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  • 第四周 2.7-2.13



    HDU 5622 KK's Chemical

    只要不成环,每个点贡献就是K - 1.


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 #include <cstring>
     4 using namespace std;
     5 typedef long long LL;
     6 const LL mod = 1e9 + 7;
     7 int N, K, tmp, G[101][101], dep[101];
     8 LL a[101], ans;
    10 void dfs(int p, int d)
    11 {
    12     if(dep[p])
    13     {
    14         if(dep[p] == -1) return;
    15         tmp += d - dep[p];
    16         if(!ans) ans += a[d-dep[p]];
    17         else ans = ans * a[d-dep[p]] % mod;
    18         return;
    19     }
    20     dep[p] = d;
    21     for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    22     {
    23         if(!G[p][i]) continue;
    24         dfs(i, d + 1);
    25     }
    26     dep[p] = -1;
    27 }
    29 int main(void)
    30 {
    31     int T;
    32     scanf("%d", &T);
    33     while(T--)
    34     {
    35         scanf("%d %d", &N, &K);
    36         memset(G, 0, sizeof(G));
    37         for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    38         {
    39             int to;
    40             scanf("%d", &to);
    41             G[i][to] = 1;
    42         }
    43         a[2] = K * (K - 1), a[3] = a[2] * (K - 2);
    44         for(int i = 4; i <= N; i++)
    45             a[i] = ( a[i-2] * (K - 1) + a[i-1] * (K - 2) ) % mod;
    46         ans = 0LL, tmp = 0;
    47         memset(dep, 0, sizeof(dep));
    48         for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) dfs(i, 1);
    49         for(int i = tmp; i < N; i++) ans = ans * (K - 1) % mod;
    50         printf("%I64d
    ", ans);
    51     }
    52     return 0;
    53 }


    CF 625 D Finals in arithmetic


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 #include <cstring>
     4 using namespace std;
     5 const int maxn = 1e5 + 10;
     6 char d[][2] = {
     7     '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '2', '1', '2', '2', '3', '2', '3', '3',
     8     '4', '3', '4', '4', '5', '4', '5', '5', '6', '5', '6', '6', '7', '6',
     9     '7', '7', '8', '7', '8', '8', '9', '8', '9', '9'
    10 };
    11 char o[maxn], ans[maxn];
    12 int cpy[maxn];
    14 bool solve(int p)
    15 {
    16     int sz = strlen(o+1);
    17     for(int i = 1; i <= sz; i++) cpy[i-p] = o[i] - '0';
    18     sz -= p, ans[sz+1] = 0;
    19     for(int i = 1; i <= (sz + 1) / 2; i++)
    20     {
    21         int x = 10 * cpy[i-1] + cpy[sz+1-i];
    22         if(x == 19 && !cpy[i]) x = 9;
    23         else if(x > 18 || cpy[sz+1-i] > cpy[i]) return false;
    24         if(i == 1 && !x) return false;
    25         if(i == (sz + 1) / 2)
    26         {
    27             if(sz % 2)
    28             {
    29                 if(x % 2) return false;
    30                 ans[i] = ans[sz+1-i] = x / 2 + '0';
    31                 return true;
    32             }
    33             else
    34             {
    35                 if(cpy[i-1] + cpy[i+1] != cpy[i]) return false;
    36                 ans[i] = d[x][0], ans[sz+1-i] = d[x][1];
    37                 return true;
    38             }
    39         }
    40         cpy[i] -= cpy[sz+1-i];
    41         if(cpy[i] < 0) cpy[i-1]--, cpy[i] += 10;
    42         cpy[sz-i] -= cpy[i-1];
    43         cpy[i-1] = cpy[sz+1-i] = 0;
    44         for(int j = sz - i; j > i; j--)
    45             if(cpy[j] < 0) cpy[j] += 10, cpy[j-1]--;
    46         if(cpy[i] < 0) return false;
    47         ans[i] = d[x][0], ans[sz+1-i] = d[x][1];
    48     }
    49 }
    51 int main(void)
    52 {
    53     scanf("%s", o + 1);
    54     if(solve(0)) printf("%s
    ", ans + 1);
    55     else if(solve(1)) printf("%s
    ", ans + 1);
    56     else puts("0");
    57     return 0;
    58 }




    POJ 3667 Hotel


      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      3 #include <algorithm>
      4 using namespace std;
      5 const int maxn = 5e4 + 10;
      6 int L[maxn<<2], R[maxn<<2], M[maxn<<2], tag[maxn<<2];
      8 void gather(int p, int m)
      9 {
     10     L[p] = L[p<<1];
     11     R[p] = R[p<<1|1];
     12     if(L[p] == (m - (m >> 1))) L[p] += L[p<<1|1];
     13     if(R[p] == m >> 1) R[p] += R[p<<1];
     14     M[p] = max(R[p<<1] + L[p<<1|1], max(M[p<<1], M[p<<1|1]));
     15 }
     17 void push(int p, int m)
     18 {
     19     if(tag[p] != -1)
     20     {
     21         tag[p<<1] = tag[p<<1|1] = tag[p];
     22         if(tag[p])
     23         {
     24             L[p<<1] = M[p<<1] = R[p<<1] = 0;
     25             L[p<<1|1] = M[p<<1|1] = R[p<<1|1] = 0;
     26         }
     27         else
     28         {
     29             L[p<<1] = M[p<<1] = R[p<<1] = m - (m >> 1);
     30             L[p<<1|1] = M[p<<1|1] = R[p<<1|1] = m >> 1;
     31         }
     32         tag[p] = -1;
     33     }
     34 }
     36 void build(int p, int l, int r)
     37 {
     38     tag[p] = -1;
     39     if(l < r)
     40     {
     41         int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
     42         build(p<<1, l, mid);
     43         build(p<<1|1, mid + 1, r);
     44         gather(p, r - l + 1);
     45     }
     46     else L[p] = R[p] = M[p] = 1;
     47 }
     49 void modify(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r, int v)
     50 {
     51     if(tr < l || r < tl) return;
     52     if(l <= tl && tr <= r)
     53     {
     54         tag[p] = v;
     55         if(v) L[p] = M[p] = R[p] = 0;
     56         else L[p] = M[p] = R[p] = tr - tl + 1;
     57         return;
     58     }
     59     push(p, tr - tl + 1);
     60     int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
     61     modify(p<<1, tl, mid, l, r, v);
     62     modify(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, l, r, v);
     63     gather(p, tr - tl + 1);
     64 }
     66 int query(int p, int tl, int tr, int m)
     67 {
     68     if(tl == tr) return tl;
     69     push(p, tr - tl + 1);
     70     int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
     71     if(M[p<<1] >= m) return query(p<<1, tl, mid, m);
     72     if(R[p<<1] + L[p<<1|1] >= m) return mid - R[p<<1] + 1;
     73     return query(p<<1|1, mid + 1, tr, m);
     74 }
     76 int main(void)
     77 {
     78     int N, m;
     79     scanf("%d %d", &N, &m);
     80     build(1, 1, N);
     81     while(m--)
     82     {
     83         int op, a, b;
     84         scanf("%d", &op);
     85         if(op == 1)
     86         {
     87             scanf("%d", &a);
     88             if(M[1] < a) puts("0");
     89             else
     90             {
     91                 b = query(1, 1, N, a);
     92                 printf("%d
    ", b);
     93                 modify(1, 1, N, b, b + a - 1, 1);
     94             }
     95         }
     96         else
     97         {
     98             scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
     99             modify(1, 1, N, a, a + b - 1, 0);
    100         }
    101     }
    102     return 0;
    103 }


    CF 622 E Ants in Leaves


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 #include <vector>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     6 const int maxn = 5e5 + 10;
     7 int cnt, h[maxn];
     8 vector<int> tmp;
    10 struct edge
    11 {
    12     int to, pre;
    13 } e[maxn<<1];
    15 void add(int from, int to)
    16 {
    17     cnt++;
    18     e[cnt].pre = h[from];
    19     e[cnt].to = to;
    20     h[from] = cnt;
    21 }
    23 void dfs(int p, int f, int d)
    24 {
    25     int son = 0;
    26     for(int i = h[p]; i; i = e[i].pre)
    27     {
    28         int to = e[i].to;
    29         if(to == f) continue;
    30         dfs(to, p, d + 1);
    31         son++;
    32     }
    33     if(!son) tmp.push_back(d);
    34 }
    36 int main(void)
    37 {
    38     int n;
    39     scanf("%d", &n);
    40     for(int i = 1; i < n; i++)
    41     {
    42         int u, v;
    43         scanf("%d %d", &u, &v);
    44         add(u, v), add(v, u);
    45     }
    46     int ans = 0;
    47     for(int i = h[1]; i; i = e[i].pre)
    48     {
    49         tmp.clear();
    50         dfs(e[i].to, 1, 0);
    51         sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
    52         int sz = tmp.size(), cur = -1;
    53         for(int j = 0; j < sz; j++) cur = max(cur + 1, tmp[j]);
    54         ans = max(ans, cur + 1);
    55     }
    56     printf("%d
    ", ans);
    57     return 0;
    58 }

    CF 622 F The Sum of the k-th Powers


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 typedef long long LL;
     5 const LL mod = 1e9 + 7;
     6 const int maxn = 1e6 + 10;
     7 LL pow_i_k[maxn], p[maxn];
     9 LL qpow(LL a, int b)
    10 {
    11     LL ret = 1LL;
    12     while(b)
    13     {
    14         if(b & 1) ret = ret * a % mod;
    15         a = a * a % mod;
    16         b >>= 1;
    17     }
    18     return ret;
    19 }
    21 LL inv(LL x)
    22 {
    23     return qpow(x, mod - 2);
    24 }
    26 int main(void)
    27 {
    28     LL n, k;
    29     scanf("%I64d %I64d", &n, &k);
    30     for(int i = 1; i <= k + 1; i++) pow_i_k[i] = qpow(i, k);
    31     for(int i = 1; i <= k + 1; i++) p[i] = (p[i-1] + pow_i_k[i]) % mod;
    32     if(n <= k + 1) printf("%I64d
    ", p[n]);
    33     else
    34     {
    35         LL ans = 0LL, tmp, a = 1LL, b = 1LL;
    36         for(int i = 1; i <= k + 1; i++) a = a * (n - i) % mod;
    37         for(int i = 1; i <= k + 1; i++) b = (b * (-i) % mod + mod) % mod;
    38         tmp = a * inv(b) % mod;
    39         for(int i = 1; i <= k + 1; i++)
    40         {
    41             tmp = tmp * (n - i + 1) % mod;
    42             tmp = tmp * inv(n - i) % mod;
    43             tmp = tmp * inv(i) % mod;
    44             tmp = tmp * (k - i + 2) % mod;
    45             tmp = (mod - tmp) % mod;
    46             ans = ( ans + p[i] * tmp % mod ) % mod;
    47         }
    48         printf("%I64d
    ", ans);
    49     }
    50     return 0;
    51 }


    HDU 1542 Atlantis


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 #include <cstring>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     6 const int maxn = 2222;
     7 double a[maxn];
     9 struct seg
    10 {
    11     int f;
    12     double l, r, h;
    13     seg(){}
    14     seg(double L, double R, double H, int F): l(L), r(R), h(H), f(F){}
    15 }S[maxn];
    17 bool cmp(seg A, seg B)
    18 {
    19     return A.h < B.h;
    20 }
    22 int cnt[maxn<<2];
    23 double sum[maxn<<2];
    25 void gather(int p, int tl, int tr)
    26 {
    27     if(cnt[p]) sum[p] = a[tr] - a[tl-1];
    28     else if(tl == tr) sum[p] = 0;
    29     else sum[p] = sum[p<<1] + sum[p<<1|1];
    30 }
    32 void modify(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r, int v)
    33 {
    34     if(tr < l || r < tl) return;
    35     if(l <= tl && tr <= r) cnt[p] += v;
    36     else
    37     {
    38         int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
    39         modify(p<<1, tl, mid, l, r, v);
    40         modify(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, l, r, v);
    41     }
    42     gather(p, tl, tr);
    43 }
    45 int main(void)
    46 {
    47     int n, kase = 0;
    48     while(~scanf("%d", &n) && n)
    49     {
    50         for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    51         {
    52             double x1, y1, x2, y2;
    53             scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
    54             a[i] = x1, a[i+n] = x2;
    55             S[i] = seg(x1, x2, y1, 1);
    56             S[i+n] = seg(x1, x2, y2, -1);
    57         }
    58         sort(a, a + 2 * n);
    59         int sz = unique(a, a + 2 * n) - a;
    60         sort(S, S + 2 * n, cmp);
    61         memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
    62         memset(sum, 0, sizeof(sum));
    63         double ans = 0.0;
    64         for(int i = 0; i < 2 * n - 1; i++)
    65         {
    66             int l = lower_bound(a, a + sz, S[i].l) - a + 1;
    67             int r = lower_bound(a, a + sz, S[i].r) - a;
    68             modify(1, 1, sz, l, r, S[i].f);
    69             ans += sum[1] * (S[i+1].h - S[i].h);
    70         }
    71         printf("Test case #%d
    Total explored area: %.2lf
    ", ++kase, ans);
    72     }
    73     return 0;
    74 }

    HDU 1828 Picture


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 #include <cstring>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     6 const int maxn = 22222;
     8 struct seg
     9 {
    10     int l, r, h, f;
    11     seg(){}
    12     seg(int L, int R, int H, int F): l(L), r(R), h(H), f(F){}
    13 }S[maxn];
    15 bool cmp(seg A, seg B)
    16 {
    17     if(A.h != B.h) return A.h < B.h;
    18     return A.f > B.f;
    19 }
    21 int cnt[maxn<<2], sum[maxn<<2];
    22 int vtc[maxn<<2], lbd[maxn<<2], rbd[maxn<<2];
    23 void gather(int p, int tl, int tr)
    24 {
    25     if(cnt[p])
    26     {
    27         vtc[p] = 2;
    28         lbd[p] = rbd[p] = 1;
    29         sum[p] = tr - tl + 1;
    30     }
    31     else if(tl == tr) sum[p] = vtc[p] = lbd[p] = rbd[p] = 0;
    32     else
    33     {
    34         lbd[p] = lbd[p<<1];
    35         rbd[p] = rbd[p<<1|1];
    36         sum[p] = sum[p<<1] + sum[p<<1|1];
    37         vtc[p] = vtc[p<<1] + vtc[p<<1|1];
    38         if(rbd[p<<1] && lbd[p<<1|1]) vtc[p] -= 2;
    39     }
    40 }
    42 void modify(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r, int v)
    43 {
    44     if(tr < l || r < tl) return;
    45     if(l <= tl && tr <= r) cnt[p] += v;
    46     else
    47     {
    48         int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
    49         modify(p<<1, tl, mid, l, r, v);
    50         modify(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, l, r, v);
    51     }
    52     gather(p, tl, tr);
    53 }
    55 int main(void)
    56 {
    57     int n;
    58     while(~scanf("%d", &n))
    59     {
    60         for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    61         {
    62             int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    63             scanf("%d %d %d %d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
    64             S[i] = seg(x1, x2, y1, 1);
    65             S[i+n] = seg(x1, x2, y2, -1);
    66         }
    67         sort(S, S + 2 * n, cmp);
    68         int ans = 0, last = 0;
    69         for(int i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++)
    70         {
    71             modify(1, -10000, 10000, S[i].l, S[i].r - 1, S[i].f);
    72             ans += vtc[1] * (S[i+1].h - S[i].h);
    73             ans += abs(sum[1] - last);
    74             last = sum[1];
    75         }
    76         printf("%d
    ", ans);
    77     }
    78     return 0;
    79 }

    HDU 1255 覆盖的面积


     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include <cstdio>
     3 #include <cstring>
     4 #include <algorithm>
     5 using namespace std;
     6 const int maxn = 2222;
     7 double a[maxn];
     9 struct seg
    10 {
    11     int f;
    12     double l, r, h;
    13     seg(){}
    14     seg(double L, double R, double H, int F): l(L), r(R), h(H), f(F){}
    15 }S[maxn];
    17 bool cmp(seg A, seg B)
    18 {
    19     return A.h < B.h;
    20 }
    22 int cnt[maxn<<2];
    23 double sum1[maxn<<2], sum2[maxn<<2];
    25 void gather(int p, int tl, int tr)
    26 {
    27     if(cnt[p] > 1)
    28     {
    29         sum1[p] = 0;
    30         sum2[p] = a[tr] - a[tl-1];
    31     }
    32     else if(cnt[p])
    33     {
    34         sum2[p] = sum1[p<<1] + sum1[p<<1|1] + sum2[p<<1] + sum2[p<<1|1];
    35         sum1[p] = a[tr] - a[tl-1] - sum2[p];
    36     }
    37     else if(tl == tr) sum1[p] = sum2[p] = 0;
    38     else
    39     {
    40         sum1[p] = sum1[p<<1] + sum1[p<<1|1];
    41         sum2[p] = sum2[p<<1] + sum2[p<<1|1];
    42     }
    43 }
    45 void modify(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r, int v)
    46 {
    47     if(tr < l || r < tl) return;
    48     if(l <= tl && tr <= r) cnt[p] += v;
    49     else
    50     {
    51         int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
    52         modify(p<<1, tl, mid, l, r, v);
    53         modify(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, l, r, v);
    54     }
    55     gather(p, tl, tr);
    56 }
    58 int main(void)
    59 {
    60     int T;
    61     scanf("%d", &T);
    62     while(T--)
    63     {
    64         int n;
    65         scanf("%d", &n);
    66         for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    67         {
    68             double x1, y1, x2, y2;
    69             scanf("%lf%lf%lf%lf", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
    70             a[i] = x1, a[i+n] = x2;
    71             S[i] = seg(x1, x2, y1, 1);
    72             S[i+n] = seg(x1, x2, y2, -1);
    73         }
    74         sort(a, a + 2 * n);
    75         int sz = unique(a, a + 2 * n) - a;
    76         sort(S, S + 2 * n, cmp);
    77         memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(cnt));
    78         memset(sum1, 0, sizeof(sum1));
    79         memset(sum2, 0, sizeof(sum2));
    80         double ans = 0.0;
    81         for(int i = 0; i < 2 * n - 1; i++)
    82         {
    83             int l = lower_bound(a, a + sz, S[i].l) - a + 1;
    84             int r = lower_bound(a, a + sz, S[i].r) - a;
    85             modify(1, 1, sz, l, r, S[i].f);
    86             ans += sum2[1] * (S[i+1].h - S[i].h);
    87         }
    88         printf("%.2lf
    ", ans);
    89     }
    90     return 0;
    91 }


    SPOJ QTREE Query on a tree


      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      3 #include <cstring>
      4 #include <algorithm>
      5 using namespace std;
      6 const int maxn = 2e5 + 10;
      7 int fa[maxn], dep[maxn], sz[maxn], son[maxn];
      8 int tot, top[maxn], tid[maxn], id[maxn];
      9 int cnt, h[maxn];
     10 int M[maxn<<2];
     11 int N, a[maxn], eid[maxn];
     13 struct edge
     14 {
     15     int to, pre, cost, idx;
     16 } e[maxn<<1];
     18 void init()
     19 {
     20     cnt = tot = 0;
     21     memset(h, 0, sizeof(h));
     22 }
     24 void add(int from, int to, int cost, int idx)
     25 {
     26     cnt++;
     27     e[cnt].pre = h[from];
     28     e[cnt].to = to;
     29     e[cnt].cost = cost;
     30     e[cnt].idx = idx;
     31     h[from] = cnt;
     32 }
     34 void dfs1(int p, int f, int d)
     35 {
     36     fa[p] = f, dep[p] = d;
     37     sz[p] = 1, son[p] = 0;
     38     for(int i = h[p]; i; i = e[i].pre)
     39     {
     40         int to = e[i].to;
     41         if(to == f) continue;
     42         dfs1(to, p, d + 1);
     43         sz[p] += sz[to];
     44         if(!son[p] || sz[to] > sz[son[p]]) son[p] = to;
     45     }
     46 }
     48 void dfs2(int p, int anc)
     49 {
     50     top[p] = anc;
     51     tid[p] = ++tot;
     52     id[tot] = p;
     53     if(!son[p]) return;
     54     dfs2(son[p], anc);
     55     for(int i = h[p]; i; i = e[i].pre)
     56     {
     57         int to = e[i].to;
     58         if(to == son[p]) eid[e[i].idx] = tid[to];
     59         if(to == fa[p] || to == son[p]) continue;
     60         dfs2(to, to);
     61         eid[e[i].idx] = tid[to];
     62     }
     63 }
     65 void gather(int p)
     66 {
     67     M[p] = max(M[p<<1], M[p<<1|1]);
     68 }
     70 void build(int p, int l, int r)
     71 {
     72     if(l < r)
     73     {
     74         int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
     75         build(p<<1, l, mid);
     76         build(p<<1|1, mid + 1, r);
     77         gather(p);
     78     }
     79     else M[p] = a[l];
     80 }
     82 void modify(int p, int tl, int tr, int x, int v)
     83 {
     84     if(tr < x || x < tl) return;
     85     if(tl == tr) {M[p] = v; return;}
     86     int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
     87     modify(p<<1, tl, mid, x, v);
     88     modify(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, x, v);
     89     gather(p);
     90 }
     92 int query(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r)
     93 {
     94     if(tr < l || r < tl) return 0;
     95     if(l <= tl && tr <= r) return M[p];
     96     int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
     97     int ret = query(p<<1, tl, mid, l, r);
     98     ret = max(ret, query(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, l, r));
     99     return ret;
    100 }
    102 int tquery(int x, int y)
    103 {
    104     int ret = 0;
    105     while(top[x] != top[y])
    106     {
    107         if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y);
    108         ret = max(ret, query(1, 1, N, tid[top[x]], tid[x]));
    109         x = fa[top[x]];
    110     }
    111     if(dep[x] > dep[y]) swap(x, y);
    112     ret = max(ret, query(1, 1, N, tid[son[x]], tid[y]));
    113     return ret;
    114 }
    116 int main(void)
    117 {
    118     int T;
    119     scanf("%d", &T);
    120     while(T--)
    121     {
    122         init();
    123         scanf("%d", &N);
    124         for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)
    125         {
    126             int a, b, c;
    127             scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);
    128             add(a, b, c, i), add(b, a, c, i);
    129         }
    130         dfs1(1, 0, 0);
    131         dfs2(1, 1);
    132         for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++) a[eid[e[i].idx]] = e[i].cost;
    133         build(1, 1, N);
    134         while(1)
    135         {
    136             int a, b;
    137             char op[10];
    138             scanf("%s", op);
    139             if(op[0] == 'D') break;
    140             if(op[0] == 'Q')
    141             {
    142                 scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
    143                 printf("%d
    ", tquery(a, b));
    144             }
    145             else
    146             {
    147                 scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
    148                 modify(1, 1, N, eid[a], b);
    149             }
    150         }
    151     }
    152     return 0;
    153 }

    BZOJ 1036 [ZJOI2008]树的统计Count


      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include <cstdio>
      3 #include <cstring>
      4 #include <algorithm>
      5 using namespace std;
      6 const int maxn = 2e5 + 10;
      7 int fa[maxn], dep[maxn], sz[maxn], son[maxn];
      8 int tot, top[maxn], tid[maxn], id[maxn];
      9 int cnt, h[maxn];
     10 int M[maxn<<2], sum[maxn];
     11 int N, a[maxn];
     13 struct edge
     14 {
     15     int to, pre;
     16 } e[maxn<<1];
     18 void init()
     19 {
     20     cnt = tot = 0;
     21     memset(h, 0, sizeof(h));
     22 }
     24 void add(int from, int to)
     25 {
     26     cnt++;
     27     e[cnt].pre = h[from];
     28     e[cnt].to = to;
     29     h[from] = cnt;
     30 }
     32 void dfs1(int p, int f, int d)
     33 {
     34     fa[p] = f, dep[p] = d;
     35     sz[p] = 1, son[p] = 0;
     36     for(int i = h[p]; i; i = e[i].pre)
     37     {
     38         int to = e[i].to;
     39         if(to == f) continue;
     40         dfs1(to, p, d + 1);
     41         sz[p] += sz[to];
     42         if(!son[p] || sz[to] > sz[son[p]]) son[p] = to;
     43     }
     44 }
     46 void dfs2(int p, int anc)
     47 {
     48     top[p] = anc;
     49     tid[p] = ++tot;
     50     id[tot] = p;
     51     if(!son[p]) return;
     52     dfs2(son[p], anc);
     53     for(int i = h[p]; i; i = e[i].pre)
     54     {
     55         int to = e[i].to;
     56         if(to == fa[p] || to == son[p]) continue;
     57         dfs2(to, to);
     58     }
     59 }
     61 void gather(int p)
     62 {
     63     M[p] = max(M[p<<1], M[p<<1|1]);
     64     sum[p] = sum[p<<1] + sum[p<<1|1];
     65 }
     67 void build(int p, int l, int r)
     68 {
     69     if(l < r)
     70     {
     71         int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
     72         build(p<<1, l, mid);
     73         build(p<<1|1, mid + 1, r);
     74         gather(p);
     75     }
     76     else M[p] = sum[p] = a[id[l]];
     77 }
     79 void modify(int p, int tl, int tr, int x, int v)
     80 {
     81     if(tr < x || x < tl) return;
     82     if(tl == tr) {M[p] = sum[p] = v; return;}
     83     int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
     84     modify(p<<1, tl, mid, x, v);
     85     modify(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, x, v);
     86     gather(p);
     87 }
     89 int query_sum(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r)
     90 {
     91     if(tr < l || r < tl) return 0;
     92     if(l <= tl && tr <= r) return sum[p];
     93     int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
     94     int ret = query_sum(p<<1, tl, mid, l, r);
     95     ret += query_sum(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, l, r);
     96     return ret;
     97 }
     99 int query_max(int p, int tl, int tr, int l, int r)
    100 {
    101     if(tr < l || r < tl) return -30000;
    102     if(l <= tl && tr <= r) return M[p];
    103     int mid = (tl + tr) >> 1;
    104     int ret = query_max(p<<1, tl, mid, l, r);
    105     ret = max(ret, query_max(p<<1|1, mid+1, tr, l, r));
    106     return ret;
    107 }
    109 int tquery_sum(int x, int y)
    110 {
    111     int ret = 0;
    112     while(top[x] != top[y])
    113     {
    114         if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y);
    115         ret += query_sum(1, 1, N, tid[top[x]], tid[x]);
    116         x = fa[top[x]];
    117     }
    118     if(dep[x] > dep[y]) swap(x, y);
    119     ret += query_sum(1, 1, N, tid[x], tid[y]);
    120     return ret;
    121 }
    123 int tquery_max(int x, int y)
    124 {
    125     int ret = -30000;
    126     while(top[x] != top[y])
    127     {
    128         if(dep[top[x]] < dep[top[y]]) swap(x, y);
    129         ret = max(ret, query_max(1, 1, N, tid[top[x]], tid[x]));
    130         x = fa[top[x]];
    131     }
    132     if(dep[x] > dep[y]) swap(x, y);
    133     ret = max(ret, query_max(1, 1, N, tid[x], tid[y]));
    134     return ret;
    135 }
    137 int main(void)
    138 {
    139     init();
    140     scanf("%d", &N);
    141     for(int i = 1; i < N; i++)
    142     {
    143         int a, b;
    144         scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
    145         add(a, b), add(b, a);
    146     }
    147     for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++) scanf("%d", a + i);
    148     dfs1(1, 0, 0);
    149     dfs2(1, 1);
    150     build(1, 1, N);
    151     int q;
    152     scanf("%d", &q);
    153     while(q--)
    154     {
    155         int a, b;
    156         char op[10];
    157         scanf("%s %d %d", op, &a, &b);
    158         if(op[0] == 'C') modify(1, 1, N, tid[a], b);
    159         else if(op[1] == 'S') printf("%d
    ", tquery_sum(a, b));
    160         else printf("%d
    ", tquery_max(a, b));
    161     }
    162     return 0;
    163 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Aguin/p/5184633.html
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