Kendo UI目前最新提供Kendo UI for jQuery、Kendo UI for Angular、Kendo UI Support for React和Kendo UI Support for Vue四个控件。Kendo UI for jQuery是创建现代Web应用程序的最完整UI库。
Kendo UI Filter小部件是一个统一的控件,用于筛选具有数据源的数据绑定组件。
使用Kendo UI for jQuery的过滤器,您可以存储其过滤器表达式并为用户恢复其状态。
下面的示例演示如何使用change事件自动应用过滤并保持Filter的最新状态。 重新加载页面后,存储的设置将提供给过滤器配置并应用。
<ol><li>Change the filter.</li><li>Reload the page: <button type="button" onclick="reloadPage();">Reload</button></li><li>The widget will be initialized with the settings that were stored.</li><li>Clear the stored information to start fresh: <button onclick="clearData();">Clear</button></li></ol><div id="filter"></div><ul id="listView"></ul> <script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="item"> <li> <strong>#= name #</strong>, aged #= age #, is on vacation: #= isOnLeave # </li> </script> <script> $(document).ready(function () { var dataSource = new{ data: [ { name: "Jane Doe", age: "25", isOnLeave: false }, { name: "John Doe", age: "33", isOnLeave: true }, { name: "John Smith", age: "37", isOnLeave: true }, { name: "Nathan Doe", age: 42, isOnLeave: false } ], schema: { model: { fields: { name: { type: "string" }, age: { type: "number" }, isOnLeave: { type: "boolean" } } } } }); $("#filter").kendoFilter({ dataSource: dataSource, change: applyAndStoreFilterExpression, expressionPreview: true, fields: [ { name: "name", type: "string", label: "Name" }, { name: "age", type: "number", label: "Age" }, { name: "isOnLeave", type: "boolean", label: "On Vacation" } ], expression: getInitialExpression() }).data("kendoFilter"); if (getInitialExpression()) { // Apply filter if there was a stored expression. $("#filter").data("kendoFilter").applyFilter(); } $("#listView").kendoListView({ dataSource: dataSource, template: kendo.template($("#item").html()) }); }); function applyAndStoreFilterExpression(e) { e.sender.applyFilter(); // Apply filtering on every change. localStorage["myInitialFilterExpression"] = JSON.stringify(e.expression); // Store the filter expression for future use. } function getInitialExpression() { if (localStorage["myInitialFilterExpression"]) { return JSON.parse(localStorage["myInitialFilterExpression"]); } } function reloadPage() { window.location.reload(); } function clearData() { delete localStorage["myInitialFilterExpression"]; reloadPage(); } </script>
<ol><li>Change the state of the filter.</li><li>Save the state <button onclick="saveState();">Save</button></li><li>Change the state of the filter again.</li><li>Load the state: <button onclick="loadState();">Load</button></li><li>Clear the state: <button onclick="clearState();">Clear</button></li></ol> <div id="filter"></div> <div id="chart"></div> <script> $(document).ready(function () { var dataSource = new{ data: [ { price: 25, year: 2017 }, { price: 29, year: 2018 }, { price: 33, year: 2019 } ], schema: { model: { fields: { price: { type: "number" }, year: { type: "number" } } } } }); $("#filter").kendoFilter({ dataSource: dataSource, expressionPreview: true, applyButton: true, fields: [ { name: "price", type: "number", label: "Cost" }, { name: "year", type: "number", label: "Year" } ] }).data("kendoFilter"); $("#chart").kendoChart({ dataSource: dataSource, series: [ { field: "price" } ], categoryAxis: { field: "year" } }); }); function saveState(e) { localStorage["myFilterSettings"] = JSON.stringify(getFilter().getOptions().expression); // You can store and restore all options not just the expression. } function loadState() { if (localStorage["myFilterSettings"]) { var filter = getFilter(); var opts = filter.getOptions(); opts.expression = JSON.parse(localStorage["myFilterSettings"]); filter.setOptions(opts); // If you will restore all options, you need only filter.setOptions(myOptionsLiteral). filter.applyFilter(); // Apply the new filter expression. } } function clearState() { delete localStorage["myFilterSettings"]; } function getFilter() { return $("#filter").data("kendoFilter"); } </script>
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