AngularJS 1.3 add $submitted for form, so you can use $submitted to track whether the submit event is trggered.
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="//"></script> <title>What's new in Angular 1.3</title> </head> <body ng-app="app" ng-controller="MainCtrl as vm"> <h1>Angular {{vm.angularVersion}}</h1> <h2>Demo</h2> <form name="myForm" novalidate> <label> Some input: <input type="time" name="myField" ng-model="vm.inputValue" ng-model-options="vm.modelOptions" required /> </label> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </form> Bound value: <span ng-bind="vm.inputValue"></span> <br /> Field Error State: <pre>{{myForm.myField.$error | json}}</pre> <br /> Form Error State: <pre>{{myForm.$error | json}}</pre> myForm.$submitted: {{myForm.$submitted}} </body> </html>
var app = angular.module('app', []); app.controller('MainCtrl', function MainCtrl() { 'use strict'; var vm = this; vm.angularVersion = angular.version.full; vm.modelOptions = { timezone: 'UTC' }; });
Form Error State: { "required": [ { "$viewValue": "", "$validators": {}, "$asyncValidators": {}, "$parsers": [ null, null ], "$formatters": [ null ], "$viewChangeListeners": [], "$untouched": true, "$touched": false, "$pristine": true, "$dirty": false, "$valid": false, "$invalid": true, "$error": { "required": true }, "$name": "myField", "$options": { "timezone": "UTC", "updateOnDefault": true } } ] } myForm.$submitted: false