rect):
            super(FlowLayout, self).setGeometry(rect)
            self.doLayout(rect, False)
        def sizeHint(self):
            return self.minimumSize()
        def minimumSize(self):
            size = QSize()
            for item in self.itemList:
                size = size.expandedTo(item.minimumSize())
            margin, _, _, _ = self.getContentsMargins()
            size += QSize(2 * margin, 2 * margin)
            return size
        def doLayout(self, rect, testOnly):
            x = rect.x()
            y = rect.y()
            lineHeight = 0
            for item in self.itemList:
                wid = item.widget()
                spaceX = self.spacing() + wid.style().layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.PushButton,
                                                                    QSizePolicy.PushButton, Qt.Horizontal)
                spaceY = self.spacing() + wid.style().layoutSpacing(QSizePolicy.PushButton,
                                                                    QSizePolicy.PushButton, Qt.Vertical)
                nextX = x + item.sizeHint().width() + spaceX
                if nextX - spaceX > rect.right() and lineHeight > 0:
                    x = rect.x()
                    y = y + lineHeight + spaceY
                    nextX = x + item.sizeHint().width() + spaceX
                    lineHeight = 0
                if not testOnly:
                    item.setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(x, y), item.sizeHint()))
                x = nextX
                lineHeight = max(lineHeight, item.sizeHint().height())
            return y + lineHeight - rect.y()
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import sys
        app = QApplication(sys.argv)
        mainWin = Window()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/6min/p/11246568.html
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