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  • [D3] 13. Cleaner D3 code with selection.call()

    selection.call() method in D3 can aid in code organization and flexibility by eliminating the need to use chained method calls for every operation.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <script src="../bower_components/underscore/underscore-min.js"></script>
        <script src="../ventor/d3.min.js"></script>
        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                padding-top: 50px;
                padding-left: 100px;
            #chartArea {
                width: 400px;
                height: 300px;
                background-color: #CCC;
            .bar {
                display: inline-block;
                width: 20px;
                height: 75px; /* Gets overriden by D3-assigned height below */
                margin-right: 2px;
                /* fill: teal; *//* SVG doesn't have background prop, use fill instead*/
                z-index: 99;
            .bubble, .center {
                display: inline-block;
                fill: purple;
                fill-opacity: 0.5;
                stroke: black;
                stroke-weight: 1px;;
                z-index: 15;
            .center {
                z-index: 10;
            .active {
                fill: magenta;
                fill-opacity: 0.5;
                stroke-width: 3px;
            .axis path, .axis line {
                fill: none;
                stroke: #000;
                stroke-width: 1px;
                shape-rendering: crispEdges;
    <button onclick="update()">Update</button>
    <section id="chartArea"></section>
        function planTrasition(selection, duration, color){
                    .style('fill', color)
                    .attr('cx', function(each_data, index) {
                        return xScale(each_data.x);
                    .attr('cy', function(each_data) {
                        return yScale(each_data.y);
                    .attr('r', function(each_data, i) {
                        return each_data.r;
        function stepTransition(selection) {
                    .style('fill', "lightblue")
                    .attr('cx', function(each_data, index) {
                        return xScale(each_data.x);
                    .attr('cy', function(each_data) {
                        return yScale(each_data.y);
                    .attr('r', function(each_data, i) {
                        return each_data.r;
        function newData(d){
            d.x = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
            d.y = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
            d.r = Math.round(5 + Math.random() * 10);
        function update(){
            //Only the data which x < 50 will get update
                    .filter(function(d) {
                        return d.x < 50;
                    .each( newData)
                    .filter(function(d) {
                        return d.x >= 50;
                    .each( newData)
                    .call(planTrasition, 2000, "red");
        var dataset = _.map(_.range(30), function(num) {
                    return {
                        x: Math.round(Math.random() * 100),
                        y: Math.round(Math.random() * 100),
                        r: Math.round(5 + Math.random() * 10)
                }), //reandom generate 15 data from 1 to 50
                margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 40, left: 40},
                w = 400 - margin.left - margin.right,
                h = 300 - margin.top - margin.bottom;
        var svg = d3.select('#chartArea').append('svg')
                .attr('width', w + margin.left + margin.right)
                .attr('height', h + margin.top + margin.bottom)
                .append('g') //The last step is to add a G element which is a graphics container in SBG.
                .attr('transform', 'translate(' + margin.left + ', ' + margin.top + ')'); //Then offset that graphic element by our left and top margins.
        var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
                .domain([0, d3.max(dataset, function(d) {
                    return d.y; //tell the max function just need to care about y prop
                .range([h, 0]);
        var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
                .attr('class', 'y axis')
                .attr('transform', 'translate(0,0)')
        var xScale = d3.scale.linear()
                .domain([0, 100])
                .range([0, w]);
        var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
                .attr('class', 'x axis')
                .attr('transform', 'translate(0, ' + h + ')')
                .append('circle')// svg doesn't have div, use rect instead
                .attr('class', "bubble")
                .attr('cx', function(each_data, index) {
                    return xScale(each_data.x);
                .attr('cy', function(each_data) {
                    return yScale(each_data.y);
                .attr('r', function(each_data, i) {
                    return each_data.r;
                .on('mouseover', function() {
                    d3.select(this).classed('active', true)
                .on('mouseleave', function() {
                    d3.select(this).classed('active', false)
                .on('mousedown', function(d) {
                    var p_cx = d.x, p_cy = d.y, p_r = d.r;
                    d3.select(this).transition().duration(500).attr('r', d.r * 1.5);
                            .attr('class', "center")
                            .attr('cx', function() {
                                return xScale(p_cx);
                            .attr('cy', function() {
                                return yScale(p_cy);
                            .attr('r', function() {
                                return p_r / 4;
                            .style('fill', 'red');
                .on('mouseup', function(d) {
                    d3.select(this).transition().duration(250).delay(100).attr('r', d.r)

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/4555701.html
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