if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[p_zj]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[p_zj]
create proc p_zj
@tbname sysname, --要处理的表名
@fdname sysname, --做为转换的列名
@new_fdname sysname='' --为转换后的列指定列名
declare @s1 varchar(8000) , @s2 varchar(8000),
@s3 varchar(8000) , @s4 varchar(8000),
@s5 varchar(8000) , @i varchar(10)
select @s1 = '' , @s2 = '' , @s3 = '' , @s4 = '' , @s5 = '' , @i = '0'
select @s1 = @s1 + ',@' + @i + ' varchar(8000)',
@s2 = @s2 + ',@' + @i + '=''' + case isnull(@new_fdname , '') when '' then ''
else @new_fdname + '=' end + '''''' + name + '''''''',
@s3 = @s3 + 'select @' + @i + + @i + '+'',['' + [' + @fdname +
']+'']=''+cast([' + name + '] as varchar) from [' + @tbname + ']',
@s4 = @s4 + ',@' + @i + '=''select + @i,
@s5 = @s5 + '+'' union all + @i,
@i=cast(@i as int)+1
from syscolumns
where object_id(@tbname)=id and name<>@fdname
select @s1=substring(@s1,2,8000),
exec('declare ' + @s1 + 'select ' + @s2 + @s3 + 'select ' + @s4 + '
exec(' + @s5 + ')')
create table Test(月份 varchar(4), 工资 int, 福利 int, 奖金 int)
insert Test
select '1月',100,200,300 union all
select '2月',110,210,310 union all
select '3月',120,220,320 union all
select '4月',130,230,330
exec p_zj 'Test', '月份' , '项目'
drop table Test
drop proc p_zj