We cover CSS keyframes and how to create them using TypeStyle. We then show how to use the keyframes function to create an animation. We also discuss a few other CSS properties in the animation
import {style, keyframes, classes} from 'typestyle'; import * as React from 'react'; import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; const fadeAnimationName = keyframes({ from: {opacity: 0}, to: {opacity: 1} }); const fadeAnimationClassName = style({ animationName: fadeAnimationName, animationDuration: '2s' }); const coloringAnimationName = keyframes({ '0%': {color: 'black'}, '50%': {color: 'pink'}, '100%': {color: 'red'} }); const fontColoringAnimationClassName = style({ fontSize: '20px', animationName: coloringAnimationName, animationDuration: '2s', animationIterationCount: 'infinite' }); const App = () => ( <div className={classes( fadeAnimationClassName, fontColoringAnimationClassName )}> Hello World! </div> ); ReactDOM.render( <App />, document.getElementById('root') );