
创建JobManager时,会创建JobPoller的一个实例。JobPoller实现了Runnable接口,以此创建线程后 通过JobManager一直轮询是否有Job需要执行,如果有奖将其放入队列中。
1 public synchronized void run() { 2 try { 3 // wait 30 seconds before the first poll 4 java.lang.Thread.sleep(30000); 5 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 6 } 7 while (isRunning) { 8 try { 9 // grab a list of jobs to run. 10 List<Job> pollList = jm.poll(); 11 //Debug.logInfo("Received poll list from JobManager [" + pollList.size() + "]", module); 12 13 for (Job job : pollList) { 14 if (job.isValid()) { 15 queueNow(job); 16 //Debug.logInfo("Job [" + job.getJobId() + "] is queued", module); 17 } 18 } 19 // NOTE: using sleep instead of wait for stricter locking 20 java.lang.Thread.sleep(pollWaitTime()); 21 } catch (InterruptedException e) { 22 Debug.logError(e, module); 23 stop(); 24 } 25 } 26 } 27
1 public void queueNow(Job job) { 2 synchronized (run) { 6 run.add(job); 7 } 8 if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("New run queue size: " + run.size(), module); 9 if (run.size() > pool.size() && pool.size() < maxThreads()) { 10 synchronized (pool) { 11 if (run.size() > pool.size() && pool.size() < maxThreads()) { 12 int calcSize = (run.size() / jobsPerThread()) - (pool.size()); 13 int addSize = calcSize > maxThreads() ? maxThreads() : calcSize; 14 15 for (int i = 0; i < addSize; i++) { 16 JobInvoker iv = new JobInvoker(this, invokerWaitTime()); 17 pool.add(iv); 18 } 19 } 20 } 21 } 22 }
JobInvoker就是执行的线程,它从queue中取job并执行。JobInvoker线程不是一直运行下去,运行的时间长度超过一定的值(见 serviceengine.xml中ttl的值)线程就会停止并从pool中删除。JobInvoker的run方法中job.exec()执行具体的 任务。
1 public void exec() throws InvalidJobException { 2 init(); 3 4 // no transaction is necessary since runSync handles this 5 try { 6 // get the dispatcher and invoke the service via runSync -- will run all ECAs 7 LocalDispatcher dispatcher = dctx.getDispatcher(); 8 Map<String, Object> result = dispatcher.runSync(getServiceName(), getContext()); 9 10 // check for a failure 11 boolean isError = ModelService.RESPOND_ERROR.equals(result.get(ModelService.RESPONSE_MESSAGE)); 12 if (isError) { 13 String errorMessage = (String) result.get(ModelService.ERROR_MESSAGE); 14 this.failed(new Exception(errorMessage)); 15 } 16 17 if (requester != null) { 18 requester.receiveResult(result); 19 } 20 21 } catch (Throwable t) { 22 // pass the exception back to the requester. 23 if (requester != null) { 24 requester.receiveThrowable(t); 25 } 26 27 // call the failed method 28 this.failed(t); 29 } 30 31 // call the finish method 32 this.finish(); 33 } 34
在执行service执行,有一个init方法,在PersistedServiceJob类中init方法主要是生成下一个执行的任务,如果有的话。也 即是说每一个job是由当时执行的这个job生成的,根据是什么呢?主要是两个变量:tempExprId和 maxRecurrenceCount,init方法中:
1 TemporalExpression expr = null; 2 …… 3 4 if (expr == null && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(job.getString("tempExprId"))) { 5 try { 6 expr = TemporalExpressionWorker.getTemporalExpression(this.delegator, job.getString("tempExprId")); 7 } catch (GenericEntityException e) { 8 throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); 9 } 10 } 11
TemporalExpressionWorker里面有一个makeTemporalExpression方法很重要,从这个方法可以知道怎么配置 TemporalExpression实体数据了,当然要结合TemporalExpressions类,里面定义了各种配置的细节。
DateRange DayInMonth DayOfMonthRange DayOfWeekRange Difference Frequency Intersection MonthRange TimeOfDayRange Union
比如如果希望服务只执行一次,可以如下配置: <TemporalExpression tempExprId="RUNONCE" tempExprTypeId="FREQUENCY" integer1="1" integer2="1"/> <JobSandbox jobId="CurrencyRateSynAll" jobName="Currency Rate SynAll" runTime="2010-02-26 09:38:00.000" serviceName="currencyRateSynAll" poolId="pool" runAsUser="system" tempExprId="RUNONCE" maxRecurrenceCount="0"/>
maxRecurrenceCount="0" 表示,不重复。tempExprTypeId="FREQUENCY" integer1="1" integer2="1"表示一年执行一次。所以总共执行一次就结束了。
<TemporalExpression tempExprId="MIDNIGHT_DAILY" tempExprTypeId="TIME_OF_DAY_RANGE" string1="20:00:00" string2="20:00:00"/> <JobSandbox jobId="MailNotification" jobName="Mail Notification Job" runTime="2010-02-25 18:00:00.000" serviceName="mailNotificantion" poolId="pool" runAsUser="system" tempExprId="MIDNIGHT_DAILY" maxRecurrenceCount="-1"/>
maxRecurrenceCount="-1"表示无限循环下去。tempExprId="MIDNIGHT_DAILY" tempExprTypeId="TIME_OF_DAY_RANGE" string1="20:00:00" string2="20:00:00"/>表示每天晚上八点执行。
<TemporalExpression tempExprId="ONCEINMONTH" tempExprTypeId="FREQUENCY" date1="2010-02-26 11:05:00.000" integer1="2" integer2="1"/> <JobSandbox jobId="CurrencyRateSyn" jobName="Currency Rate Syn" runTime="2010-02-26 11:05:00.000" serviceName="currencyRateSyn" poolId="pool" runAsUser="system" tempExprId="ONCEINMONTH" maxRecurrenceCount="-1"/>
tempExprTypeId="FREQUENCY" date1="2010-02-26 11:05:00.000" integer1="2" integer2="1"表示每月一次,时间就是date1定义的时间,如果没用定义date1,那么就是当前时间。
仅供个人收藏 转载自:http://www.blogjava.net/persister/archive/2010/02/26/313974.html