In this lesson, we're going to show how RecoilJS selectors are used to display computed data in React. While atoms are the go-to state objects in Recoil, selectors are the ideal choice when data can be computed based on existing state - like displaying the price of a restaurant order. And your selector output always remains up to date - just subscribe to it using one of the RecoilJS hooks.
Define a 'atom':
const order = atom({ key: "order", default: ["garlic bread"] // on the house! });
Use a atom:
import { atom, useRecoilValue, selector } from "recoil"; const myOrder = useRecoilValue(order); return ( <div className="App"> <h1>The Brunch Place</h1> {, i) => ( <p key={i}>{food}</p> ))} </div> );
Compute value based on state: using selector:
import { atom, useRecoilValue, selector } from "recoil"; const orderInfo = selector({ key: "orderInfo", get: ({ get }) => { return { totalPrice: get(order) .map((food) => priceList[food]) .reduce((current, sum) => current + sum, 0) }; } });
Use selector:
const orderStats = useRecoilValue(orderInfo);
<h4>Total Price: ${orderStats.totalPrice} </h4>
Full code:
import React from "react"; import "./styles.css"; import { atom, useRecoilValue, selector } from "recoil"; const priceList = { coffee: 2, "garlic bread": 0, pancakes: 10 }; const order = atom({ key: "order", default: ["garlic bread"] // on the house! }); const orderInfo = selector({ key: "orderInfo", get: ({ get }) => { return { totalPrice: get(order) .map((food) => priceList[food]) .reduce((current, sum) => current + sum, 0) }; } }); export default function App() { const myOrder = useRecoilValue(order); const orderStats = useRecoilValue(orderInfo); return ( <div className="App"> <h1>The Brunch Place</h1> {, i) => ( <p key={i}>{food}</p> ))} <h4>Total Price: ${orderStats.totalPrice} </h4> </div> ); }