#coding:utf-8 #创建简单的python列表 movies = ["The Holy Grail", "The Life of Brain", "The Meaning of Life"] #可以放在同一行,但分开会更易读 #和数组一样,列表的项从零开始 print movies[1] #>>>The Life of Brain print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 'The Life of Brain', 'The Meaning of Life'] print len(movies) #>>>3 #在列表尾部增加append(),或删除pop()数据项,还可以在末尾增加一个数据项集合extend() movies.pop() print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 'The Life of Brain'] movies.append("my movie") print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 'The Life of Brain', 'my movie'] movies.extend(["another movie_1","another movie_2"]) print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 'The Life of Brain', 'my movie', 'another movie_1', 'another movie_2'] #在列表中找到并删除一个特定项remove(),在某个特定项前插入一个数据项insert() movies.remove("my movie") print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 'The Life of Brain', 'another movie_1', 'another movie_2'] movies.insert(2,"insert movie")#第一个参数是位置,第二个是要插入的项 print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 'The Life of Brain', 'insert movie', 'another movie_1', 'another movie_2'] #向列表增加更多的数据 #现在我们要向每个电影名后面添加上电影的发行年份,年份是数字,python允许在列表中混合类型 movies = ["The Holy Grail", "The Life of Brain", "The Meaning of Life"] #初始化列表 #方案一:插入年份 movies.insert(1,1975) movies.insert(3,1979)#注意每插入一项列表长度扩大一 movies.append(1983) print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 1975, 'The Life of Brain', 1979, 'The Meaning of Life', 1983] movies = ["The Holy Grail", "The Life of Brain", "The Meaning of Life"] #初始化列表 #方案二:从头构造列表 movies = ["The Holy Grail",1975, "The Life of Brain",1979, "The Meaning of Life",1983] print movies #>>>['The Holy Grail', 1975, 'The Life of Brain', 1979, 'The Meaning of Life', 1983] '''对于小列表来说,第二种方法更好,比如现在,不必做复杂的运算''' #处理列表数据 #该使用迭代了,for循环可以适用于任意大小的列表 for each_flick in movies: print each_flick '''每个输出语句自动换行 >>> The Holy Grail 1975 The Life of Brain 1979 The Meaning of Life 1983 ''' ''' 字符串使用单引号和双引号均可 python大小写敏感 ''' #在列表中存储列表(列表的嵌套) movies = ['The Holy Grail', 1975, 'The Life of Brain', 1979, ["Graham Chapman",["Michael Palin","John Cleese","Terry Gilliam","Eric Idle"]]] #打印列表中的某一项 print movies[4][1][2] #>>>Terry Gilliam #打印嵌套列表中的每一项 for each_item in movies: print each_item '''>>> The Holy Grail 1975 The Life of Brain 1979 ['Graham Chapman', ['Michael Palin', 'John Cleese', 'Terry Gilliam', 'Eric Idle']] ''' #嵌套在内列表的下一层列表回原样打印,需要一种机制来发现列表中的某一项其实好似一个列表 #在列表中查找列表if…else #使用什么判断条件?python有一个内置BIF可用,是isinstance(),用于检查某个特定标识符是否含有某个特定类型的数据 name = ['Micheael','Terry'] a = isinstance(name,list) print a #>>>True num_name = len(name) a = isinstance(num_name,list) print a #>>>False #该函数的返回值为True或False #BIF有71多个,使用dir(__builtins__)查询python的内置方法表,具体查询使用help(某个BIF) #重写使得嵌套列表逐项打印 movies = ['The Holy Grail', 1975, 'The Life of Brain', 1979, ["Graham Chapman",["Michael Palin","John Cleese","Terry Gilliam","Eric Idle"]]] for item in movies: if isinstance(item,list): for item_2 in item: if isinstance(item_2,list): for i in item_2: print i else: print item_2 else: print item ''' >>> The Holy Grail 1975 The Life of Brain 1979 Graham Chapman Michael Palin John Cleese Terry Gilliam Eric Idle ''' #但是每增加一层嵌套,就要多写一层重复的代码来进行判断和打印 #不重复代码,应当创建一个函数 #函数需要反复调用,在函数代码组内调用自己 def print_lol(the_list): for item in the_list: if isinstance(item,list): print_lol(item) else: print item print_lol(movies) ''' >>> The Holy Grail 1975 The Life of Brain 1979 Graham Chapman Michael Palin John Cleese Terry Gilliam Eric Idle ''' #太棒了,递归不必改变任何代码就可以处理任意深度的嵌套列表 #第一章就到这里结束了=w=