Folder structure:
| __mocks__
| api
| pet.js
| src
| api
| pet.js
// __mocks__/api/pet.js import { readFileSync } from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { act } from '@testing-library/react' const breeds = [{ name: 'apple' }, { name: 'meat' }, { name: 'drink' }] const doggos = JSON.parse( readFileSync(path.join(__dirname), 'res.json').toString(), ) export const ANIMALS = ['dog', 'cat', 'bird'] export const _breeds = breeds export const _dogs = doggos.animals const mock = { // mock the breeds function breeds: jest.fn(() => { return { // breeds function is promise based // should have then function on it // act: info react we have done things need to be udpated then: (callback) => act(() => callback({ breeds })), } }), animals: jest.fn(() => { return { then: (callbacka) => act(() => callback(doggs)), } }), } export default mock
Component test:
import React from 'react' import { render, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react' import pet, { ANIMALS, _breeds, _dogs } from '@api/pet' afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) test('SearchParams', async () => { const { container, getByText, getByTestId } = render(<SearchParams />) const animalDropdown = getByTestId('use-dropdown-animal') expect(animalDropdown.children.length).toEqual(ANIMALS.length + 1) expect(pet.breeds).toHaveBeenCalled() const breedDropdown = getByTestId('use-dropdown-breed') expect(breedDropdown.children.length).toEqual(_breeds.length + 1) expect(pet.breeds).toHaveBeenCalled() const searchResult = getByTestId('search-results') expect(searchResult.textContent).toEqual('No pets found') fireEvent(getByText('Submit'), new MouseEvent('click')) expect(searchResult.children.length).toEqual(_dogs.length) // run jest -u will udpate the snapshot expect(container.firstChild).toMatchInlineSnapshot() })