Discriminated (Tagged) Unions means that for two or more similar types, we have one common prop which can differentiate individual.
interface Order { id: string; amount: number; currency: string; } interface Stripe { type: "stripe"; card: string; cvc: string; } interface PayPal { type: "paypal"; email: string; } type CheckoutCard = Order & Stripe; type CheckoutPayPal = Order & PayPal; const order: Order = { id: "xj28s", amount: 100, currency: "USD" }; const orderCard: CheckoutCard = { ...order, type: "stripe", card: "1000 2000 3000 4000", cvc: "123" }; const orderPayPal: CheckoutPayPal = { ...order, type: "paypal", email: "abc@def.com" };
type Payload = CheckoutCard | CheckoutPayPal; function checkout(payload: Payload) { if (payload.type === "stripe") { // is CheckoutCard type } if (payload.type === "paypal") { // is CheckoutPaypal } }