We'll download the requirements for getting started with React Native, refactor our app to ES6, walk through debugging, and talk about the philosophy behind React and React Native.
brew install --HEAD watchman brew install flow npm install -g react-native-cli
Create a project:
react-native init githubnotepicker
Run the project:
cd githubnotepicker
react-native run-ios
The simulator will pop up.
Enable the hot reload:
cmd + D --> enable hot reload
After that, once you change the code, the app will reload automatically.
class githubnotetaker extends Component { render() { name="zhentian"; debugger; return ( <View style={styles.container}> <Text style={styles.welcome}> Welcome to React Native! </Text> <Text style={styles.instructions}> To get started, edit index.ios.js </Text> <Text style={styles.instructions}> Press Cmd+R to reload,{' '} Cmd+D or shake for dev menu </Text> </View> ); } }
We add a 'debugger' there. "cmd + D" --> Enable remote JS debugging.
Then refresh the page, you will see a page pop up, then open the debug tool. Then you can debug as you do on the web.