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  • python wmi模块 硬件信息参数详情

    import wmi
    namespace = "rootcimv2"
    client = wmi.WMI(computer="Anec",namespace=namespace)
    # for sys in client.Win32_OperatingSystem():
    #     print(sys.Caption)                  #Microsoft Windows 10 企业版
    #     print(sys.CSName)                   #"HEQUN"
    #     print(sys.InstallDate)              #20200729154515.000000+480
    #     print(sys.OSArchitecture)           #64 位
    #     print(sys.WindowsDirectory)         #C:Windows
    #     print(sys.SerialNumber)             #00328-90000-00000-AAOEM
    instance of Win32_OperatingSystem
    BootDevice = "\Device\HarddiskVolume3";
    BuildNumber = "18362";
    BuildType = "Multiprocessor Free";
    Caption = "Microsoft Windows 10 企业版";
    CodeSet = "936";
    CountryCode = "86";
    CreationClassName = "Win32_OperatingSystem";
    CSCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
    CSName = "HEQUN";
    CurrentTimeZone = 480;
    DataExecutionPrevention_32BitApplications = TRUE;
    DataExecutionPrevention_Available = TRUE;
    DataExecutionPrevention_Drivers = TRUE;
    DataExecutionPrevention_SupportPolicy = 2;
    Debug = FALSE;
    Description = "";
    Distributed = FALSE;
    EncryptionLevel = 256;
    ForegroundApplicationBoost = 2;
    FreePhysicalMemory = "24657648";
    FreeSpaceInPagingFiles = "2088224";
    FreeVirtualMemory = "25999016";
    InstallDate = "20200729154515.000000+480";
    LastBootUpTime = "20200930173228.500000+480";
    LocalDateTime = "20201020094456.118000+480";
    Locale = "0804";
    Manufacturer = "Microsoft Corporation";
    MaxNumberOfProcesses = 4294967295;
    MaxProcessMemorySize = "137438953344";
    MUILanguages = {"zh-CN"};
    Name = "Microsoft Windows 10 企业版|C:\Windows|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition3";
    NumberOfProcesses = 179;
    NumberOfUsers = 9;
    OperatingSystemSKU = 4;
    Organization = "Organization";
    OSArchitecture = "64 位";
    OSLanguage = 2052;
    OSProductSuite = 256;
    OSType = 18;
    PortableOperatingSystem = FALSE;
    Primary = TRUE;
    ProductType = 1;
    RegisteredUser = "admin";
    SerialNumber = "00328-90000-00000-AAOEM";
    ServicePackMajorVersion = 0;
    ServicePackMinorVersion = 0;
    SizeStoredInPagingFiles = "2097152";
    Status = "OK";
    SuiteMask = 272;
    SystemDevice = "\Device\HarddiskVolume5";
    SystemDirectory = "C:\Windows\system32";
    SystemDrive = "C:";
    TotalVirtualMemorySize = "35570268";
    TotalVisibleMemorySize = "33473116";
    Version = "10.0.18362";
    WindowsDirectory = "C:\Windows";
    # for i in client.Win32_Processor():
    #     print(i.Name)                   # Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
    #     print(i.ThreadCount)            # 8
    instance of Win32_Processor
    AddressWidth = 64;
    Architecture = 9;
    AssetTag = "To Be Filled By O.E.M.";
    Availability = 3;
    Caption = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9";
    Characteristics = 252;
    CpuStatus = 1;
    CreationClassName = "Win32_Processor";
    CurrentClockSpeed = 3601;
    CurrentVoltage = 9;
    DataWidth = 64;
    Description = "Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9";
    DeviceID = "CPU0";
    ExtClock = 100;
    Family = 198;
    L2CacheSize = 1024;
    L3CacheSize = 8192;
    L3CacheSpeed = 0;
    Level = 6;
    LoadPercentage = 22;
    Manufacturer = "GenuineIntel";
    MaxClockSpeed = 3601;
    Name = "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz";
    NumberOfCores = 4;
    NumberOfEnabledCore = 4;
    NumberOfLogicalProcessors = 8;
    PartNumber = "To Be Filled By O.E.M.";
    PowerManagementSupported = FALSE;
    ProcessorId = "BFEBFBFF000906E9";
    ProcessorType = 3;
    Role = "CPU";
    SecondLevelAddressTranslationExtensions = TRUE;
    SerialNumber = "To Be Filled By O.E.M.";
    SocketDesignation = "CPU0";
    Status = "OK";
    StatusInfo = 3;
    SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
    SystemName = "HEQUN";
    ThreadCount = 8;
    UpgradeMethod = 1;
    Version = "";
    VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled = TRUE;
    VMMonitorModeExtensions = TRUE;
    # print(len(client.Win32_PhysicalMemory()))
    # for i2 in client.Win32_PhysicalMemory():
    #     print(int(i2.Capacity) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)    # 17179869184
    #     print(i2.PartNumber)                            # KHX2666C16/16G
    #     print(i2.SerialNumber)                          # EF19207A
    #     print(i2.Speed)                                 # 2400
    #     print(i2.Tag)                                   # Physical Memory 2
    level 2
    instance of Win32_PhysicalMemory
    Attributes = 2;
    BankLabel = "ChannelB";
    Capacity = "17179869184";
    Caption = "物理内存";
    ConfiguredClockSpeed = 2400;
    CreationClassName = "Win32_PhysicalMemory";
    DataWidth = 64;
    Description = "物理内存";
    DeviceLocator = "DIMM1";
    FormFactor = 8;
    InterleaveDataDepth = 0;
    InterleavePosition = 0;
    Manufacturer = "Kingston";
    MemoryType = 0;
    Name = "物理内存";
    PartNumber = "KHX2666C16/16G      ";
    PositionInRow = 1;
    SerialNumber = "775A42C6";
    SMBIOSMemoryType = 26;
    Speed = 2400;
    Tag = "Physical Memory 0";
    TotalWidth = 64;
    TypeDetail = 16512;
    # print(len(client.Win32_DiskDrive()))                    # 3
    # for i3 in client.Win32_DiskDrive():
    #     print(i3.InterfaceType)                             # SCSI
    #     print(i3.Model)                                     # Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB
    #     print(i3.SerialNumber)                              # S2R7NX0K142965L
    #     print(round(int(i3.Size) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024))     # 233
    instance of Win32_DiskDrive
    BytesPerSector = 512;
    Capabilities = {3, 4};
    CapabilityDescriptions = {"Random Access", "Supports Writing"};
    Caption = "Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB";
    ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0;
    ConfigManagerUserConfig = FALSE;
    CreationClassName = "Win32_DiskDrive";
    Description = "磁盘驱动器";
    DeviceID = "\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2";
    FirmwareRevision = "EMT02B6Q";
    Index = 2;
    InterfaceType = "SCSI";
    Manufacturer = "(标准磁盘驱动器)";
    MediaLoaded = TRUE;
    MediaType = "Fixed hard disk media";
    Model = "Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB";
    Name = "\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE2";
    Partitions = 1;
    PNPDeviceID = "SCSI\DISK&VEN_SAMSUNG&PROD_SSD\4&2C691D24&0&000300";
    SCSIBus = 0;
    SCSILogicalUnit = 0;
    SCSIPort = 1;
    SCSITargetId = 3;
    SectorsPerTrack = 63;
    SerialNumber = "S2R7NX0K142965L";
    Signature = 4026089862;
    Size = "250056737280";
    Status = "OK";
    SystemCreationClassName = "Win32_ComputerSystem";
    SystemName = "HEQUN";
    TotalCylinders = "30401";
    TotalHeads = 255;
    TotalSectors = "488392065";
    TotalTracks = "7752255";
    TracksPerCylinder = 255;
    # print(len(client.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1)))
    # for i4 in client.Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=1):
    #     print(i4.DefaultIPGateway)
    #     print(i4.DNSServerSearchOrder)
    #     print(i4.IPAddress)
    #     print(i4.IPSubnet)
    #     print(i4.MACAddress)
    instance of Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
    Caption = "[00000010] Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM";
    DatabasePath = "%SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc";
    DefaultIPGateway = {""};
    DefaultTTL = 64;
    Description = "Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I219-LM";
    DHCPEnabled = FALSE;
    DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder = {"yujiahui.com"};
    DNSEnabledForWINSResolution = FALSE;
    DNSHostName = "hequn";
    DNSServerSearchOrder = {"", ""};
    DomainDNSRegistrationEnabled = FALSE;
    FullDNSRegistrationEnabled = TRUE;
    GatewayCostMetric = {256};
    Index = 10;
    InterfaceIndex = 17;
    IPAddress = {"", "fe80::6c48:6732:3ba3:e1a9"};
    IPConnectionMetric = 25;
    IPEnabled = TRUE;
    IPFilterSecurityEnabled = FALSE;
    IPSecPermitIPProtocols = {};
    IPSecPermitTCPPorts = {};
    IPSecPermitUDPPorts = {};
    IPSubnet = {"", "64"};
    MACAddress = "18:60:24:8A:86:6C";
    PMTUBHDetectEnabled = TRUE;
    PMTUDiscoveryEnabled = TRUE;
    ServiceName = "e1dexpress";
    SettingID = "{F4BBD4DF-9843-48F3-9C01-BEF21A00B85C}";
    TcpipNetbiosOptions = 0;
    WINSEnableLMHostsLookup = TRUE;
    WINSScopeID = "";
    # for i5 in client.Win32_BIOS():
    #     print(i5)
    instance of Win32_BIOS
    BiosCharacteristics = {7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43};
    BIOSVersion = {"HPQOEM - 0", "N51 Ver. 01.63", "HP - 1003F"};
    Caption = "N51 Ver. 01.63";
    CurrentLanguage = "enUS";
    Description = "N51 Ver. 01.63";
    EmbeddedControllerMajorVersion = 5;
    EmbeddedControllerMinorVersion = 55;
    InstallableLanguages = 14;
    ListOfLanguages = {"enUS", "daDK", "nlNL", "fiFI", "frFR", "deDE", "itIT", "jaJP", "noNO", "ptPT", "esES", "svSE", "zhCN", "zhTW"};
    Manufacturer = "HP";
    Name = "N51 Ver. 01.63";
    PrimaryBIOS = TRUE;
    ReleaseDate = "20171005000000.000000+000";
    SerialNumber = "4CV807WPFK";
    SMBIOSBIOSVersion = "N51 Ver. 01.63";
    SMBIOSMajorVersion = 2;
    SMBIOSMinorVersion = 7;
    SMBIOSPresent = TRUE;
    SoftwareElementID = "N51 Ver. 01.63";
    SoftwareElementState = 3;
    Status = "OK";
    SystemBiosMajorVersion = 1;
    SystemBiosMinorVersion = 63;
    TargetOperatingSystem = 0;
    Version = "HPQOEM - 0";
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Anec/p/13882553.html
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