Direct Connect (DX)
- Provides a dedicated private connection from a remote network to your VPC
- Dedicated connection must be setup between your DC and AWS Direct connection locations
- You need to setup a Virtual Private Gateway on your VPC
- Access public resources (S3) and private (EC2) on same connection
- Use cases:
- Increase banwidth throughput - working with large data sets. - lower cost
- More consistent network experience - applications using real-time data feeds
- Hybrid Env (on prem + cloud)
- Supports both IPv4 and IPv6
- Between Corporate data center and VPC, there are AWS Direct connect location
- Setup Private virtual interface connection between Corporate data center and AWS DC location
- Public virtual interface for S3 connection
- To connect multi VPC in different region
- Direct Connect Gateway
- Data is not encrypted
- But can setup VPN for extra security
- Because all IPv6 are public
- Egree only Internet gateway only for IPv6
- Only allow Out, but NOT in
- Connect to multi Customer networks
- Option1: everything goes into public, not good
- Option2: create many perring relations, open for the whole netowrk (all EC2 in one VPC become accessible to other appliation in VPC)
- Need NLB and ENI
- Point NLB to ALB
- IP Multicast, only service support IP multicase is Transit gateway
- Transit gateway, increate 2.5 Gbps/connection
- Direct Connect Gateway to connect Transit Gateway
- IPv4 cannot be disabled
- If you are not able to access your EC2 instances
- Then it might be because there is no available IPv4 in your subnet