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  • [SAA + SAP] 04 ALB + ASG


    Load Balancer

    • LBs can scale but not instantaneously -- contact AWS for a "warm-up"
    • 4xx errors are client induced errors
    • 5xx errors are application induced errors
    • Load Balancer Errors 503 means at capacity or no registered target
    • If the LB can't connect to your application, checkyour security groups!
    • ELB access logs will log all access request for debugging
    • CloudWatch etrics will give you aggregate statistics
    • ELB Load Balancers provides a static DNS name




    • Routing to different target group
    • Health check at target group level

    • ALB support HTTP / HTTPS and WebSocket as well


    • Network Load balancers (Layer 4) allow to:
      • Forward TCP & UDP traffic to your instances
      • Handle millions of request per seconds
      • Less altency 100ms (vs 400 ms for ALB)
    • NLB has one static IP per AZ, and supports assigning Elastic IP (helpful for whitelisting specific IP)
    • ALB has one static hostname
    • NLB are used for extreme performance, TCP or UDP traffic

    • For application load balancer
    • For target group level settings


    • With CZ Load Balancing: Each EC2 instances get even number of traffic


    Gateway Load Balancer

    • Deploy, scale, and manage a fleet of 3th party network virtual appliances in AWS

    • Example, Firewalls, intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, Deep Packet Inspection Systems, payload manipulation...
    • Operates at Layer 3 (Network Layer) - IP Packets
    • Combines the following functions:
      • Transparent Network Gateway - Single entry/exit for all traffic
      • Load Balancer - distributes traffic to your virtual
    • Use the GENEVE protocol on port 6081

     In short, using Gateway Load balacner, will redirect the traffic transparently from Application to a 3th party Virtual appliances.



    • Scaling policies can be on CPU, Networkm... nad can even be on custom metrics or based on a schedule (if you know the time patterns)
    • ASGs use Launch configurations or Launch Teplates (newer)
    • To update an ASG, you must provide a new launch confgiuration / launch template
    • IAM role attached to an ASG will get assigned to EC2 instances
    • ASG itself is free
    • Having instnaces under an ASG means that if they got terminated for whatever reason, the ASG will automatically create new one as a replacement.

    • Based on the Metrics to create CloudWatch alarms and send SNS topic

    ASG Custom Metric

    • We can auto scale based on a custom metric (ex. number of connected users)
    • 1. Send Custom metric from application on EC2 to CloudWatch (PutMetric API)
    • 2. Create CloudWatch alarm to react to low / high values
    • 3. Use the CloudWatch alaram as the scaling policy for ASG

    • After an Auto scaling action, there is a cooldown period to prevent further action
    • Can create additional Cooldown for Simple scaling policy

    • To achieve AZ balance
    • Termiated older EC2 instanaces first in one AZ

    • Choose Launch Template for better service


    Application Load Balaner provide a static DNS name. Network load balancer provide IP address.


    • Reason chose a wrong answer was because just thinking about detail monorning enables 1 mins intervel data collections; but there is no such metric about request pre minutes... so need to use Custom metric, so not everything is just abot time, content matters



    • ALB are a great fit micro services & container-based application
    • Has a port mapping feature to redirect to a dynamic port in ECS


    • For NLB, you don't have Lambda as target group
    • You don't need to have X-Forward-For in header, it send additional connection information such as source and destination


    • Alternative is to cache session data in ElasticCache, DynamoDB for example


    • Health check should be simple
    • If calling a route to communicate with DB, then it is a bad health check, because it might take too long time for waiting response, then ASG consider EC2 as unhealthy.

    Auto Scaling - Updating an application

    1. Same target group + Two Launch Template + Shared traffic

    • Keep the ALB
    • Create a new Launch Template
    • Then it will double the EC2 size
    • Still belong to same Target group
    • All EC2 instances shared the traffic because in the same target group
    • Shutdown V1 instances when V2 working fine

    2. Two Target groups + split traffic

    • Same the same ALB, so no cache issue on client side
    • Create new Target groups
    • Therefore, we can split the traffic on target group level
    • Send 5% traffic to TG2 in order to test whether it is working
    • Shift all traffic to V2 if confident

    3. Two ALBs + Route 53

    • Create new ALB
    • In order to test ALB v2, we neeed to use Route 53 to split traffic
    • Then it become Client based LB, it might happen that client still talks to V1, although we want it talks to V2.
    • Mirgraion will be slow because of TTL, DNS, cache
    • But since we have a new ALB, we can do separate manual testing against ALB2, to make sure it works fine.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/15010859.html
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