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  • 练习题

    import random
    # 1.计算1~100以内所有能被3或者17整除的数的和
    # n = 0
    # for i in range(1,101):
    #     if i % 3 == 0 or i % 17 == 0:
    #         n += i
    # print(n)
    # 2.计算1~100以内能被7或者是3整除,但是不能同时被这两个数整除的数的个数
    # n = 0
    # for i in range(1,101):
    #     if (i % 7 == 0 or i % 3) == 0 and (i % 7 != 0 or i % 3 != 0):
    #         n += 1
    # print(n)
    # 3.计算200~500以内能被7整除但不是偶数的数的个数。
    # n = 0
    # for i in range(200,501):
    #     if (i % 7 == 0) and ( i % 2):
    #         n += 1
    # print(n)
    # 4.押宝游戏:
    # 开始游戏 -> 投入赌金【一次性投入】 ->
    # 循环  :押宝【5块钱一次】 -> 开奖  --》中奖/未中奖 --》用户输入是否继续 【当余额为0则自动退出游戏】
    # print("*****开始游戏*****")
    # money = 5000
    # while True:
    #     mun = random.randint(1, 10)
    #     InputD = input("请输入金额>>:")
    #     InpuT = InputD.isdigit()
    #     if InpuT == True:
    #         InputD = int(InputD)
    #         Input = input("请输入/大/小>>:")
    #         if InputD < money:
    #             if mun > 5:
    #                 if  Input == "大":
    #                     print("恭喜你中奖了!!!")
    #                     money += InputD
    #                 else:
    #                     print("你并没有中奖!!!")
    #                     money -= InputD
    #             else:
    #                 if  Input == "小":
    #                     print("恭喜你中奖了!!!")
    #                     money += InputD
    #                 else:
    #                     print("你并没有中奖!!!")
    #                     money -= InputD
    #             print("你的余额为 %d "%money)
    #             UserI = input("‘C’继续/任意键退出")
    #             if UserI == "C":
    #                 continue
    #             else:
    #                 break
    # 5。百钱买百鸡,现有100文钱,公鸡5文钱一只,母鸡3文钱一只,小鸡一文钱3只,要求:公鸡,母鸡,小鸡都要有,把100文钱花完,买的鸡是整数。多少只公鸡,多少只母鸡多少只小鸡?
    # for fat in range(100):
    #     for math in range(100):
    #         for min1 in range(100):
    #             if ((math * 3 ) + (min1 / 3 ) + (fat * 5) == 100) and (fat!=0 and math!=0 and min1!=0) and (fat+math+min1==100):
    #                 print("公鸡有 %d 只!母鸡有 %d 只!小鸡有 %d 只!"%(fat,math,min1))
    # Input = int(input("请输入一个数字>>:"))
    # for i in range(1,Input+1):
    #     for k in range(i,Input+1):
    #         if i == k and i%2!=0:
    #             print(("*"*i).rjust(10," "))
    # Input = int(input("请输入一个数字>>:"))
    # for i in range(1,Input+1):
    #         if i%2!=0:
    #             print(("*"*i).center(30," "))
    # nm = []
    # for n in range(1,Input+1):
    #     nm.append(n)
    # nm.sort(reverse=True)
    # for km in nm:
    #     km -= 1
    #     if km % 2 != 0 and nm[1] != km :
    #         print(("*" * km).center(30, " "))
    # InpuT1 = int(input("请输入一个开始的数字>>:"))
    # InpuT = int(input("请输入一个结束数字>>:"))
    # num = 0
    # for Input in range(100,InpuT+1):
    #     num1 = Input % 10
    #     num2 = Input // 10 % 10
    #     num3 = Input // 100
    #     if Input == pow(num1,3) + pow(num2,3) + pow(num3,3):
    #         num += 1
    #     else:
    #         pass
    # print(num)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ArtisticMonk/p/9052728.html
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