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  • Java链接 Oracle11g R2


    首先要配置Eclipse,在新建的工程中,Package Explorer->工程名->Build path->Add external archives->Oracle安装盘X:appadminproduct11.2.0dbhome_1jdbclibojdbc*.jar


    For all platforms:

      [ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/lib contains:

      - ojdbc5.jar
        Classes for use with JDK 1.5.  It contains the JDBC driver
        classes, except classes for NLS support in Oracle Object and
        Collection types.

      - ojdbc5_g.jar
        Same as ojdbc5.jar, except that classes were compiled with
        "javac -g" and contain tracing code.

      - ojdbc5dms.jar
        Same as ojdbc5.jar, except that it contains instrumentation to
        support DMS and limited java.util.logging calls.

      - ojdbc5dms_g.jar
        Same as ojdbc5_g.jar, except that it contains instrumentation to
        support DMS.

      - ojdbc6.jar
        Classes for use with JDK 1.6. It contains the JDBC driver classes
        except classes for NLS support in Oracle Object and Collection

      - ojdbc6_g.jar
        Same as ojdbc6.jar except compiled with "javac -g" and contains
        tracing code.

      - ojdbc6dms.jar
        Same as ojdbc6.jar, except that it contains instrumentation to
        support DMS and limited java.util.logging calls.

      - ojdbc6dms_g.jar
        Same as ojdbc6_g.jar except that it contains instrumentation to
        support DMS.

      Note: The dms versions of the jar files are the same as
        standard jar files, except that they contain additional code
        to support Oracle Dynamic Monitoring Service. They contain a
        limited amount of tracing code. These can only be used
        when dms.jar is in the classpath. dms.jar is provided as part of
        Oracle Application Server releases. As a result the dms versions
        of the jar files can only be used in an Oracle Application Server

      [ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/doc/javadoc.tar contains the JDBC Javadoc
      for the public API of the public classes of Oracle JDBC. This
      JavaDoc is the primary reference for Oracle JDBC API extensions. The
      Oracle JDBC Development Guide contains high level discussion of
      Oracle extensions. The details are in this JavaDoc. The JavaDoc is
      every bit as authorative as the Dev Guide.

      [ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/demo/demo.tar contains sample JDBC programs.

        NLS classes for use with JDK 1.5, and 1.6.  It contains
        classes for NLS support in Oracle Object and Collection types.
        This jar file replaces the old nls_charset jar/zip files. In
        Oracle 10g R1 it was duplicated in [ORACLE_HOME]/jdbc/lib. We
        have removed the duplicate copy and you should now get it from
        its proper location.

    For the Windows platform:

      [ORACLE_HOME]in directory contains ocijdbc11.dll and
      heteroxa11.dll, which are the libraries used by the JDBC OCI

    For non-Windows platforms:

      [ORACLE_HOME]/lib directory contains libocijdbc11.so,
      libocijdbc11_g.so, libheteroxa11.so and libheteroxa11_g.so, which
      are the shared libraries used by the JDBC OCI driver.


    package Connection.Oracle;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class java_ConnectOracle_jdb {
         * @param args
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            try {
                // 加载驱动
                // 得到连接
                Connection ct = DriverManager.getConnection(
                        "jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "scott", "123456");
                // Connection
                // ct=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@实例名(SID)",
                // "用户名", "密码");
                Statement sm = ct.createStatement();
                ResultSet rs = sm.executeQuery("select * from salgrade");
                System.out.println("          Grade-Losal-Hisal");
                while (rs.next()) {
                    System.out.println("Salgrade: " + rs.getString(1) + " - "
                            + rs.getString(2) + " - " + rs.getString(3));
            } catch (Exception e) {



    Some Useful Hints In Using the JDBC Drivers
    Please refer to "JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference" for details
    regarding usage of Oracle's JDBC Drivers.  This section only offers
    useful hints.  These hints are not meant to be exhaustive.
    These are a few simple things that you should do in your JDBC program:
     1. Import the necessary JDBC classes in your programs that use JDBC.
        For example:
          import java.sql.*;
          import java.math.*; // if needed
        To use OracleDataSource, you need to do:
          import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource;
     2. Create an OracleDataSource instance. 
          OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
     3. set the desired properties if you don't want to use the
        default properties. Different connection URLs should be
        used for different JDBC drivers.
        For the JDBC OCI Driver:
          To make a bequeath connection, set URL as:
          To make a remote connection, set URL as:
          where <database> is either a TNSEntryName 
          or a SQL*net name-value pair defined in tnsnames.ora.
        For the JDBC Thin Driver, or Server-side Thin Driver:
          where <database> is either a string of the form
          //<host>:<port>/<service_name>, or a SQL*net name-value pair,
          or a TNSEntryName.
        For the JDBC Server-side Internal Driver:
          Note that the trailing ':' is necessary. When you use the 
          Server-side Internal Driver, you always connect to the
          database you are executing in. You can also do this:
          Connection conn =
            new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver().defaultConnection();
     4. Open a connection to the database with getConnection()
        methods defined in OracleDataSource class.
          Connection conn = ods.getConnection();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/AmatVictorialCuram/p/4574736.html
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