Which of the following is a benefit of ASM fast disk resync?
A. Failed disks are taken offline immediately but are not dropped.
B. Disk data is never lost.
C. By default, the failed disk is not dropped from the disk group ever, protecting you from loss of that disk.
D. The failed disk is automatically reformatted and then resynchronized to speed up the recovery process.
E. Hot spare disks are automatically configured and added to the disk group.
When a disk fails,it is taken offline immediately but it is not dropped at that time.By default, you will have 3.6 hours to correct the problem before ASM will automatically drop the disk.You can configure this time by modifying the disk attributes.
ASM 快速镜像重新同步可以显著减少重新同步临时故障磁盘所需的时间。如果某个磁盘因临时故障而脱机,ASM 将跟踪在中断期间发生修改的区。临时故障被修复后,ASM 可以快速地仅重新同步在中断期间受影响的 ASM 磁盘区。
此功能假设受影响的 ASM 磁盘的内容未被破坏或修改。
某个 ASM 磁盘路径出现故障时,如果已设置了相应磁盘组的 DISK_REPAIR_TIME 属性,则 ASM 磁盘会脱机,但不会被删除。此属性的设置确定了 ASM 可容忍的磁盘中断持续时间;如果中断在此时间范围内,则修复完成后仍可重新同步。注:跟踪机制对每个修改的分配单元使用 1 位。这样可确保跟踪机制非常高效。