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  • osg例子中文翻译,半机翻

    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osg2cpp                             2cpp
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganalysis                         分析
    2016/10/22  14:36    <DIR>          osgAndroidExampleGLES1              安卓GLES 例子1
    2016/10/22  14:36    <DIR>          osgAndroidExampleGLES2              安卓GLES 例子2
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimate                          动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationeasemotion              滚动动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationhardware                硬件动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationmakepath                路径动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationmorph                   变形动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationnode                    节点动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationskinning                皮肤动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationsolid                   固体动画
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationtimeline                animationtimeline
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osganimationviewer                  animationviewer
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgatomiccounter                    atomiccounter
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgautocapture                      autocapture
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgautotransform                    autotransform
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgbillboard                        榜单
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgblendequation                    混合方程
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgcallback                         回调
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgcamera                           相机
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgcatch                            捕捉------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgclip                             剪辑
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgcluster                          集群
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgcompositeviewer                  复合视图
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgcopy                             复制
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgcubemap                          立方纹理
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgdatabaserevisions                数据库修订
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgdelaunay                         三角剖分
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgdepthpartition                   深度划分
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgdepthpeeling                     深度剥离
    2016/10/22  14:36    <DIR>          osgdirectinput                      有向输入
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgdistortion                       畸变
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgdrawinstanced                    绘制实例
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgfadetext                         淡化文字
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgfont                             字体
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgforest                           森林
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgfpdepth                          fpdepth
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgfxbrowser                        fxbrowser
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osggameoflife                       游戏生命
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osggeodemo                          几何实例---------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osggeometry                         几何形状----------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osggeometryshaders                  几何着色--------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osggpx                              gpx
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osggraphicscost                     图形消耗
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osghangglide                        滑动挂载
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osghud                              界面附加
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgimagesequence                    图片流
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgimpostor                         替换
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgintersection                     碰撞线--------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgkdtree                           K-dimension树(K维树形划分)
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgkeyboard                         键盘
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgkeyboardmouse                    鼠标键盘
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osglauncher                         发射器
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osglight                            光线
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osglightpoint                       点光
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osglogicop                          逻辑操作
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osglogo                             标识
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmanipulator                      机械手
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmemorytest                       内存测试
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmotionblur                       动态模糊
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmovie                            电影
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmultiplerendertargets            多重目标渲染
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmultitexture                     多重纹理
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmultitexturecontrol              多重纹理控制
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmultitouch                       多点触控
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgmultiviewpaging                  多页显示
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgoccluder                         遮挡器-------------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgocclusionquery                   遮挡查询-----------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgoit                              OIT
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgoutline                          大纲 ----------------------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgpackeddepthstencil               填充深度模板
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgpagedlod                         分页LOD
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgparametric                       参数值
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgparticle                         粒子
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgparticleeffects                  粒子效果
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgparticleshader                   粒子着色
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgpdf                              pdf
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgphotoalbum                       相册
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgpick                             拾取----------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgplanets                          行星-------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgpoints                           点
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgpointsprite                      点精灵
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgposter                           海报
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgprecipitation                    下雨---------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgprerender                        预渲染--------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgprerendercubemap                 预渲染立方纹理
    2016/10/28  15:16    <DIR>          osgqfont                            Qt字体
    2016/10/28  15:16    <DIR>          osgQtBrowser                        Qt浏览器
    2016/10/28  15:16    <DIR>          osgQtWidgets                        Qt布局
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgreflect                          反映
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgrobot                            机器人
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgscalarbar                        标量条
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgscreencapture                    屏幕截图
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgscribe                           抄写员
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgsequence                         序列
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgshadercomposition                组合着色器---------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgshadergen                        生成着色器------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgshaders                          着色器----------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgshaderterrain                    地形着色器
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgshadow                           阴影
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgshape                            形状
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgsharedarray                      着色器数组
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgsidebyside                       边连边
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgsimplegl3                        simplegl3
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgsimpleshaders                    简单着色器
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgsimplifier                       simplifier-------
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgsimulation                       模拟
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgslice                            切割
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgspacewarp                        空间扭曲
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgspheresegment                    球体段
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgspotlight                        聚光灯
    2016/10/22  14:36    <DIR>          osgstaticviewer                     静态浏览器
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgstereoimage                      立体图片
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgstereomatch                      立体竞赛
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgteapot                           茶壶
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgterrain                          地形
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtessellate                       镶嵌
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtessellationshaders              镶嵌着色器
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtext                             文本
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtext3D                           3d文本
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtexture1D                        纹理1d
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtexture2D                        纹理2d
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtexture3D                        纹理3d
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtexturecompression               复合纹理
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgtexturerectangle                 长方形纹理
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgthirdpersonview                  第三人称视角
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgthreadedterrain                  螺纹地形
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osguniformbuffer                    均匀缓冲
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgunittests                        单元测试
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osguserdata                         用户数据
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osguserstats                        用户状态
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgvertexattributes                 顶点属性
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgvertexprogram                    顶点编程
    2016/10/28  15:16    <DIR>          osgviewerCocoa                      viewercocoa
    2016/10/22  14:36    <DIR>          osgviewerFLTK                       viewerfltk
    2016/10/28  15:14    <DIR>          osgviewerFOX                        viewerfox
    2016/10/28  15:10    <DIR>          osgviewerGLUT                       viewerglut
    2016/10/22  14:36    <DIR>          osgviewerGTK                        viewergtk
    2016/10/28  15:16    <DIR>          osgviewerIPhone                     vieweriphone
    2016/10/28  15:16    <DIR>          osgviewerMFC                        viewermfc
    2016/10/28  15:16    <DIR>          osgviewerQt                         viewerqt
    2016/10/28  15:10    <DIR>          osgviewerSDL                        viewersdl
    2016/10/28  15:14    <DIR>          osgviewerWX                         viewerwx
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgvirtualprogram                   虚编程
    2016/10/28  15:14    <DIR>          osgvnc                              VNC
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgvolume                           卷积
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetaddremove                  布局addremove
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetbox                        布局box
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetcanvas                     布局canvas
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetframe                      布局frame
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetinput                      布局input
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetlabel                      布局label
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetmenu                       布局menu
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetmessagebox                 布局messagebox
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetnotebook                   布局notebook
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetperformance                布局performance
    2016/10/22  14:36    <DIR>          osgwidgetprogress                   布局progress
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetscrolled                   布局scrolled
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetshader                     布局shader
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetstyled                     布局styled
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgettable                      布局table
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwidgetwindow                     布局window
    2016/11/18  18:11    <DIR>          osgwindows                          视窗
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Again/p/6490553.html
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