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  • 增删改查


      1 using System;
      2 using System.Collections.Generic;
      3 using System.Configuration;
      4 using System.Data;
      5 using System.Data.SqlClient;
      6 using System.Linq;
      7 using System.Text;
      9 namespace ADO.NET
     10 {
     11     public class SqlHelper : IDBHelper
     12     {
     13         private static string _connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DataBase"].ConnectionString;
     14         private T SqlExecute<T>(string sql, Func<SqlCommand, T> func)
     15         {
     16             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connString))
     17             {
     18                 conn.Open();
     19                 SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
     20                 cmd.CommandText = sql;
     21                 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
     22                 return func(cmd);
     23             }
     24         }
     26         /// <summary>
     27         /// 根据Id查询
     28         /// </summary>
     29         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
     30         /// <param name="id">数据表中id自增</param>
     31         /// <returns></returns>
     32         public T QueryById<T>(int id) where T : BaseEntity
     33         {
     34             Type type = typeof(T);
     35             //拿到每一列
     36             string column = string.Join(",", type.GetProperties().Select(p => $"[{p.Name}]"));
     37             string sqlStr = $"select {column} from [{type.Name}] where id=@id";
     38             object t = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
     39             return SqlExecute<T>(sqlStr, cmd =>
     40             {
     41                 cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@id", id));
     42                 var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
     43                 while (reader.Read())
     44                 {
     45                     SetValueByProperties(type, reader, t);
     46                     return t as T;
     47                 }
     48                 return null;
     49             });
     51         }
     53         /// <summary>
     54         /// 查询全部
     55         /// </summary>
     56         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
     57         /// <returns></returns>
     58         public List<T> QueryAll<T>() where T : BaseEntity
     59         {
     60             Type type = typeof(T);
     61             string column = string.Join(",", type.GetProperties().Select(p => $"[{p.Name}]"));
     62             string sqlStr = $"select {column} from [{type.Name}]";
     63             List<T> listAll = new List<T>();
     64             return SqlExecute<List<T>>(sqlStr, cmd =>
     65              {
     66                  var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
     67                  while (reader.Read())
     68                  {
     69                      object t = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
     70                      SetValueByProperties(type, reader, t);
     71                      listAll.Add(t as T);
     72                  }
     73                  return listAll;
     74              });
     75         }
     77         /// <summary>
     78         /// 插入操作,主键自增不需插入
     79         /// </summary>
     80         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
     81         /// <param name="t"></param>
     82         /// <returns></returns>
     83         public bool Insert<T>(T t) where T : BaseEntity
     84         {
     85             Type type = typeof(T);
     86             string columnStr = string.Join(",", type.GetProperties().Where(s => s.Name != "id").Select(p => $"[{p.Name}]"));
     87             string valueStr = string.Join(",", type.GetProperties().Where(s => s.Name != "id").Select(p => $"@{p.Name}"));
     88             string SqlText = $"insert into [{type.Name}] ({columnStr}) values({valueStr})";
     90             return SqlExecute<bool>(SqlText, cmd =>
     91             {
     92                 SqlParameter[] sqlParam = type.GetProperties().Where(s => s.Name != "id").Select(p =>
     93                 new SqlParameter($"@{p.Name}", p.GetValue(t, null) ?? DBNull.Value)).ToArray();
     95                 cmd.Parameters.AddRange(sqlParam);
     96                 return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0;
     97             });
     98         }
    100         /// <summary>
    101         /// 根据id删除
    102         /// </summary>
    103         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    104         /// <param name="id"></param>
    105         /// <returns></returns>
    106         public bool DeleteById<T>(int id) where T : BaseEntity
    107         {
    108             Type type = typeof(T);
    109             string sqlStr = $"delete from [{type.Name}] where id={id}";
    110             return SqlExecute<bool>(sqlStr, cmd =>
    111              {
    112                  return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0;
    113              });
    114         }
    116         /// <summary>
    117         /// 根据id更新
    118         /// </summary>
    119         /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    120         /// <param name="id"></param>
    121         /// <returns></returns>
    122         public bool UpdateById<T>(int id, T t) where T : BaseEntity
    123         {
    124             Type type = typeof(T);
    126             string[] columnStr = string.Join(",", type.GetProperties()
    127                 .Where(s => s.Name != "id" && s.GetValue(t, null) != null)
    128                 .Select(p => $"[{p.Name}]")).Split(',');
    130             string[] valueStr = string.Join(",", type.GetProperties()
    131                 .Where(s => s.Name != "id" && s.GetValue(t, null) != null)
    132                 .Select(p => $"@{p.Name}")).Split(',');
    134             string setColumn = string.Empty;
    136             for (int i = 0; i < columnStr.Length; i++)
    137             {
    138                 setColumn += $"{columnStr[i]}={valueStr[i]},";
    139             }
    140             string sqlText = $"update [{type.Name}] set {setColumn.Remove(setColumn.Length - 1, 1)} where id={id}";
    141             return SqlExecute(sqlText, cmd =>
    142             {
    143                 SqlParameter[] sqlParam = type.GetProperties().Where(s => s.Name != "id").Select(p =>
    144                 new SqlParameter($"@{p.Name}", p.GetValue(t, null) ?? DBNull.Value)).ToArray();
    146                 cmd.Parameters.AddRange(sqlParam);
    147                 return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0;
    148             });
    149         }
    151         /// <summary>
    152         /// 根据SqlDataReader读到的值设置 t实例
    153         /// </summary>
    154         /// <param name="type"></param>
    155         /// <param name="reader"></param>
    156         /// <param name="t"></param>
    157         private void SetValueByProperties(Type type, SqlDataReader reader, object t)
    158         {
    159             foreach (var item in type.GetProperties())
    160             {
    161                 if (reader[item.Name] is DBNull)
    162                 {
    163                     item.SetValue(t, null, null);
    164                 }
    165                 else
    166                 {
    167                     item.SetValue(t, reader[item.Name], null);
    168                 }
    169             }
    170         }
    171     }
    172 }


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     6 namespace ADO.NET
     7 {
     8     public interface IDBHelper
     9     {
    10         T QueryById<T>(int id) where T : BaseEntity;
    11         List<T> QueryAll<T>() where T : BaseEntity;
    12         bool Insert<T>(T t) where T : BaseEntity;
    13         bool DeleteById<T>(int id) where T : BaseEntity;
    14         bool UpdateById<T>(int id, T t) where T : BaseEntity;
    15     }
    16 }
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     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Configuration;
     4 using System.Linq;
     5 using System.Reflection;
     6 using System.Text;
     8 namespace ADO.NET
     9 {
    10     class SimpleFactory
    11     {
    12         private static string facotryName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlHelper"];
    14         public static IDBHelper GetInstance()
    15         {
    16            return Assembly.Load("ADO.NET").CreateInstance(facotryName) as IDBHelper;
    17         }
    18     }
    19 }
    View Code


     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     6 namespace ADO.NET
     7 {
     8     class User:BaseEntity
     9     {
    10         public string name { get; set; }
    11         public string account { get; set; }
    12         public string password { get; set; }
    13         public string email { get; set; }
    14         public string phone { get; set; }
    15         public int? companyId { get; set; }
    16         public string companyName { get; set; }
    17         public DateTime? lastLoginTime { get; set; }
    18         public DateTime? CreateTime { get; set; }
    19     }
    20 }
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    1     public class BaseEntity
    2     {
    3         public int id { get; set; }
    4     }
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     1 using System;
     2 using System.Collections.Generic;
     3 using System.Linq;
     4 using System.Text;
     6 namespace ADO.NET
     7 {
     8     class Program
     9     {
    10         static void Main(string[] args)
    11         {
    13             User user= SimpleFactory.GetInstance().QueryById<User>(1);
    14             Console.WriteLine($"姓名:{user.name},账号:{user.account},密码:{user.password}");
    15             List<User> userList = SimpleFactory.GetInstance().QueryAll<User>();
    16             Console.WriteLine("************************************************");
    17             foreach (var item in userList)
    18             {
    19                 Console.WriteLine($"姓名:{item.name},账号:{item.account},密码:{item.password},email:{item.email},phone:{item.phone}");
    20             }
    21             Console.WriteLine("************************************************");
    23             bool insert = SimpleFactory.GetInstance().Insert<User>(new User()
    24             {
    25                 password = "ma123",
    26                 name ="马六",
    27                 email = "456789@123.com",
    28                 phone = "236542",
    29                 account ="maliu123"
    30             });
    31             if (insert)
    32             {
    33                 Console.WriteLine("新增成功");
    34             }
    35             else
    36             {
    37                 Console.WriteLine("新增失败");
    38             }
    40             Console.WriteLine("*********************************************");
    41             bool delete = SimpleFactory.GetInstance().DeleteById<User>(5);
    42             if (delete)
    43             {
    44                 Console.WriteLine("删除成功");
    45             }
    46             else
    47             {
    48                 Console.WriteLine("删除失败");
    49             }
    50             bool update = SimpleFactory.GetInstance().UpdateById<User>(3,new User()
    51             {
    52                 name="阿宝",
    53                 account="abao么么哒"
    54             });
    55             if (update)
    56             {
    57                 Console.WriteLine("修改成功");
    58             }
    59             else
    60             {
    61                 Console.WriteLine("修改失败");
    62             }
    63             Console.ReadLine();
    64         }
    66         /*
    67          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    68            <configuration>
    69               <appSettings>
    70                 <add key="SqlHelper" value="ADO.NET.SqlHelper"></add>  //ADO.NET为命名空间
    71               </appSettings>
    72               <connectionStrings>
    73                 <add name="****" connectionString="server=****;uid=****;pwd=****;database=****"/>  //带*的自己填
    74               </connectionStrings>
    75            </configuration>
    76          */
    77     }
    78 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/AlexOneBlogs/p/7403991.html
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