PHP Exception
Deom 1
<?php class Conf { private $file; private $xml; private $lastmatch; function __construct( $file ) { $this->file = $file; if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { throw new Exception( "file '$file' does not exist" ); } $this->xml = simplexml_load_file($file); } function write() { if ( ! is_writeable( $this->file ) ) { throw new Exception("file '{$this->file}' is not writeable"); } file_put_contents( $this->file, $this->xml->asXML() ); } function get( $str ) { $matches = $this->xml->xpath("/conf/item[@name=\"$str\"]"); if ( count( $matches ) ) { $this->lastmatch = $matches[0]; return (string)$matches[0]; } return null; } function set( $key, $value ) { if ( ! is_null( $this->get( $key ) ) ) { $this->lastmatch[0]=$value; return; } $conf = $this->xml->conf; $this->xml->addChild('item', $value)->addAttribute( 'name', $key ); } } try { //$conf = new Conf( dirname(__FILE__)."/conf01.xml" ); //$conf = new Conf( dirname(__FILE__)."/conf.unwriteable.xml" ); $conf = new Conf( "nonexistent/not_there.xml" ); print "user: ".$conf->get('user')."\n"; print "host: ".$conf->get('host')."\n"; $conf->set("pass", "newpass"); $conf->write(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { die( $e->__toString() ); } ?>
Deom 2
<?php class XmlException extends Exception { private $error; function __construct( LibXmlError $error ) { $shortfile = basename( $error->file ); print_r( $error ); $msg = "[{$shortfile}, line {$error->line}, col {$error->column}] {$error->message}"; $this->error = $error; parent::__construct( $msg, $error->code ); } function getLibXmlError() { return $this->error; } } class FileException extends Exception { } class ConfException extends Exception { } class Conf { private $file; private $xml; private $lastmatch; function __construct( $file ) { $this->file = $file; if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { throw new FileException( "file '$file' does not exist" ); } $this->xml = simplexml_load_file($file, null, LIBXML_NOERROR ); if ( ! is_object( $this->xml ) ) { throw new XmlException( libxml_get_last_error() ); } $matches = $this->xml->xpath("/conf"); if ( ! count( $matches ) ) { throw new ConfException( "could not find root element: conf" ); } } function write() { if ( ! is_writeable( $this->file ) ) { throw new Exception("file '{$this->file}' is not writeable"); } file_put_contents( $this->file, $this->xml->asXML() ); } function get( $str ) { $matches = $this->xml->xpath("/conf/item[@name=\"$str\"]"); if ( count( $matches ) ) { $this->lastmatch = $matches[0]; return (string)$matches[0]; } return null; } function set( $key, $value ) { if ( ! is_null( $this->get( $key ) ) ) { $this->lastmatch[0]=$value; return; } $conf = $this->xml->conf; $this->xml->addChild('item', $value)->addAttribute( 'name', $key ); } } class Runner { static function init() { try { $conf = new Conf( dirname(__FILE__)."/conf.broken.xml" ); print "user: ".$conf->get('user')."\n"; print "host: ".$conf->get('host')."\n"; $conf->set("pass", "newpass"); $conf->write(); } catch ( FileException $e ) { // permissions issue or non-existent file throw $e; } catch ( XmlException $e ) { // broken xml } catch ( ConfException $e ) { // wrong kind of XML file } catch ( Exception $e ) { // backstop: should not be called } } } Runner::init(); ?>