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  • [Javascript] Maybe Functor

    In normal Javascript, we do undefine check or null check:

    var person = {age: 14, name: "Suvi"};
    var name = person.name ? person.name: null;

    Sometime backend data return may contain or not contain 'name' prop.

    So let's see how to define a Maybe() functor:

    var _Maybe.prototype.map = function(f) {
      return this.val ? Maybe(f(this.val)) : Maybe(null);
    map(capitalize, Maybe("flamethrower"))
    //=> Maybe(“Flamethrower”)

    The idea of Maybe is check whetehr the Container has value or not, if not return Maybe(null), if has then return Maybe(val).

    // Exercise 3
    // ==========
    // Use safeGet and _.head to find the first initial of the user

    var _ = R;
    var P = PointFree;
    var map = P.fmap;
    var compose = P.compose;
    var Maybe = P.Maybe;
    var Identity = P.Id;

    var safeGet = _.curry(function(x,o){ return Maybe(o[x]) }) var user = {id: 2, name: "Albert"} console.log("--------Start exercise 3--------") var ex3 = compose(map(_.head), safeGet('name')); assertDeepEqual(Maybe('A'), ex3(user)) console.log("exercise 3...ok!")

    So after the "safeGet('name')" run, it return "Maybe('Albert')";

    Then we use map(_.head): map--> get into the Maybe to check val; 

    _.head --> Get teh 'A' or 'Albert'.

    The good thing about this is if use 'safeGet('address')' which inside 'user' object doesn't provide, then we will get 'Maybe(null)':

    "Uncaught expected Maybe(A) to equal Maybe(null) (line 68)"
    // Exercise 4
    // ==========
    // Use Maybe to rewrite ex4 without an if statement
    console.log("--------Start exercise 4--------")

    var _ = R;
    var P = PointFree;
    var map = P.fmap;
    var compose = P.compose;
    var Maybe = P.Maybe;
    var Identity = P.Id;

    var ex4 = function(n) {
        return parseInt(n);
    var ex4 = compose(map(parseInt), Maybe)
    assertDeepEqual(Maybe(4), ex4("4"))
    console.log("exercise 4...ok!")

    So when the value comes into the ex4 which we wrote, first we will get "Maybe(4)";

    Because Maybe(4) is inside a Functor, then we need to call map() on it to get value;

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/5847818.html
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