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  • Unity3d开发“类三消”游戏

    新建一个Project,导入图片素材和声音文件,把图片的Texture Type都修改为Sprite(2D and UI)【1】。新建一个命名为Background的GameObject,为之添加背景素材图片【2】。再新建一个命名为GameController的GameObject,为之添加GameController脚本和AudioSource组件。把消除素材图片都做成预设体(Prefabs)【3】,顺便再Copy多一个预设体,重命名为Gemstone,把Sprite设为空(None),为之添加Gemstone脚本和BoxCollider组件。

        【1】                                             【3】                                                                                                                         



      1 using System.Collections;  
      3 public class GameController : MonoBehaviour {  
      4     public Gemstone gemstone;  
      5     public int rowNum=7;//宝石列数  
      6     public int columNum=10;//宝石行数  
      7     public ArrayList gemstoneList;//定义列表  
      8     private Gemstone currentGemstone;  
      9     private ArrayList matchesGemstone;  
     10     public AudioClip match3Clip;  
     11     public AudioClip swapClip;  
     12     public AudioClip erroeClip;  
     13     // Use this for initialization  
     14     void Start () {  
     15         gemstoneList = new ArrayList ();//新建列表  
     16         matchesGemstone = new ArrayList ();  
     17         for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex<rowNum; rowIndex++) {  
     18             ArrayList temp=new ArrayList();  
     19             for(int columIndex=0;columIndex<columNum;columIndex++){  
     20                 Gemstone c=AddGemstone(rowIndex,columIndex);  
     21                 temp.Add(c);  
     23             }  
     24             gemstoneList.Add(temp);  
     25         }  
     26         if (CheckHorizontalMatches () || CheckVerticalMatches ()) {//开始检测匹配消除  
     27             RemoveMatches();  
     28         }  
     29     }  
     30     public Gemstone AddGemstone(int rowIndex,int columIndex){//生成宝石  
     31         Gemstone c = Instantiate (gemstone)as Gemstone;  
     32         c.transform.parent = this.transform;//生成宝石为GameController子物体  
     33         c.GetComponent<Gemstone>().RandomCreateGemstoneBg();  
     34         c.GetComponent<Gemstone>().UpdatePosition(rowIndex,columIndex);  
     35         return c;  
     36     }  
     38     // Update is called once per frame  
     39     void Update () {  
     41     }  
     42     public void Select(Gemstone c){  
     43         //Destroy (c.gameObject);  
     44         if (currentGemstone == null) {  
     45             currentGemstone = c;  
     46             currentGemstone.isSelected=true;  
     47             return;  
     48         } else {  
     49             if(Mathf.Abs(currentGemstone.rowIndex-c.rowIndex)+Mathf.Abs(currentGemstone.columIndex-c.columIndex)==1){  
     50                 //ExangeAndMatches(currentGemstone,c);  
     51                 StartCoroutine(ExangeAndMatches(currentGemstone,c));  
     52             }else{  
     53                 this.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(erroeClip);  
     54             }  
     55             currentGemstone.isSelected=false;  
     56             currentGemstone=null;  
     57         }  
     58     }  
     59     IEnumerator ExangeAndMatches(Gemstone c1,Gemstone c2){//实现宝石交换并且检测匹配消除  
     60         Exchange(c1,c2);  
     61         yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);  
     62         if (CheckHorizontalMatches () || CheckVerticalMatches ()) {  
     63             RemoveMatches ();  
     64         } else {  
     65         Exchange(c1,c2);  
     66         }  
     67     }  
     68     bool CheckHorizontalMatches(){//实现检测水平方向的匹配  
     69         bool isMatches = false;  
     70         for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex<rowNum; rowIndex++) {  
     71             for (int columIndex=0; columIndex<columNum-2; columIndex++) {  
     72                 if ((GetGemstone (rowIndex, columIndex).gemstoneType == GetGemstone (rowIndex, columIndex + 1).gemstoneType) && (GetGemstone (rowIndex, columIndex).gemstoneType == GetGemstone (rowIndex, columIndex + 2).gemstoneType)) {  
     73                     //Debug.Log ("发现行相同的宝石");  
     74                     AddMatches(GetGemstone(rowIndex,columIndex));  
     75                     AddMatches(GetGemstone(rowIndex,columIndex+1));  
     76                     AddMatches(GetGemstone(rowIndex,columIndex+2));  
     77                     isMatches = true;  
     78                 }  
     79             }  
     80         }  
     81         return isMatches;  
     82     }  
     83     bool CheckVerticalMatches(){//实现检测垂直方向的匹配  
     84         bool isMatches = false;  
     85         for (int columIndex=0; columIndex<columNum; columIndex++) {  
     86             for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex<rowNum-2; rowIndex++) {  
     87                 if ((GetGemstone (rowIndex, columIndex).gemstoneType == GetGemstone (rowIndex + 1, columIndex).gemstoneType) && (GetGemstone (rowIndex, columIndex).gemstoneType == GetGemstone (rowIndex + 2, columIndex).gemstoneType)) {  
     88                     //Debug.Log("发现列相同的宝石");  
     89                     AddMatches(GetGemstone(rowIndex,columIndex));  
     90                     AddMatches(GetGemstone(rowIndex+1,columIndex));  
     91                     AddMatches(GetGemstone(rowIndex+2,columIndex));  
     92                     isMatches=true;  
     93                 }  
     94             }  
     95         }  
     96         return isMatches;  
     97     }  
     98     void AddMatches(Gemstone c){  
     99         if (matchesGemstone == null)  
    100             matchesGemstone = new ArrayList ();  
    101         int Index = matchesGemstone.IndexOf (c);//检测宝石是否已在数组当中  
    102         if (Index == -1) {  
    103             matchesGemstone.Add(c);  
    104         }  
    105     }  
    106     void RemoveMatches(){//删除匹配的宝石  
    107         for (int i=0; i<matchesGemstone.Count; i++) {  
    108             Gemstone c=matchesGemstone[i]as Gemstone;  
    109             RemoveGemstone(c);  
    110         }  
    111         matchesGemstone = new ArrayList ();  
    112         StartCoroutine (WaitForCheckMatchesAgain ());  
    113     }  
    114     IEnumerator WaitForCheckMatchesAgain(){//连续检测匹配消除  
    115         yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);  
    116         if (CheckHorizontalMatches () || CheckVerticalMatches ()) {  
    117             RemoveMatches();  
    118         }  
    119     }  
    120     void RemoveGemstone(Gemstone c){//删除宝石  
    121         //Debug.Log("删除宝石");  
    122         c.Dispose ();  
    123         this.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource> ().PlayOneShot (match3Clip);  
    124         for (int i=c.rowIndex+1; i<rowNum; i++) {  
    125             Gemstone temGemstone=GetGemstone(i,c.columIndex);  
    126             temGemstone.rowIndex--;  
    127             SetGemstone(temGemstone.rowIndex,temGemstone.columIndex,temGemstone);  
    128             //temGemstone.UpdatePosition(temGemstone.rowIndex,temGemstone.columIndex);  
    129             temGemstone.TweenToPostion(temGemstone.rowIndex,temGemstone.columIndex);  
    130         }  
    131         Gemstone newGemstone = AddGemstone (rowNum, c.columIndex);  
    132         newGemstone.rowIndex--;  
    133         SetGemstone (newGemstone.rowIndex, newGemstone.columIndex, newGemstone);  
    134         //newGemstone.UpdatePosition (newGemstone.rowIndex, newGemstone.columIndex);  
    135         newGemstone.TweenToPostion (newGemstone.rowIndex, newGemstone.columIndex);  
    136     }  
    137     public Gemstone GetGemstone(int rowIndex,int columIndex){//通过行号和列号,获取对应位置的宝石  
    138         ArrayList temp = gemstoneList [rowIndex]as ArrayList;  
    139         Gemstone c = temp [columIndex]as Gemstone;  
    140         return c;  
    141     }  
    142     public void SetGemstone(int rowIndex,int columIndex,Gemstone c){//设置所对应行号和列号的宝石  
    143         ArrayList temp = gemstoneList [rowIndex]as ArrayList;  
    144         temp [columIndex] = c;  
    145     }  
    146     public void Exchange(Gemstone c1,Gemstone c2){//实现宝石交换位置  
    147         this.gameObject.GetComponent<AudioSource> ().PlayOneShot (swapClip);  
    148         SetGemstone (c1.rowIndex, c1.columIndex, c2);  
    149         SetGemstone (c2.rowIndex, c2.columIndex, c1);  
    150         //交换c1,c2的行号  
    151         int tempRowIndex;  
    152         tempRowIndex = c1.rowIndex;  
    153         c1.rowIndex = c2.rowIndex;  
    154         c2.rowIndex = tempRowIndex;  
    155         //交换c1,c2的列号  
    156         int tempColumIndex;  
    157         tempColumIndex = c1.columIndex;  
    158         c1.columIndex = c2.columIndex;  
    159         c2.columIndex = tempColumIndex;  
    161         //c1.UpdatePosition (c1.rowIndex, c1.columIndex);  
    162         //c2.UpdatePosition (c2.rowIndex, c2.columIndex);  
    163         c1.TweenToPostion (c1.rowIndex, c1.columIndex);  
    164         c2.TweenToPostion (c2.rowIndex, c2.columIndex);  
    165     }  



     1 using System.Collections;  
     3 public class Gemstone : MonoBehaviour {  
     5     public float xOffset = -4.5f;//x方向的偏移  
     6     public float yOffset = -2.0f;//y方向的偏移  
     7     public int rowIndex = 0;  
     8     public int columIndex = 0;  
     9     public GameObject[] gemstoneBgs;//宝石数组  
    10     public int gemstoneType;//宝石类型  
    11     private GameObject gemstoneBg;  
    12     private GameController gameController;  
    13     private SpriteRenderer spriteRenderer;  
    14     public bool isSelected{  
    15         set{  
    16             if(value){  
    17                 spriteRenderer.color=Color.red;  
    18             }else{  
    19                 spriteRenderer.color=Color.white;  
    20             }  
    21         }  
    22     }  
    23     // Use this for initialization  
    24     void Start () {  
    25         gameController = GameObject.Find ("GameController").GetComponent<GameController> ();  
    26         spriteRenderer = gemstoneBg.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ();  
    27     }  
    29     // Update is called once per frame  
    30     void Update () {  
    32     }  
    33     public void UpdatePosition(int _rowIndex,int _columIndex){//宝石的位置  
    34         rowIndex = _rowIndex;  
    35         columIndex = _columIndex;  
    36         this.transform.position = new Vector3 (columIndex + xOffset, rowIndex + yOffset, 0);  
    37     }  
    38     public void TweenToPostion(int _rowIndex,int _columIndex){//调用iTween插件实现宝石滑动效果  
    39         rowIndex = _rowIndex;  
    40         columIndex = _columIndex;  
    41         iTween.MoveTo (this.gameObject, iTween.Hash ("x", columIndex + xOffset, "y", rowIndex + yOffset, "time", 0.5f));  
    42     }  
    43     public void RandomCreateGemstoneBg(){//随机的宝石类型  
    44         if (gemstoneBg != null)   
    45             return;  
    46         gemstoneType = Random.Range (0, gemstoneBgs.Length);  
    47         gemstoneBg = Instantiate (gemstoneBgs [gemstoneType])as GameObject;  
    48         gemstoneBg.transform.parent = this.transform;  
    49     }  
    50     public void OnMouseDown(){  
    51         gameController.Select (this);  
    52     }  
    53     public void Dispose(){  
    54         Destroy (this.gameObject);  
    55         Destroy (gemstoneBg.gameObject);  
    56         gameController = null;  
    57     }  




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/AaronBlogs/p/7119643.html
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