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import elasticsearch import os import re import json import time from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk # # def es_login(host="localhost", port="9200"): # return elasticsearch.Elasticsearch(hosts=[{"host": host, "port": port}]) # # # # print(es_login()) from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch # Connect to the elastic cluster from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch es=Elasticsearch([{'host':'localhost','port':9200}]) ssr1={ "first_name" : "八岐", "last_name" : "大蛇", "age" : 648, "about" : "求求你别再刷魂土了", "interests": [ "把队友变蛇", "篡位" ] } #余下代码为写入三段数据 sp1={ "first_name" : "鬼王", "last_name" : "酒吞童子", "age" : 998, "about" : "我不是男同", "interests": [ "喝酒" ] } ssr2={ "first_name" : "唤莲", "last_name" : "帝释天", "age" : 25, "about": "让你在新的世界里洗掉自己的罪孽吧", "interests": [ "阿修罗" ] } res1 = es.index(index="megacorp", doc_type='employee', id=1,body=ssr1) res2 = es.index(index="megacorp", doc_type='employee', id=2,body=sp1) res3 = es.index(index="megacorp", doc_type='employee', id=3,body=ssr2) test={ "query" : { "match" : {"last_name" : "帝释天" } } } print("1") rt1= es.search(index="megacorp", body=test) # print(rt1['hits']['hits']) for list in rt1['hits']['hits']: print (list) # print(type(rt1['hits']['hits'])) # e1={ # "first_name":"nitin", # "last_name":"panwar", # "age": 27, # "about": "Love to play cricket", # "interests": ['sports','music'],} # # print(e1) #现在让我们将此文档存储在Elasticsearch # res = es.index(index ='megacorp',doc_type ='employee',id = 1,body = e1) # def AddDatas(): # es = Elasticsearch([{'host':'localhost','port':9200}]) # datas = [{ # 'name': '美国留给伊拉克的是个烂摊子', # 'addr': 'http://view.news.qq.com/zt2011/usa_iraq/index.htm' # },{ # "name":"python", # "addr":'四川省' # }] # for i,data in enumerate(datas): # es.create(index="my_index",doc_type="test_type", # id=i,ignore=[400,409],body=data) # # 查询结果 # result = es.get(index="my_index",doc_type="test_type",id=0) # print(' 批量插入数据完成: ',result['_source']) # # AddDatas() # print(2) # def ParaSearch(): # es = Elasticsearch([{'host':'localhost','port':9200}]) # query1 = es.search(index="my_index", body={"query":{"match_all":{}}}) # print(' 查询所有文档 ',query1) # query2 = es.search(index="my_index", body={"query":{"term":{'name':'python'}}}) # print(' 查找名字Python的文档: ',query2['hits']['hits'][0]) # # ParaSearch() #