一 概述
1、A PopupControlContainer object represents a panel that can contain any controls.
2、This panel can be displayed as a dropdown for DropDownButton controls, bar buttons and the Ribbon Application Button.
二 用法
1、A PopupControlContainer object can be created at design time by dragging the PopupControlContainer component from the Toolbox onto the form.
2、After the panel has been created, you can add controls to it.
3、Bind the panel to a specific DropDownButton control, bar button or Ribbon Application button
To associate a PopupControlContainer object with a DropDownButton control, use the DropDownButton.DropDownControl property.
To associate a PopupControlContainer object with a bar button, assign the container to the BarButtonItem.DropDownControl property.
To associate a PopupControlContainer object with the Application Button within a Ribbon Form, assign the container tothe RibbonControl.ApplicationButtonDropDownControl property.