题意:n个灯泡,第一轮全部打开;第二轮每隔2k(k=0,1,...n)个(偶数2,4,6,8.....)关闭;第三轮3k(3,6,9,12,....)个打开;... 以此类推
class Solution { public: int bulbSwitch(int n) { return sqrt(n); } };
题意:两个32位的有符号整数,取值范围为[−231, 231 − 1]。求被除数(dividend)和除数(divisor)相除得到的整数的值。不能使用除法,乘法和求余操作。
思路:使用移位运算(左移一位相当于 乘2)将divisor逐一乘2来逼近dividend。
Suppose dividend = 15
and divisor = 3
, 15 - 3 > 0
. We now try to subtract more by shifting 3
to the left by 1
bit (6
). Since 15 - 6 > 0
, shift 6
again to 12
. Now 15 - 12 > 0
, shift 12
again to 24
, which is larger than 15
. So we can at most subtract 12
from 15
. Since 12
is obtained by shifting 3
to left twice, it is 1 << 2 = 4
times of 3
. We add 4
to an answer variable (initialized to be 0
). The above process is like 15 = 3 * 4 + 3
. We now get part of the quotient (4
), with a remaining dividend 3
Then we repeat the above process by subtracting divisor = 3
from the remaining dividend = 3
and obtain 0
. We are done. In this case, no shift happens. We simply add 1 << 0 = 1
to the answer variable.
特殊情况:dividend = INT_MIN
and divisor = -1, 即当被除数是−231 ,除数是-1时,得到的结果为231,超出了int的范围,此时应返回INT_MAX。
1)labs(long n) //回长整型参数n的绝对值
2)条件 ?a : b // 若条件为真,结果为a, 为假,结果为b
参与运算的两个值,如果两个相应位相同,则结果为0,否则为1。即:0^0=0, 1^0=1, 0^1=1, 1^1=0
class Solution { public: int divide(int dividend, int divisor) { if(dividend==INT_MIN && divisor==-1) return INT_MAX; else{ long m = labs(dividend), n = labs(divisor), res = 0; int sign = (dividend < 0)^(divisor<0)? -1:1 ; if(n==1) return sign ==1 ? m:-m; while(m>=n){ long t = n, p = 1; while(m>= (t<<1)){ t <<= 1; p <<= 1; } res += p; m -= t; } return sign==1? res: -res; } } };