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  • 7-33 Universal Travel Sites (35分)

    After finishing her tour around the Earth, CYLL is now planning a universal travel sites development project. After a careful investigation, she has a list of capacities of all the satellite transportation stations in hand. To estimate a budget, she must know the minimum capacity that a planet station must have to guarantee that every space vessel can dock and download its passengers on arrival.

    Input Specification:

    Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains the names of the source and the destination planets, and a positive integer N (≤500). Then N lines follow, each in the format: source[i] destination[i] capacity[i] where source[i] and destination[i] are the names of the satellites and the two involved planets, and capacity[i] > 0 is the maximum number of passengers that can be transported at one pass from source[i] to destination[i]. Each name is a string of 3 uppercase characters chosen from {A-Z}, e.g., ZJU.

    Note that the satellite transportation stations have no accommodation facilities for the passengers. Therefore none of the passengers can stay. Such a station will not allow arrivals of space vessels that contain more than its own capacity. It is guaranteed that the list contains neither the routes to the source planet nor that from the destination planet.

    Output Specification:

    For each test case, just print in one line the minimum capacity that a planet station must have to guarantee that every space vessel can dock and download its passengers on arrival.

    Sample Input:

    EAR MAR 11
    EAR AAA 300
    EAR BBB 400
    AAA BBB 100
    AAA CCC 400
    AAA MAR 300
    BBB DDD 400
    AAA DDD 400
    DDD AAA 100
    CCC MAR 400
    DDD CCC 200
    DDD MAR 300

    Sample Output:


    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <iostream>
    #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
    using namespace std;
    int n,p[1050],ind,to[70000],c,f;
    int first[1050],nex[1050],u[1050],v[1050],w[1050],work[1050],dis[1050];
    int chan(char *s) {///字符串转换为数字 方便建图
        int d = 0;
        while(*s) {
            d = d * 26 + *s - 'A';
            s ++;
        return to[d] ? to[d] : (to[d] = ++ ind);
    bool bfs(int s,int t) {
        int head = 0,tail = 0,q[1050];
        dis[s] = 0;
        q[tail ++] = s;
        while(head < tail) {
            int tt = q[head ++],k = first[tt];
            while(k != -1) {
                if(w[k ^ 1] && dis[v[k]] == -1) {
                    q[tail ++] = v[k];
                    dis[v[k]] = dis[tt] + 1;
                    if(dis[t] != -1) return true;
                k = nex[k];
        return false;
    int dfs(int s,int t,int low) {
        if(s == t) return low;
        int &k = work[s],x;
        while(k != -1) {
            if(dis[s] + 1 == dis[v[k]] && w[k ^ 1] && (x = dfs(v[k],t,min(low,w[k ^ 1])))) {
                w[k] += x;
                w[k ^ 1] -= x;
                return x;
            k = nex[k];
        return 0;
    int dinic(int s,int t) {
        int maxflow = 0,subf = 0;
        while(bfs(s,t)) {
            for(int i = 0;i <= n;i ++) work[i] = first[i];
            while((subf = dfs(s,t,inf)) != 0) maxflow += subf;
        return maxflow;
    int main() {
        char s[4],t[4];
        for(int i = 0;i < n;i ++) {
            int ss = chan(s),tt = chan(t);
            u[c] = ss,v[c] = tt,w[c] = 0;
            nex[c] = first[ss],first[ss] = c ++;
            u[c] = tt,v[c] = ss,w[c] = f;
            nex[c] = first[tt],first[tt] = c ++;
        n = n * 2 + 2;
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/8023spz/p/12268842.html
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