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  • Computer Vision_33_SIFT:An efficient SIFT-based mode-seeking algorithm for sub-pixel registration of remotely sensed images——2015


    33. SIFT
    [1999 ICCV] Object recognition from local scale-invariant features
    [2000 IJCV] Evaluation of Interest Point Detectors
    [2006 CVIU] Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF)
    [2004 CVPR] PCA-SIFT A More Distinctive Representation for Local Image Descriptors
    [2004 IJCV] Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints

    [2009 GRSL] Robust scale-invariant feature matching for remote sensing image registration
    [2010 IJCV] Improving Bag-of-Features for Large Scale Image Search
    [2011 PAMI] SIFTflow Dense Correspondence across Scenes and its Applications

    [2014 CVPR] TILDE: A Temporally Invariant Learned DEtector

    [2015 GRSL] An efficient SIFT-based mode-seeking algorithm for sub-pixel registration of remotely sensed images


    [2017 GRSL] Remote Sensing Image Registration With Modified SIFT and Enhanced Feature Matching

    [2017 CVPR] GMS :Grid-based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-robust Feature Correspondence




    作者:Benny Kupfer, Nathan S. Netanyahu


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